Any other jewish anons hate niggers?

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all jews secretly hate niggers

any other nigger anons hate jews?

timestamp your kike hat

everybody hates niggers

Didn't Israel sterilize all black jews for eugenic reasons?

Obviously, just like the Goyim in general

goyim are beasts of burden
niggers are outdated farm equipment

I agree with the kikes on that one.

I was in Israel a year or two ago and Israelis fucking hate niggers.

South Tel Aviv has a nignog problem. The area around the bus station is riddled with Somalis and Ethiopians. Literally a part of the city where every person is a nog.

Every kike taxi drive I had would say, "Look at all these black bastards" when we drove through South Tel Aviv. I found it funny AF.

t. not even a kike myself

yeah most Israelis are openly racist as fuck

this unironically, thats why they shove them into our societies

as far as I understand destroying white societies is mostly out of fear over another holocaust, something niggers just aren't capable of doing

>"Jews" hating on the real hebrews

Show damaged frontal lobe or GTFO

We Wuz Nukes N Shiiiet

I hate that they cause a moral dilemma. They're not human intellectually speaking, yet they have traits of human emotion. Wish they never existed.

I know for a fact babscast browses pol. still waiting for u on Fulton my guy

I had jewish friends. Confirmed.

Don’t use such degrading language, but yes, Shlomo is a universal menace

the jews hate anything that's not jewish. but yes, they secretely are more racist than eurooeans. one thing i don't yet understand is how much do the gooks scare them, whether more or less than europeans.