Do Hispanics realise how pathetic they are

Imgaine being a rape baby race. Yet you still deep throat the conquers who made your disgusting race.

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What do you mean you fucking paki?

They would rather identify with the Spaniards than the Indios because they are better but they are NOTHING like the Spaniards at all.

that is not a hispanic, that is a mestizo.

They are not rape babies. The Indian woman willingly married the Conquistadors. Blacks are the rape babies

u mad ? tea boy

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>NOTHING like the Spaniards
They're both Christcucks, dumb faggot. I just hate all West Eurasians now. I hate Northern Euros, Southern Euros, Americunts, Arabs, Persians/Iranians, Turks, Jews, and etc. You are all the same shit, following Abrahamic filth. I wish you could ALL die violently along with your Jew myths you all believe.

A lot of Hispanics in the USA are very fucking different like a Mexican in Mexico, believe me ;)

We in Mexico really hate people like him

same can be said about your country and muslims, you deep throat the invaders that didnt even contribute to making your race, you tea drinking toothless faggot. we embrace both cultures that made our race, unlike niggers we let go of the past, many hispanics dont give a shit that one of their ancestors fucked the other over, its over nothing we can do about it.

uh huh

we see you all like him

Classic spic behavior.

I fucking hate them so much.

Kind've the wrong flag to complain about rape babies.
Especially since being a nation of rape babies drastically improved the lot of the Brits and the South Americans.
Viking chads are the only reason the entirety of the isles isn't as inbred as the welsh at the very least.
If you need to complain about rape babies, at least bring up examples where the national cucking wasn't actually an upgrade. Like when Greece was overrun by shitskins, for example.

Yet white people have lost California, Texas, Florida and even inland states like Virginia to them.

Spics must be doing something right.

Hispanics are the poor mutts. They are the 100% 56%. They are the higher caste of la creatura

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they are probably more white than indian, so maybe their ancestors are the ones who raped the indians

And directly below them on that scale; Northern Italians.
It's like nobody knows basic history here.

I've grew up around Mexicans my entire life, they're solid people. We must make sure the corporate prostitutes and their Jewish leaders are thrown out of office. Everyone is looking at immigration thru a racial lens when the real goal is to drive down wages.

Remember guys, immigration is being used to drive down wages, and if they succeed in turning our country into a giant sweatshop that's when things descend into chaos.

Right now Bernie and Tulsi are the only two politicians not owned by corporate donors.

you have to go back

is it really rape if the one conquering were superior in every way and the women wanted them though?

wouldn't that apply to britbongs and your german royalty too?

they gave you those infamous shit teeth and then bombed London, mate

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Found the Jew

Ever notice how whenever someone posts a pic of an RL mutt its always just some fucking random Hispanic person. They are a mutt looking and ugly ass race.

Jesus the amount of spics rape babies here.

It's always the same say things like a goblin horde sent to do one thing.

>We hisssspanic are Catholic accept us please so that we can multiple like in controlled rats
>Wait wait wait gringo breed our women we have no shame or pride about our rape baby race
>Wait wait unlike niggers something something.

Uck cringe

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Mestizos are Hispanic

What part of Mexico are you from, brother

ok whatever you say, Khan

remember to browse porn in incognito mode

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Mexican behavior just to clarify.


Dominicans are Africans.

Hola hijo


meh, im a white dude that happens to speak spanish , a hispanic ,that guy is a mestizo

Maybe, It's probably why they flee their own country and try to get to the US. But FUCK OFF, WE'RE FULL.

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>mexican behavior
>some american pocho vs american white trash
Fights in Mexico are very different from your webm.

Ahhhh another spic shill with the same text

>We hisssspanic are something something great compared niggers let's us in gringo...

Despite being almost capable of functioning in a civilized society, we lack a certain self awareness that could temper the more iffy behaviors
We could at least stop having a minimum of five kids when the average mexican-american/illegal couple can afford maybe half of one

You know I don't mean places like agentina Chile urguary etc where they are actually whites you know exactly what I mean

>Muhammad the rape baby complains about hispanics from another continent being rape babies
Both of you are subhumans, get off your high horse sandnigger. Not only that but you sandniggers are also the most inbred race in the entire world. You sandniggers absolutely conquering europe while european cucks accept it doesn’t change the fact that you sandniggers are the most inbred rapebabies of all time.

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>Weeeee hisssspanicsss

Fuck off same horde dialogue it's so predictable I can predict from a mile away

The majority of hispanics are all entirely indigenous without any european rape blood, hence their appearance of a “short brown goblin” which is a depiction of a native american. The only hispanic rapebabies are the whiter and more european looking/whiter behaving hispanics that stated in latin america and that have more european white blood from the Spaniard conquests.

Spics suck. They have already ruined the country

Why, I thought he was a drunk irishman at first. Just pissed because he reminds you of home?

Based and brownpilled

Spanish Empire actually protected and nurtured white peoples while the British divided and conquered them. Screw your shit , spics are way above you Britfag.

Wrong. Pic related is what someone "entirely indigenous without any european rape blood" looks like. Most Hispanics in Latin America are, in fact, a mix of Native and and Spanish European blood (Mestizo). The whiter looking ones you describe are likely Castizo (mostly European with a little indigenous), or even fully European. There are many whites in different Latin American countries that never interbred with the natives. Some areas are completely white European-descent

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this picture embodies what i hate the most about the spics, so much pride and loyalty for nations that only exist because of European colonists. their cities were given to them, their name was given to them, the colors on their flag were given to them by Europeans. the language they speak is European. yet if you say this they become incredibly hostile, and call you a racist etc. they have the fucking nerve to say that white americans have no culture.

Would've been killed day 0 if he lived by this side of the border
I fucking hate chicanos so damn much

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Its almost like an instinctive defense mechanism. When I see them I don't feel safe.

As a Mexican this disgusts me. We are becoming the new niggers.

You're right. Hispanics are basically mutts. The best thing for Mexico to do is to preserve their current mixed identity as much as possible and hold on to the culture that they developed for themselves.
It truly is the only thing we got.

Fellow spic here

No, you're not fucking different. The only thing that distinguishes a Hispanic from a Mexican is the fact that nigger culture has basically influenced the Hispanics taste in clothing( fucking child and shit, the Mexican version of a wigger,shameful).

You still have the same violent(though no match for black violence lol) roach breeding traits in both. I should know, I have like 20 uncle's that I don't even know, and that's just my father's side of the family!

Might I also add that Mexicans are FAR WORSE in Mexico than those in America, Again, I should know since I'm also partly from Mexico.
I have many relatives that have been kidnapped there over the years.
Guess how many of my American relatives have been kidnapped??
I saw my grandmother's neighborhood( which is the closest thing I could call home in that shithole country) turn to shit.
When I was a child it was a vibrant place at nights with teens walking up and down the streets. Vendors everywhere, my favorite was this lady that sold these badass burgers.
Only trucks go up and down now, and guess who they are?
Fucking fuck cartels and their stupid violent shit now I can't eat my childhood burgers no more!

We have a lot to lament as nexus.
We need change. We need ideas that will boost our national morale.

Invading America brings NOTHING. The American dream is a consumerist Jewry lie.

We need to stop idolizing money and consumerism.
And a strong fascist dictator that could drive all these good for nothing corrupt politicians that keep promising empty lies and only care about the money.

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you will be allowed in the Canadian ethnostate fren

it's a comedy video. That's Creeper the Cholo.