Assange Faces Time in ‘Britain’s Guantanamo’ After Years in Embassy

Without consistent internet access, medical attention or the ability to go outside, Julian Assange complained that his almost seven-year stay in the Ecuadorian embassy in London was uncomfortable. The WikiLeaks founder’s living conditions may now be a lot worse.

After a London court processed Assange, he headed to Belmarsh Prison, according to his friend Vaughan Smith, who was one of the last people to visit the Australian in his room at the embassy before his arrest Thursday.

Once referred to as Britain’s Guantanamo Bay, Belmarsh, in southeast London, has held high-profile inmates such as Abu Qatada, once described by a Spanish judge as al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe, and four men who attempted a suicide attack on London’s public-transport system. The location may be an indication of the British authorities’ strict approach to the 47-year-old’s detention while he fights extradition to the U.S. over disclosure of government secrets.

Time away from the cell is limited. Almost half of prisoners said they usually spend less than two hours out of their cells in a typical week, according to the inspector’s report.

If Assange is kept in the high-security unit, things may be tougher. The inspector’s report described the conditions as “extremely claustrophobic,” and access to the gym and library is more restricted.

In November 2009, an inspection report from Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Prisons criticised the "extremely high" amount of force used to control inmates at the prison.

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He should have fucking ran when he had the chance.

What was he hoping would change while he was in the embassy?

I don't think he's in any danger considering what wikileaks exposed in Iraq. He might even be liked by the general population.

>Once referred to as Britain’s Guantanamo Bay
LOL, just meaningless word salad as fucking usual from the (((media)))

I'm curious to see if he ends up in the US, he's totally even more fucked if he stays in the UK.

this gchq shills work fast while pakis rape their daughters, the uk it's such a joke country
basically a non-country nowadays, might as well remain in the eu if you wanna be brussels 2.0

>fucking bragging about a political refugee being sent to prison
Gott strafe england.

The building has been under constant surveillance since he set foot inside. I don't think running was an option. He shouldn't have been in a 5 eyes country at all doing what he was doing.

I'm sure hell just rape a female prison guard then smear shit on the walls and you faggot incels and your Boomer grandmother's whose basement you live in will just call him a hero again like always

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>He shouldn't have been in a 5 eyes country at all doing what he was doing.
yeah this.
should've bailed to Russia with Snowden the second he heard his name in Hillary Clinton's mouth.

>living in that
>for 7 years
>not going insane
Gott strafe America too.

those claims about assange's behavior are made by lenin moreno, assange's lawyers denied he did any of that

This type of shit makes me understand why someone would fly a plane into a building.

t. cia nigger

Soft plush living conditions with access to medical, dental,,gardens, his attorney's etc. It's ;located in the rolling countryside on the Thames. It's a "prison" where he will have no anxiety, have no fear he can do this standing on his head.

>Snowden literally exposes ZOG
>(((Q)))user supporters are told by their Jewish hero that Snowden is CIA

>it's a prison where he'll have no anxiety
Kill yourself

>is literally NSA

It's a prison specifically for terrorists, rapists and murderers

I told you the U.K will never give up Assange. They EU engaged in acts of war against the united states using spies, and one of our own political parties in an effort to coup a sitting U.S president.

Unless they want to go to war with America, they will never release Assange, and especially not back to america.

5 eyes.
it's like 5 guys except journalists are the burgers.

Your country is involved in this too. If I were president, I would sink your pathetic island into the ocean for what it has done. An I don't even like that orange faggot.

based mexican

fucking try us ya yank cunt.
you're no emu.

Post yfw assange is being kept safe from the clintons

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You're right, but why does your flag look like an Italian flag that someones wiped their arse with?

lol, he is being held to enable his extradition. he's coming your way very soon

>mfw clintons being kept safe from assange

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No, the goal here is to get Assange into the US ASAP so he can testify against the deep state. UK is gonna try it's best to keep Assange out of Trump's hands because we're just puppets. Hilarious watching Podesta brag on Twitter about Assange's living conditions in prison though. Trump's play is obvious as fuck yet the inbred mongoloid seems completely clueless. Must be the adrenochrome rotting the brain.



Okay cream puff. This "prison" will in no way resemble Antavilai. It's a Brit humanitarian site filled with thoughtful little privileges unheard of in another time.

>the EU worked against a sitting president
T. Trumpnigger
Trump is now and always has been a Pawn of the Jews and the 2016 Elections were theater

Americans are fat, overweight, low IQ mongrels of the White race as a whole. A small percentage of them (me) is actually pure Nordic stock

>the absolute magnitude of this fat mutt is cope.

lol as if. Every American is literally 56% white and 100% Fatdonalds grease

>his almost seven-year stay in the Ecuadorian embassy

Dumb fuck Assange would only have done 5 years in the US. Now he gets 7 years incarceration in the embassy, 1 year for jumping bail, and maybe 5 years in the US. That's 13 years for a 5 year sentence. What a retard.

This is false, the US has already stated more charges will be imposed, so 5 years is the minimum.