Work gives people's lives meaning

>work gives people's lives meaning

why do people keep peddling this boomer myth?
boomers might need work to give their lives meaning but i don't think millennials and zoomers do. they have video games that give their lives meaning.

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>work goyim
>someone has to pay for tyrone's lifestyle

Who is going to make the video games though? Must work.

>Who is going to make the video games though?
the slaves

And we get back to the zoomers and millenials

they do it because of the paycheck not because it gives their life meaning and purpose
most people if given the choice would skip the work and just take the paycheck(which wouldn't be the case if work provided them with meaning)

>why do people keep peddling this boomer myth?
because humans have been genetically bred to believe lies even if they contradict reality

virtually every civilization and group of people had some "religion" to believe in

personally, i can't think of one "career" that would give my life meaning. that's something i get outside of work. i'm a programmer, and actually i used to like programming until i started doing it as a job. somehow, that very quickly made me hate the activity

Spotted a zoomer without interests.
> but muh vidya!
Not a hobby. Deal with it, sweetie.

people who work tend to have no hobbies outside of work. They come home and just watch tv. that's all they do

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I actually really enjoy my job, it's pretty fuckin fun.

you don't represent most people. 85% of the world's population hate their jobs(which means jobs aren't providing people's lives with meaning)

i making a video game atm, is it giving my life meaning, yes also hopefully money as well

how does he afford such a comfy room

wish I was japanese bros...

>work gives people's lives meaning
if you're a creative, I don't see the problem. Most aren't though.

I think working is good for you (mentally), but in moderate amounts, certainly not 8+ hours a day, maybe 4-5 hours per day, 2 in the morning a 2-3 in the evening. More is just kike shit.

truth. I really don't understand the appeal of wage-slavery, maybe that's just me.
self-made, self-paid is the only way. no time to watch TV or do useless "hobbies"

by the way, a lot of people were programmed to work. When they aren't working they don't know what to do and feel like shit. I know some people like that, they dread having more than 1 off day.

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Work is rewarding when you live in a society worth contributing to and helping. Boomers don't understand how good they had it when they grew up and don't understand how badly they fucked over this country. We no long have any sense of community or shared bonds. For the average person now, there is no greater purpose in working beyond not being homeless and starving.

work would provide a bit more meaning if it were done in an arms plant making munitions to exterminate kikes

It gets you money dumbass

Not all work provides purpose and dignity, but having something to get out of bed for each day is important.

Inb4 a bunch of amerigoys brag about how much they love working unpaid overtime to please their masters. Dumb mutts love work so they have something to talk about in their vapid lives.

there is also this:
when your job consists of pure bs created to make profit for mr shekelstein, instead of working for your community or family, then it won't feel rewarding.

there's also the element of autonomy, where you have no control over what you're doing, and you're just producing random shit for random people.

I don't see the solution in this globalized world though. It seems like it's a side consequence of industrialized societies with too many people. There's no way of organizing work without having most people doing dumb shit all day.


The statement is still true even if your life meaning is derived from video games. "work gives people's lives meaning", only in your case it's other people's work, specifically your parents. Try not being a leech and see how much meaning your life will have without work.


Unless you're playing nothing but walking simulators, video games require work to git gud. And that work is what gives video games their value. So you're wrong in that regard as well.

Let me guess, nobody wants to hire OP since the job market for low skill mediocre gamers living in mom’s basement isn’t large?

Wrong. OP doesn't apply for jobs because he gets autism bux.

Imagine if everyone was like you? Society would crumble if everyone stopped working so stop being lazy and learn a skill that pays well.

"Without question, the material world and your everyday needs distract you from living meaningfully." Party on dudes!

>why do people keep peddling this boomer myth?
Because it keeps people from sitting around and joining gangs or starting revolutions.

You're right.

Here's a question: why would you assume OP cares that society would crumble?

I don't know I was a real problem child until I started work on a farm 2 years ago. I was 16 then. I used to play video games but I never felt content like I do after a good days sweat. Now that's my military life that does it but it could just be me.

>Lucky Strikes
My hero!

>only in your case it's other people's work, specifically your parents. Try not being a leech and see how much meaning your life will have without work.

it's the money from work that gives your life meaning, not the work itself

most of the unemployed people who are unhappy are not unhappy because of lack of employment. they are unhappy because they have no money and feel like they are leeching off of someone. if they had money and financial independence, they would not have that feeling.

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>Imagine if everyone was like you? Society would crumble if everyone stopped working so stop being lazy and learn a skill that pays well.

i am not advocating that people stop working. i am saying that people should stop pretending that work provides meaning. it doesn't.

Work does give life meaning. Work so you can financially provide for your family. Work out so you can attract the best mate possible. Work to fulfill your potential instead of wasting it in a video game realm. Grow up.

bunch of fake ass mariah careys

> Work so you can financially provide for your family

again, that's the money that provides the meaning, not the actual work

Because sucking cock for 'pizza' $ is how I tell boomers to fuck themselves....but I never take in the ass, cause i'm genius level

If you think video games "give meaning" then you are still fairly young and haven't played enough of them to find out otherwise yet. It only gets harder and harder to use them as a means of disassociating from reality. You will find that your standards for what constitutes a "game worth playing" go up and up faster than gameplay mechanics get better.

It's also a childish strawman to say that boomers argue that all work gives life meaning. Living a "meaningful life" is something very complex and can differ from person to person as to what that entails.

when i say it's a boomer myth, it characterizes the boomer mentality. i am not saying all boomers, but you make an argument that it's most boomers.
boomers tend to have this glorification of work mentality that they try to force on the younger generations. the ironic thing is that younger generations work harder than boomer ever had to.

but you can make*

>Money gives life meaning
Do mutts actually believe this?
Idly floating through life is an absolutely horrible thing to experience, even if you got all the money you wanted.

Your life is only given meaning when you can express yourself though achieving something substantial.
For many people, it's work. Maybe they make their passion into a career and hone their craft, maybe they inherit a family trade and be a torchbearer of a tradition.
If you just lounge around doing absolutely fuck all but play games and jack off to anime tiddies, you'll always remain unhappy. Although it's possible to distract yourself enough to never realize it, but you run the risk of one day becoming self-aware of how worthless your life is.

Sometimes I pity mutts for living in such a superficial and hollow culture.

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>If you think video games "give meaning" then you are still fairly young

this is called boomer gaslighting.

when you question their bullshit, they'll resort to adhominems about your age

The money is only a necessity, the responsibility of work is what gives meaning. This applies to every kind of work, not just the 9-5 job. Having children, creating something, practicing something all requires work. So if you do not engage in work and only have others work for you you're shifting responsibility away from yourself and depriving your life of meaning.
If the unemployed were given free money to do as they wish, they'd still have to do work to fulfill themselves.

>responsibility of work

what does that mean?

sounds like nonsense to me

If you want to achieve something you have a duty to fulfill to get to that point. That is a responsibility to put in the work.
If you're raising a child you have a clear responsibility to work. If you're playing a video game, and you want to succeed in it, assuming it isn't void of challenge, to succeed you have a responsibility to put in the work. You delegate the responsibility and fulfill it, and that gives the task meaning. Without that responsibility, your life is nothing but drifting from one spoon to another.