Gonna keep making the thread you dumb faggot janny niggers and you CANT stop me

Gonna keep making the thread you dumb faggot janny niggers and you CANT stop me.

What did user mean by this?

Attached: 1555197445975m.jpg (473x1024, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1555198814084.jpg (498x1024, 28K)

Attached: 1555198837228.jpg (498x1024, 40K)

>thread has been deleted

Attached: download.jpg (600x603, 46K)

He did put this. Strange though as him portraying an old fag would realise the internet is not so forgiving

Attached: newfags.png (696x93, 7K)

Hello Mossad

not everything is mossad you fucking schizo

So it’s a larp, whata fag, got my hopes up for nothing

It can't be him. Whoever posted that pretty much killed their own career if not risk getting arrested for making threats online without Jow Forums even doing anything.

So it's either legit or a rare example of a really really really really retarded person

Jew confirmed.

>It can't be him
Look at the IDs.

Yeah just posting that is real dodgy.

oof nvm
perhaps he's trying to avoid air authorities? They might shoot him down or lock controls

Attached: 1552531778304.jpg (360x394, 135K)

Surely we would have heard something by now?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

lol who describes a mosque or other place of worship as "busy".

>Business good today, Bishop?
>So-so, it picks up in the afternoon.

maybe he meant this place?


Attached: 1280px-Ahmadiyya_Mosque_05a.jpg (1280x969, 157K)

OP should be heading for Alberta if not already there

Plane should be easy to pick out on that specific airline


This is what mosadd would say

He ment hes going to kamikaxa that shiz

Kek !

Attached: 1553106267509m.jpg (684x1024, 155K)

Could it be this?

It has an unnatural flight pattern


Attached: 30566808.png (1630x739, 1.93M)

I'm confused the guys in a cockpit saying he is going to crash into a mosque

Then says it's a larp as one of the anons point's out the dashboard showing northbound

Bit fucking stupid Canacuck

either a larp or maybe something is going down either way he's in hot water

Attached: downloadfile.jpg (600x400, 60K)

Hes going to get fucked in his ass by police, retard lost his high paying job etc

You brainlet hes in a CRJ

Attached: 0202432-v40-10.jpg (770x476, 85K)

the Canadian Rockies fuck up a bunch of nav equipment, this is not really weird. Fucking ocean of mountains over there.

oof my mistake

Attached: canadian madman.jpg (136x122, 5K)

No. He's flying a CRJ, which doesn't mean it's a Canadian airline. Most airlines have them, they make good puddle jumpers.

What is he in then plane fag ?

I have always liked flying in CRJs. Not sure why. They are comfy

You plane guys are weird but you're not wrong.

Attached: crj.jpg (800x668, 69K)

oh shit lol


Attached: 1541715394310.jpg (183x275, 16K)

How destructive would one be if it crashes into something? Is the pilot cabin lockable?

The yoke literally says Canadair Regional Jet...

so we know the type of plane but OP could've already crashed it so it wont appear on the tracker. Question is did he hit something or not?

20 tons of metal and jet fuel traveling at 300 miles per hour. Gee I dunno.

As a non-plane guy that means nothing to me.

lazy fucker can't even hook up a live stream

No white paint marker writing on dash. Hes a larping faggot

Attached: OC.jpg (874x1280, 123K)

>Los Angeles 1986 plane crash
Probably something like this, but smaller splash

Attached: NEWS_160839973_AR_0_TGJMGYCOMBSQ[1].jpg (2972x1908, 2.78M)

>no livestream
gay af

a fucking leaf!
nothing happened.

Could it be this?

>aircraft type : Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-900
>from US to CANADA


Attached: sdsd.jpg (1317x567, 192K)

It also seems to heading for Alberta where the big mosque is just as the OP hinted with "busy"

in fact OP could be an American because who would actually have the balls?

would it be hard to aim?

CRJ 700, I think. Heading North and slightly east. Posted 04/13/2019 @ 11:40pm (UTC)
This might help some of you sleuths who want to put the time in to find him.

Attached: crj.png (739x572, 404K)

reported that thread lol, hope the leaf OP gets fucked in the ass in prison

a little while longer if i am correct

OP could've made the thread just as they went over the border and into Canada

Attached: 28 minutes.jpg (296x278, 28K)

What scares me most about this is the thought that one day I will be on a plane and the pilot might be shitposting on Jow Forums


cockpit is the same

Attached: bombardier-crj900-cockpit-flight-deck.jpg (1038x772, 371K)

is the 900 cockpit similar to 700?

OP's post had the canadian flag and it's been a while since he posted
the trajectory of the plane you shown shows it just entered Canada
that means OP would be in the u.s. when he posted, therefore his post would have the american flag, which it doesn't.

You cant sting the Skyking.

This would be funnier if it was a flight simulator setup.

Fake and gay, who would’ve guessed it


So did we get him? I think we got him

case closed

Attached: 7a360549232bd64914e5e3550c5bde5c.jpg (500x667, 52K)

oh darn

Maybe the fucking leaf was serious and it's a legit habbening, but consider this... He's a fucking leaf!

OP you are real dumb. For real.

>He's a fucking leaf!
It could be an American pilot but that's a hunch

Is it anything different than saying a busy street?
>how's business, 5th avenue?
>so-so, it picks up in the afternoon
Dumb mick.

Yes, instrument panel is identical.

Not once was there an east heading in this flight path. Unless he veered off course to throw off our scent, and wasn't captured by flight tracker.

anyone know what gogo inflight/others have as far as flag posting to Jow Forums? Is it based on the country of origin rather than physical location?

wait is it possible to calculate when that plane entered Canada via speed/fuel etc? or is plane GPS alway pin point accurate when estimating stuff?

Because of poor spelling?
He's pretty white for a mutt.
The hand is significantly smaller than for a mutt.

Where's the live stream?!?!

Attached: image.jpg (556x555, 69K)

this mosque is very big is in Alberta.
Imagine if he crashes it and no one but him dies lmfao

Fucking kek

or maybe Jow Forums itself picks up geo-loc differently when you're in the air so you could be close to the border of some country yet still have the flag

You think the priest or whatever regards it as "busy"?

uhhm guys

Attached: tt.png (487x368, 25K)

It could be real leaf that had enough and snapped but idk t.b.h

link pls


what if there's a sermon/gathering going on? do muslims have those?

I think he's just a fucking leaf messing around.

OP what's your time zone? We should check the news!!!

holy shit

oh shit it's the same one

How long since the original post now? It’s bullshit

who the hell knows lmao


rolling for great happening

Attached: 1533679254659.jpg (662x960, 99K)

Here we go again !


>mess around
sure what better way to mess around than get yourself fired, license revoked and arrested

>it's just a joke
sure but I don't think the authorities like to joke around about that especially in le current year 2019

No clue, but maybe 1 or 2 hours
And he did say results within 30 minutes

Brainlet here, could you explain please?


The fag should've decided to crash into Mecca or something. This is a shitty idea. I do not support this.

where is he going?

Holy shit, is it really happening again?

Attached: kuumotus.jpg (399x400, 16K)

sorry to disappoint, but this is pretty standard. Wind dictates final approach into airport. This isn't the guy I think.

Praise kek

Attached: 675A21E4-19F4-4321-B86E-2EB97E4D2EF3.jpg (300x168, 10K)

yeah, forget about it... now I see the flightplan deviation... it's like a fucking drunkard driving a car.
shouldn't we tell the po-po about this?

Attached: sniped them gets.png (2048x1536, 2.63M)

deviated from flight plan