>Jow Forums loves self defense
>Jow Forums hates abortion
abortion is a form of self defense because the fetus is aggressing on the mother by stealing her nutrients. the mother is free to abort the fetus because it is aggressing.
>inb4 Jow Forums isn't one person
I'm addressing the people who like self defense and hate abortion
Help me out Jow Forums
1 post by this ID
>on the mother
Motherhood is apparently contracting a parasite. Thank you based Rabbi. Go fuck some dogs, leaf. You won't have the same problem.
>kill your own children goyim
>it's a good idea
The joke's on you, I don't care about the rights of women.
>invite a nigger into your house
>shoot him for trespassing
>act surprised when you are sentenced for murder.
they're not aggressing retard
KYS shylock
Abort all non-white babies.
This argument is so stupid I can actually believe its not just bait. Enjoy your dildos/dialations and cats you disgusting subhuman. Congrats on being one more nail in the coffin of civilization.
so it is true what they tell me about Jow Forums. when you make a good argument everyone just screams 'nigger' or 'kike.'
Abort all non-white babies.
Why did you include me in that, leaf? I didn't call you a name. I told you I don't care about the rights of women, and I meant it.
No, its not a good argument. That's the problem. A baby isn't a parasite, but you're too far gone to ever see that. This isn't a debate, you aren't making arguments. You're only ensuring that when the day finally comes, you are viewed by us in the same way you view a baby.
>A baby isn't a parasite
[citation needed]
Im with you. Womens right got us into thus mess.
There's a clear distinction in nature between a parasitic relation and a symbiotic one you autistic leaf. By default a parasite steals nutrients from its host for self preservation of it's own Gene's and future kin not taking the well being of said host in regards. A symbiotic relationship instead is a mutually beneficial one for both host and symbiote. It benefits the symbiotic by having it grow and be born as well as continuing the lineage of the host.
Fun fact did you know that when one or more of a pregnant's woman organ/s are shutting down or at risk of shutting down the fetus transfer stem cells to help the mother survive, a parasite does not take into account the well being of the host at the expense of it's own survival and development.
Even if it was indeed a one victor party arrangement between mother and fetus, it's literally your own genetic code being born you retarded nigger, it's literally the greater phenotypical manifestation of the greater "you" in physical form.
The mother, in cases of not-rape, consents to the child doing so.
>By default a parasite steals nutrients from its host for self preservation of it's own Gene's and future kin not taking the well being of said host in regards
A fetus can't carry on a genetic lineage?
>Fun fact did you know that when one or more of a pregnant's woman organ/s are shutting down or at risk of shutting down the fetus transfer stem cells to help the mother survive, a parasite does not take into account the well being of the host at the expense of it's own survival and development.
That's even more of a case for self defense against the fetus though.
>Even if it was indeed a one victor party arrangement between mother and fetus, it's literally your own genetic code being born you retarded nigger, it's literally the greater phenotypical manifestation of the greater "you" in physical form.
"muh feels"
great when did the mother sign the contract?
Abortion isn't self defense because the mother invited this opportunity upon herself by having unprotected sex.
If she doesn't want a child, she should've thought about that before.
Not all consent involves written contracts.
the mother consents to the parasite when they have the option to abort and choose to not do so.
You're a fucking retard in every conceivable way. Pun fucking intended retard.
you can use all the protections and still end up pregnant, that is not an argument.
why should a mother raise a child she doesn't want? it's just suffering for the child
when did the fetus sign the contract to be brought into this world?
If you still choose to have sex knowing you can get pregnant (even with protection), then that's on you.
I never said the mother has to raise the child.
>Equating millions of years of collective genes passed on through generations, and not wanting to flush said genes down the toilet because a shecunt couldn't keep her legs closed to muh feels instead of a rational explanation.
You truly are one retarded twinkletoe disingenuous cocksucjer leaf aren't you.
Why are you always trying to catch us out like this?
We want to be able to defend ourselves for obvious reasons
We want abortion to be illegal because it would curb the hypergamy of women
Stop trying to 'expose our contradicitions', we have only one principle and that is that our own people come first before all else.
>mother takes child home
>doesn't make it past first bath
are you so sure women dont take that into account? including the ability to abort as a final failsafe?
is it your goal to remove abortion so that less women choose to have sex?
i assure you it wont make you feel any better.
how do you know I always make threads about exposing Jow Forums's contradictions?
The only ones against abortion are boomer godbots.
No, that's not the reason.
You just admitted it, leaf
We actually have no contradictions
If you're sick of your gf getting blacked every night maybe you should break up with her
i dont think incels like it either.
despite the fact abortion would have saved them their misery.
>We actually have no contradictions
I still haven't seen one argument against my point yet.
does this mean i can shoot my buddy in the face if he steals one of my french fries
because he's aggressing on me by stealing my nutrients
Did you not see my post? I argued that it's not self defense because the woman invited this situation upon herself.
>this hard
Nigger kike
I can tell you're a virgin and an incel. You know that when you have sex a baby is not guaranteed 100% of the time. That's why there's pregnancy tests. If a woman wants to voluntarily keep the fetus in her, fine. But, she has no right to keep the parasitic fetus that's robbing her of the right to smoke, drink, not eat certain foods, and stealing her nutrients.
well you're arguing that an appropriate response to stealing a small amount of nutrients is death, so i don't really see how it's any different
just debunked yoself faggot
>she has no right to keep the parasitic fetus
If you invite a "parasite" into your home, you have no right to complain when it begins leeching off of you.
what did the man steal?
>small amount of nutrients
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, maybe have a kid you pathetic incel and see how much a woman has to eat
if he starts stealing then you can use self defense.
But you knew that it would be stealing from you when you let it in.
If you didn't want it to steal from you, you never would have let it in to begin with.
What is the alternative though OP? Aborting every single fetus because it violates the NAP agreement? Should we have this setup as a default for any and every whore and woman that regretted having a kid at the expense of inevitable extinsion? Should we go as far as to eliminate all symbiotically driven gut bacteria and virologic processes because they are also violating the NAP without consent of the host? Give me a fucking break you greasy leaf.
>let him in
>don't give him permission to take anything
>if he takes something then enact self defense
wow, that was easy
Trump fears real people. He is no christ, seriosuly, just crazy guy.
so question then, how many french fries does my buddy have to steal from me before i can just shoot him in the face
like if i keep a running tally over like 40 years can i just straight up shoot him in the face one day if he passes say 20,000 calories or something
and does this mean that it's less ethical to abort a baby earlier because they've "stolen" less nutrients
i mean it would technically be the most ethical to kill a baby right after they're born because they've "stolen" the most at that point
or maybe you could just hand them an invoice
women arent people though
If the woman wants to keep the child that's her decision.
I wonder if OPs mom regretted having OP.
If so she should be allowed to kill him
The fatties fell for it once again!
>get charged with murder because you're a faggot Canadian
You're letting in someone who you already know beforehand will take your things.
If you let someone in while already knowing that they will take from you, you are tacitly giving them permission to take.
How could he engage with real people when he is filled with plastic surgery. We killed someone who's like that. Trump gets a free pass.
>breaks your rules
>receives punishment
what don't you understand
By that logic can your mother kill you because you where once "her body" too? What changed really, did you magically coming out of her cunt magically transform you from fetus to human? Where you not a human inside her snatch before leaving it?
>like if i keep a running tally over like 40 years can i just straight up shoot him in the face one day if he passes say 20,000 calories or something
sure why not? especially if you've told him to stop
Trump is crazy in his head, believing in fake tit to run the nation. wtf, go back to WWE!
>why should someone have to take responsibility for their actions
yep, its a leftist dog fucking leaf
You can't create a set of rules like that when you've already let them in.
>Hey man, can I come inside? I'm going to take some of your stuff.
>Sure come in!
>Alright, I took some of your stuff.
>Actually, I changed my mind. You actually can't take anything.
>Now I'm going to beat you up for trying to steal from me.
He thinks fake tits will rule you, haha
when you come out of her cunt you go from parasite to human.
that's unfair and not related to abortion in anyway
so we're clear, this whole thread is actually about your belief that stealing food should be punishable by death
Real people will win. Just watch. Trump WONT wandering in ghetto or something. He is is gay.
Individuals living on welfare, by that logic, are parasites, and only become human once they get off of welfare. Thus, I should be able to kill niggers
>voluntarily live in a country with welfare and black people
not so fast
You forget that the fetus is absolutely forced to take nutrients and has no memory of it, can you fault a man in a coma for being on life support
the "women need to eat a ton when pregnant" is a myth. women buy into it because it allows them to gorge themselves without being criticized. look up the science on this, women dont need that much extra food.
It's not related to abortion? Then let me say it again more directly.
>I'm having sex. I might get pregnant, and if I do the fetus will drain nutrients from my body.
>Okay sure! Now there's a fetus inside you.
>Alright, the fetus is draining nutrients from you.
>Nah, I changed my mind. You can't take anything from my body.
>I'm gonna kill you for stealing from me.
>still not getting the point
the thread is about abortion being self defense
Just like that huh? The seccond you exit out of her queefbox *poof* you sudenly become a human that you were not a seccond ago because fucking magic. How can you seriously believe the bullshit you're spewing op? I really hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
Ps: I like how you completely ignored the rest of my reply and refused to answer the question.
Why should women have rights?
agreed, the child shouldn't suffer the punishment after the come out of the cunt.
>when did the mother sign the contract
When she spread her legs faggot
>invite people over
>shoot them when they come
thanks for proving liberals are retarded
i like self defense and i hate fags, you're aggressing on me right now OP i need reparations
I did reply to it you ignorant retard
So if I go to your house as a parasite, kill your dog, rape your boyfriend in the ass and kill everyone in site to steal nutrients I am free to go and be on my merry way after exiting said house (womb). What an absolutely retarded niggerfaggot.
great logic, memeflag!
Quads of truth.
this is most retarded strawman I have ever heard
If I invite your dumb ass in to have a beer and then pay some giant jewish dyke to tear you apart limb by limb because you're stealing that beer from me.. That's still an egregious sin. That's murder with a thin layer of excuse on top.
All Canadian mothers should be forced to have an abortion.
It's not guaranteed, but there is a percentage greater than 0, so she knew full well this could happen before she did it. She can't act like this was unexpected.
Thank you cuck flag
It parallels your retarded "mayical" argument that once you suddenly leave your mom's cunt you're magically absolved of any wrongdoing you did from stealing her precious nutrients and being a parasite. Why should you not be held accountable for stealing nutrients and being an overall nuisance to your mother because you left her cunt?
give yourself a post birth adult abortion if you like them so much, faggot.
>invite me in for a beer
>somehow that's stealing
stop strawmanning ne
The reason europe is taking in so many refugees is partly because of the birthrates.
Abortion is bad for white people.
Whites want to survive