Science is not a religion-you're just mad because it debunked yours

Science is not a religion. It's the methodology for discerning the nature of the natural world and how to apply that knowledge in a useful and constructive manner. You call science a "religion" because scientists looked at the claims made by your holy book and found them to be less that credible. Just remember, before the 19th century, virtually all scientists in the Western world were creationists and Christian. The shift away from a belief in the metaphysical/supernatural only took place after a mountain of evidence proved the literal interpretation of the Bible false. They gave biblical literalism a chance and it was found to be lacking.

BTW: even if science went stagnant and never went pass the 18th century, history disproves biblical liberalism.

*Jesus was suppose to be born when both Herod the Great was alive AND during the census of Quirinius. But the census took place in 6 CE while Herod died in 4 BCE (CE=AD and BCE=BC)
*There was no tradition, Roman or Jew, of releasing a prisoner during Passover. This is the writers of the Gospels making up a tradition based on the Yom Kippur goat sacrifice ritual
*There was no record of the following
---A would-be messiah named Jesus who was crucified by Pontius Pilate
---Disturbance in the temple when money changers and livestock was driven out
---No ripped temple veil
---No three hours of total darkness during Passover
---No record of Pilate mixing the sacrifice of Galileans with those of their sacrifice (that was another Roman pontius)
---No record of Herod massacring infants anywhere let alone Bethlehem
*The Bible itself gets shit wrong
---Isiaiah's so-called virgin birth prophecy was not about a virgin getting birth let along birthing the messiah. It was a prophecy about invading armies seeking to conquer Judiah
---Matthew, Mark, and John says Jesus was crucified on the day before Passover while John's gospel says it was on Passover

Attached: CredibleHulk.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

god called said yer a faggot we put you in the womp comp

>word of god

>contradicts itself in first two chapters

---All four accounts of the Resurrection contradict each other (was the stone rolled away before or doing Mary Magdalene's visit to the tomb? Why are there Roman soldiers in one account and not the others, etc)
--Gospel of Mark and the writings of Paul says Torah observance is no longer necessary while the Book of Matthew says that the law will not change even if heaven and earth passes away
--In the Book of Mark, Jesus' mother thinks his son has gone mad even though she and Joseph experience supernatural visitations from angels before Jesus' birth telling them that he was the Messiah in Matthew and Luke and that Mary believed in her son Jesus enough to tell the people at the wedding of Cana to fill wine skins full of water for her son to turn transform with his magical powers in the Gospel of John
*Third person omninescient narrative: how does the writers of the gospels know what Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane or what the scribes and Pharisees were thinking or that they were cutting backroom deals with Roman guards telling them to lie about seeing the disciples stealing the body of Jesus or when Satan possessed Judas Iscariot? If the Bible was just repeating what eye witnesses say, how would the writers know? They can't. Third person omniscient narration is a sign of a created story and not reporting eyewitness accounts.

the abrahamic sub-cult christianity committed a dysgenic purge of disbelievers for more than 1000 years, and humans have structures in their brains that can cause religious experiences when stimulated by magnets. those same structures very obviously latch on to science and treat it like a cult. the cult of what (they think) is real.

"Science" is a religion just like Christianity and both are wrong.

Attached: 1523609374328.png (1000x1000, 77K)

the cult of the model

Then what are you

>Science is not a religion
said the fedora faggot that has made a religion of what he imagines to be science.

>Jesus was suppose to be born when both Herod the Great was alive AND during the census of Quirinius. But the census took place in 6 CE while Herod died in 4 BCE (CE=AD and BCE=BC)

And who ruled after Herod the great died? Herod Archelaus, the son of Herod the great.

>Luke 3:1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene,

The above passage in luke makes it clear that the Herod of the new testament was the son of Herod the great, you dipshit. I'd debunk the rest of your artless babbling, but I have better things to do

Well, someone has to burn in hell.

Christianity even with its draw backs helped for modern civilization and was basically our first form of government. Modern Christianity is good for countries. Science is good too and I fully back it. I do have my doubts when research funds depend on certain results.

>A would-be messiah named Jesus
There were actually dozens, but the Roman emperors erased them.

>-No three hours of total darkness during Passover
There's actually two passages, one that claims the sun stood still in the sky for a day, and another that says a man's shadow backed up.

>No record of Pilate
There was a Roman magistrate named Pilate. He lived far away from where-ever the mythical Jesus character was.

>No record of Herod massacring infants
You'd think this would have been important enough for other historians to notice.

>Matthew, Mark, and John says Jesus was crucified on the day before Passover while John's gospel says it was on Passover
They are all clones of Marc. See Synoptic Problem.

Science isn't (shouldn't) be a religion, but the whole of the science community is, absolutely.

>"Science" is a religion
You must have an IQ over 60 to post in this thread.

>shows how to apply knowledge
>ignoring is-ought

Too bad nobody uses it and just screech like the asshurt faggots they are.

Attached: butthurt spray.gif (360x360, 2.94M)

It’s call “scientism”, the sort of progressive atheism that elevates science to a religious status in dogma and world view.

>global temperatures rise at a fraction of the predicted rate
>cholesterol lowering drugs have virtually no impact on heart attack rates
>low fat diets lead to rapid rise in obesity and diabetes
>fossil records show life forms spontaneously appearing fully formed with very little change over time and no credible missing links despite the fact that evolution by naturally selected mutation should result in a literal morphing across the entire fossil record
>testable, observable, repeatable differences in IQ by race
>observable physical differences between males and females, including brain structure, from birth

>The above passage in luke makes it clear that the Herod of the new testament was the son of Herod the great, you dipshit.

The Book of Matthew makes it clear that it was Herod the Great, who also ordered Jesus killed and the massacre of the innocent in Bethlehem. Jesus, not only was already born when Herod the Great was alive, but also had the time to flee to Egypt before Herod the Great died. Not that it matters since there is no record of a massacre of infant boys in Bethlehem by either Herod the Great nor any of his sons. the name GEESUS!!!

I didn't expect anything less from a christcuck.

Because you believe in Science!
Not follow the Scientific method.

Attached: Science corruption of.jpg (940x960, 94K)

This guy again

Attached: 1551946094778.jpg (908x539, 71K)

Science has been fucked ever since universities stopped being where bright young men got an education and turned into adult daycare centres.
Niggers and women ruined science just like they ruined everything else, and fuckwit clowns like OP belong to a feelings based science themed cult that is completely disconnected from the rationality of the Christian men who built the modern world.

Academia is somewhat similar to the catholic church, though.

> It's the methodology for discerning the nature of the natural world and how to apply that knowledge in a useful and constructive manner.
I agree.

Religion evolved into something you'll never stop: Progressives. God help us all.

>>No record of Pilate

I didn't say that about Pilate. I said there was no record of Pilate crucifying Jesus. There is independent evidence, outside of the Gospels, stating that Pilate was real...and that he was a heartless bastard so abusive towards the Jews that even the Roman Emperor had to recall him back. Why should we believe the gospel account of Pilate being a cuck to the Jewish religious caste and being conflicted about crucifying Jesus when the Roman Empire considers him to be too much of a brute even by their standards?!?

modern science accepts conclusions that were reached without evidence or experiment

this is what makes modern science more like a socialist cult than a methodology for discerning the nature of the world

Science hasn't debunked god, it is impossible to prove god does or doesn't exist, the same way you can't prove we're in a simulation, because any evidence that suggests we're not inm a simulation can be dismissed as created by the simulation to throw us off. In reality the only way to know if god exists is to die.

proving only that god is jewish or a woman

Name them.

You're confusing science with pop science. Also, I really wish the scientific community would do more to curbtail the exaggerated claims of climate change disaster by the media. Humans do have an effect on the environment. Hell, even plants affect the environment. You can breath because they make oxygen. But it's pop "scientists" like Bill Nye and Al Gore that are claiming that we have to become socialists or else the planet is DOOOOOMEDDDDDD!!!!! They're not even scientists. Nye is an engineer and Gore is a fucking hack politician.

No, you're confusing science with pop science. Science is the scientific method. Pop science is leftist ideology with a phony "science" rubber stamp.

I oppose open borders. That's one of the reasons why I voted for Trump. Hell, it's only SJW indoctrination that keeps atheists from supporting Trump's ban on immigration from Islamic terrorist states. And before you conflate atheism with the (anti)social (in)justice movement, keep in mind all of the christcucks who support open borders and are even literal cucks who want white people not to marry other white people. SJW-ism is everywhere, even in the so-called red-pilled religion of Christianity.

>Science is not a religion

what ever you say, sport.

The Kabbalah of the Big Bang

Does the Big Bang Theory — the prevailing cosmological model for the creation of the universe from a singularity to an ever expanding universe — have its roots in religious and mystical teachings? Or, as some have argued, has it deemed the notion of a Creator superfluous?

Science hasn’t even touched upon the personal and emotional implications of the Big Bang and the fascinating parallels between cosmology, psychology and spirituality.

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this 18 Elul workshop — honoring the birthday of the two great mystics, the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe — and discover the fascinating mystical origins of Big Bang Theory. Find out how Carl Sagan couldn’t have been more wrong when he wrote that the Big Bang Theory renders “a universe with no edge in space, no beginning or end in time, and nothing for a Creator to do.”

Explore an intriguing theory, that by probing the Kabbalistic cosmology of creation — as elucidated by the mystics born today — we can uncover new and vital elements in understanding Big Bang Theory and perhaps resolve some of its continuing puzzles and problems. Above all, learn the personal and psychological applications of these ideas, and how they call come together in one holistic unified system, a universal DNA integrating the macro-cosmic and microcosmic, from the cosmos to the sub-atomic.

Read more about how Kabbalah is the bridge between scientific knowledge and spirituality.

The level of scientific, historical, and theological illiteracy of this thread/OP is so astronomical it's not really worth responding to. But I'll just humor you a little bit anyway.

>science is not a religion
In principle natural philosophy is not supposed to be a religious system. The progress of time, and the development of natural philosophy through the scientific revolution and enlightenment era, and its culmination in the modern era, have resulted in something very different to what it should be in principle. Science has progressed to a point where it upholds certain untestable, unempirical, undisprovable propositions with large frameworks built up around them (see: evolutionary theory), and mandates they be accepted, and this is done because the purely materialist framework that underpins the process allows for no alternative hypotheses. Then over time you get large grant networks that form a positive feedback loop on building upon this "paradigm" which should technically be considered as possibly false, but in reality is considered absolutely true, and slowly turn peer-review into circle jerking so as to only publish things that seek to puff up this theoretical framework, and filter out all dissidents.

>scientists looked a the claims made by your holy book and found them to be less than credible
No, that isn't what science has done.

>just remember, before the 19th century, virtually all scientists in the western world were creationists and Christian
Well that doesn't matter much insofar as science's empirical aspect, which is principally supposed to be the actual driver of the system. The philosophical shift to more pure materialist framework isn't driven by empiricism itself, but by a multifactorial sociocultural paradigm shift that was in the works for many centuries. Experiments are not what drove the abandonment of Christianity by the scientists, brainlet.

>proceeds with drivel
stick to talking about science

Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Man
Trans Person
Trans Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Male
Transgender Man
Transgender Person
Transgender Woman
Transsexual Female
Transsexual Male
Transsexual Man
Transsexual Person
Transsexual Woman

>Science hasn't debunked god

No but science has disproved the particular claims made by biblical literalists. Even if a god of some sort exists, the Bible can not be that god's word when it makes so many mistakes, even in the first two chapters as pointed out. Also, you are committing the burden of proof fallacy. Burden of proof is always on the person making a claim. If I have to disprove your claim that Jehovah exists or that Jesus is his only begotten son, then you have to disprove the existence of Odin, Zeus, Samhein, Horus, Isis, Chrishna, Enik, Quetzalcoatl, etc.

>No but science has disproved the particular claims made by biblical literalists.
Only hardcore Christians and fedora faggots take it that seriously.
Atheism is a fucking joke. You're the most cringey faggots on Earth and it's because of you that all this 37 gender bullshit is happening. God knew what he was doing when he set this up. You faggots wrecked it.
Move to fucking Portland, Oregon and get stabbed by a heroin junkie migrant

Your textual analysis of scripture isn't "science" nor is it "scientific." Have you considered the probability that you have bad reading comprehension?
>biblical literalism
Consider that biblical literalism is exclusive to certain sects of american "christians," particular southern bible belt christians. Christendom never had absolutist literalist understanding of scripture.

OP is subscribed wholly to scientism, and he will never acknowledge the mystical ashkenazi domination over many aspects of science as a system.

I kind of glad I dont know who the faggot in the middle of the “science” side is.

>He thinks (((Science))) is science
The reason people don't accept evolution is because of racism, eugenics, etc, not because of Christianity. Calling the
>There's not such thing as male and female brains
>People with female brains can be born into male bodies
"Science" is exactly the same strategy these leftists use when they call their tyrannical dictatorships "democratic peoples republics", and the people who ignore the overloading of language for quick gotchas are precisely the reason why the strategy is effective. That's what sociology is, the democratic peoples republic of science.

There was never a serious "Christian anti science" movement anywhere in the west but a few small areas of a few states in a single nation, and leftist media has drilled it into your mind that this handful of WBC types somehow rules the entire planet and are the greatest threat humanity has ever faced. They do all this while importing millions of religious fanatics from the 3rd world, and enacting literal blasphemy laws protecting these beliefs from any and all criticism. Yes boomercons are fucking retarded, but guess what? you are their modern equivalent. The same Jewish media empires that created dumbfuck boomercons decades ago, are the same Jewish media empires that are creating dumbfuck progressives today.

If you actually read history, rather than consumed media, you would know that the Catholic Church (Far more conservative than any Protestant denomination at the time, and certainly more so than any Christian of today) addressed Darwin's theories, and almost immediately began making adjustments to the canon to accommodate it and reconcile it with Christianity. The
>Christians deny evolution
meme is a meme, and boomercons being fucking retarded doesn't make sociology science.

Attached: church-on-darwin.png (1155x441, 86K)

>The reason people don't accept evolution is because of racism
I guarantee you that in 20 years it will be leftists raging against evolution (they currently rage that math and scientists saying different races have different IQs is racist).

>Science hasn’t even touched upon the personal and emotional implications
Is that what you imagine science does?

He's copy-pasting a quote from a jewish article sven.

>Well that doesn't matter much insofar as science's empirical aspect, which is principally supposed to be the actual driver of the system. The philosophical shift to more pure materialist framework isn't driven by empiricism itself, but by a multifactorial sociocultural paradigm shift that was in the works for many centuries. Experiments are not what drove the abandonment of Christianity by the scientists, brainlet.

Jesus "Pogo Stick Jumping" Christ, that was fucking stupid. If there were signs of a global flood or historical records of Jesus and eyewitness accounts of the events of the Bible, it wouldn't matter what those paradigm shifts were. Face it, those societal shifts were helped along when scientists who were devout Christians went looking for evidence of the Great Deluge couldn't find it and only a fucking moron would think otherwise.

Physics is applied math, and math relies on self-evident axioms. Mathematicians assume axioms are true, because any attempt to prove an axiom degenerates to circular logic (sound familiar?).

Neither God or math exist in the real world, only as abstract entities people believe in. Mathematicians must also constantly invent math-in-the-gaps to try keep it consistent with our observations. Dark matter, for example. Negative values, being another - you can't observe negative three apples in the real world, only as an idea, but math requires these non-existent negative values.

In fact, the more we learn about the world, the more obvious it becomes that classical math isn't equipped to explain reality.

>My point is the Bible is false with or without science.
As I said, only hardcore faggots like you take it that seriously.
Go back to researching more genders, or how all IQs are the same across every fucking race (which is evolutionarily impossible)

>Your textual analysis of scripture isn't "science" nor is it "scientific.

And I didn't say it was. In fact, I treated my textual criticism of the Bible and science as separate from each other. My point is the Bible is false with or without science.

your science is a religious cult

Science isn't a religion but modern atheism is. They regurgitate the same religious dogma without thinking and believe they must convert the world at any cost. They're religious fanatics that specifically target educator positions to spread their propaganda.

Attached: reddit.jpg (960x956, 186K)

Modern "science" is filled with tons of bullshit theories that are unfalsifiable and not even testable. Most of the science of the last few decades is little more than metaphysics/philosophy hidden behind a layer of theoretical math. That's not even mentioning the fact that the vast majority of science has been proven wrong as time progressed. You want me to take your word about quantum entanglement and superstrings when scientists not too long ago thought the earth was flat, you could turn things into gold with a special elixir, and that bad smells caused disease? How many scientific facts like the biological basis for gender or genetic differences between races are suppressed/denied by so-called scientists because it hurts people's feelings?

>Science is not a religion.
How many genders are there and is "climate change" based on science or computer models?

That's a lot of gay shit that I'm not going to read. Come back and try again next week retard.

>Neither God or math exist in the real world
Math, it turns out, is very useful. Religion only has people killing/ass-raping/subjugating people to please their bloodthirsty gods.

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>Confusing science with pop science
No they're literally making the distinction between science the empirical method and science the pop-religion. They problem is that they have to use the term "science" when describing both in order to make it clear how the latter disguises itself, otherwise pop science can continue to hide behind science. Normalfags suck at distinguishing words from concept and are easily confused by overloaded definitions. It's the same reason ((())) is such an effective meme. It draws attention not only who is performing a certain act, but also to who they want you to think is performing that act, which can be just as important in chaotic, high information entropy environments.

>a religion but modern atheism is
Sorry, no one with an IQ below 40 is allowed to post in this thread.

Religion needs a board

>Religion only has people killing/ass-raping/subjugating people to please their bloodthirsty gods.
Without religion we have 37 genders and "le every race has the same IQ".
And yes, I named the 37 genders like you asked faggot, you just ignored them like the coward you are.

"Science" is absolutely a religion.

What makes you think that any historical event that really happened has to have physical evidence of its occurrence for it to have actually happened? If scientists really did go out looking for something that doesn't necessarily have to exist, and didn't find said thing, how can they conclude that the thing did or didn't happen? This would just be a fundamental error in the basic thought process of the scientist that was doing this. There are a countless number of people that existed in the past, all who did things, and who truly existed, yet there is absolutely no physical evidence of their individual existence. All that they were, and all that they did is totally lost to the crushing progression of time. Can we declare that none of those people existed simply because there is no record or physical remnant of any shape or kind to see?

>unironically linking an aaron-ra video
Now I see why you're such a complete and utter brainlet. Imagine calling anybody a moron when you're linking to videos like this. Embarrassing.

Your "textual analysis" is disgustingly pathetic, you're so lazy you can't even give a single specific citation. You more than likely just spouted bullet points from some anti-christian website.

You do realise that the bible itself is the best copy cat right?
Ever heard of Utnapishtim? Very famous guy in ancient Mesopotamia who somehow had nearly the same exact experiences as the bible Noah but Utnapishtim was written even before Hebrew was invented. Weird right?

This Jesus fellow, weird how 3 thousand years before his birth, there was a female version of him called Inanna. Weird right?

Weird that even before he was born, he shares nearly the same exact origin story as Sargon. Weird right?

Weird that Sumerians wrote their own version even before Hebrew but somehow shares more than just 'similarities'. Weird right?

If this post receives more than 3 seething Christ-cuck replies then I'll share those 'similarities'

Attached: file.png (1280x804, 1.17M)

>OP starts fight about science vs religion
>somehow religious people are at fault
There's a reason why r/atheism was banished to the basement of bleddit. It was too faggy every for those left wing maniacs.

If utility is the issue you've conceded enough that if you actually studied history you would be a Christian.

This shit was debunked 15 years ago when that shitty "Zeitgeist" movie came out faggot.
There's a reason why even colleges that hate Christianity don't teach any of this shit.

You know nothing about both math and physics.
Mathematicians prove that certain things are true assuming some axioms that they're free to choose - it just so happens that most popular axioms are those that reflect reality in certain ways. Natural numbers, for example, do this really well. Those can in turn be extended and application to reality can be found... or not. There are many branches of mathematics that have no reflection in reality and have found no application in other maths.
Physicists simply use the most useful mathematics they can find. Most of physics is just an approximation of reality. Usually really good one but still an approximation. In order to derive exact physics you'd need to know each and every quantum phenomeneon you could think of and then some.

>"Science" is exactly the same strategy these leftists use when they call their tyrannical dictatorships "democratic peoples republics"
Usually these misnamed "democratic peoples republics" are right-wing conservative republics worshiped by republicans.

"Filling the gaps with math" can be a form of prediction, and when done in physics, is a means of testing theories.

Skip to 11:00 (lots of waffle at the start) or so, it explains the philosophy really well.

Religion is a great tool for combating nihilism and for providing an objective moral code. Humans can't provide a moral code because humans are flawed. The second closest you could get would be an artificial intelligence, but even those are flawed by algorithmic biases. Only a God can provide it, but God is dead right now.

>Who is the goddess Tekne?

I'm not a Christ-cuck but please post them anyway.

And thanks for posting these biblical plagiarisms. I totally forgot to post them in my biblical criticism.

Sorry but even though Zeitgeist got some of the details wrong, the basic idea was correct, especially about Sargon of Akkad. Also, Zeitgeist never covered the plagiarized flood myth taken from the Sumerian religion.

>no new hulk movie ever

fuck you jewood

50% of scientists report the cannot duplicate the results of their own peer reviewed studies.
75% of scientists report they cannot reproduce the results of peer reviewed, published studies.

Wow OP. Peoole making broad observations based on limited data and limited understanding, and most everyone disagrees with the conclusion. Yeah, science sure is something OP. Have you not figured out that when people are right they dont use censorship and try to throw people in prison for questioning the validity of their conclusions? You fucking mouth breathing fart smeller.

>Sorry but even though Zeitgeist got some of the details wrong, the basic idea was correct, especially about Sargon of Akkad. Also, Zeitgeist never covered the plagiarized flood myth taken from the Sumerian religion.

>trusting internet video bullshit
Bro, there's a reason why this shit isn't taught in ANY schools. The only people that claim Inanna is the same as Jesus are retarded faggots like Richard Carrier.
Atheists are so desperate to prove Christians wrong that they believe bullshit conspiracy history theories.

>Modern "science" is filled with tons of bullshit theories that are unfalsifiable and not even testable.
If they have no supporting evidence, we call them hypotheses, not theories.

> the vast majority of science has been proven wrong as time progressed.
Science can be wrong. Religion cannot.

>scientists not too long ago thought the earth was flat
Scientists never thought that. Ignorant and religious people believed that.

>you could turn things into gold
Alchemy was pursued by religious men believing there was a divine magic formula.

>and that bad smells caused disease?
Medical men wore masks with camphor and eucalyptus inhalers to ward off the disease causing bacteria and virii, although they did not know why that method was so successful at the time.

>How many scientific facts like the biological basis for gender
Biology only knows about the basis for sex. Gender is a social abstract.

> genetic differences between races
Once again, biology recognizes the positive differences between races, not the psychological deficiencies that leads to one insecure race to desperate claiming it is superior to another in some imaginary fashion.

Attached: 0030_001[1].jpg (817x1280, 191K)

>somehow had nearly the same exact experiences
Maybe because the flood actually happened retard, and people perveted it over time, also there's close flood stories to it even in native americans. Also writing something down first doesn't make you right.

Attached: 7711809D-A541-42AA-99DD-02183977437E.jpg (888x960, 175K)

>If they have no supporting evidence, we call them hypotheses, not theories.
37 genders are hypotheses? Different IQs among different races are hypotheses?

I haven't read anything you posted lol.

Alright, let's try a thought experiment.
Assume a religion has provided you with a perfect moral code and you can also comprehend it fully. It is coded in a finite amount of words in a language more than one person can understand.
Therefore, it is possible for a person to have thought of the exact same moral code randomly, without the presence of any sort of god, just by chance. Same goes for AI or anything of the sort.

There is no need for god in this universe and perhaps that's why it's dead. Nietzsche knew that in order to progress humans need to grow morality independent of any externalities. Sad that his works are considered for edgelords only nowadays.

Nietzsche was a fucking bore. He took 40 pages to expound on a concept that could be easily summed up in a paragraph or two. As for morality, from my memory, he argued for basically random happenstance. You could do a good deed that directly allowed someone else to commit a heinous deed. Or you could do a bad deed that ultimately end up saving the lives of people. Maybe he had some good points somewhere, but I'm not about to wade through that mess voluntarily.

All abstract circular systems "seem" true.. until they bump up against reality. Pi is a good example, math can only approximate because it's a drawing of what we observe, not the thing in itself. Nothing in math can ever be true, only "good enough" or consistent with observation (on a classical level), because reality can only be measured in probabilities using math.

"Moreover, the Son of God called Jesus, even if only a man by ordinary generation, yet, on account of His wisdom, is worthy to be called the Son of God; for all writers call God the Father of men and gods. And if we assert that the Word of God was born of God in a peculiar manner, different from ordinary generation, let this, as said above, be no extraordinary thing to you, who say that Mercury is the angelic word of God. But if any one objects that He was crucified, in this also He is on a par with those reputed sons of Jupiter of yours, who suffered as we have now enumerated. For their sufferings at death are recorded to have been not all alike, but diverse; so that not even by the peculiarity of His sufferings does He seem to be inferior to them; but, on the contrary, as we promised in the preceding part of this discourse, we will now prove Him superior — or rather have already proved Him to be so — for the superior is revealed by His actions. And if we even affirm that He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you accept of Perseus. And in that we say that He made whole the lame, the paralytic, and those born blind, we seem to say what is very similar to the deeds said to have been done by Æsculapius." - Justin Martyr, 2nd century church father

Even early christfags agree that Jesus was just another godman born from a virgin.

>Utnapishtim is warned by the God Enki to prepare a boat to survive the coming flood
>Utnapishtim is asked to save whatever animals he can
>Utnapishtim has his wife and few people help out building the boat
>After the flood hits Utnapishtim sends out a few birds for land just like Noah
>Utnapishtim survives the flood and is given immortality/long life

The one biggest mistake your kike religion has made I believe is your god smelling the aroma of meat Noah cooked.
>Genesis 8:21, ESV: "And when the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, the LORD said in his heart, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature"

>The gods smelled the savor,
the gods smelled the sweet savor,
and collected like flies over a (sheep) sacrifice.

Your kike religion not only copied the story of a man being warned of the coming flood by a god and building a ship to survive with animals inboard...But you just couldn't keep this text out of your wholly independent of, and removed from, the material universe god of the bible. Kek

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Science wasn’t really as well-known and multi-dimensional of a subject as it is now since it was more primitive and only accessible to scholars and the wealthy. Here are some patron gods who match up with some major focuses of Ancient Greek science:

A major pillar of science was medicine, whose god is Asclepius.

Another major pillar was astronomy, whose goddess is Asteria)

Mathematics of course played a tremendous part of Ancient Greek science, whose patron was Athena (who also can be credited as the patron for any knowledge).

Other sub-focuses included botany (Demeter and Cybele; one a goddess the other a Titan), the earth (Gaea), and all innovations were considered due to Hephaestus’ good bidding.

The term “science” (in Greek “epistimi”) is from Plato and in its broadest interpretation is about establishing new knowledge based on previous knowledge and logic.

From Wikipedia

List of knowledge deities - Wikipedia

Apollo, Athena, and Hermes are involved in all aspects of education, knowledge, and wisdom, so it is hard to select only one.

It could be considered as Mercury (Hermes) as “messenger of the gods” because he is very versatile and gets involved in other things. In Astrology Mercury is concerned with Communication and Mental Development - especially by practical experimentation.

The problem is that the gods came before science was “invented”.

Tarot, astrology, paganism, even Christianity are pretty fluid. Our understanding of the concepts change as is necessary for the times. One simply has to make more than a cursory inspection to grasp the concept: one begets the other.

>Nietzsche knew that in order to progress humans need to grow morality independent of any externalities.
If that's what's needed that's what's encoded in the universal law, the Word. We can't avoid externalities and be logically consistent. You need axioms to build on.
He deconstructed and criticized everything including logic. Based on a few assumptions you can construct castles out of logic that make you believe absurd things are true. Marx and the social "sciences" are good examples. You don't really base your views on logic when it comes down to it. You're an ape that uses trained intuition because that's what's reliable, logic is at best just a helpful tool. The only thing that leads you to truth is the will to face truth.

>more youtube vid bullshit
I said, there's a reason NOT A SINGLE college in the WORLD teaches this shit.

Still trying to cope. This isn't "YouTube vid shit", if you ever want to read the epic of Gilgamesh you can come to the British Museum to read/look at it for yourself. Also anyone studying history both here and in the US is taught these, you can watch some of their lectures online or read about it if you want proof. Nobody who has read up on Mesopotamian history would eve question the Epic of Gilgamesh, you can live in your bubble, I mean I always was eating whatever the news told me until I picked up a book or went Jow Forums.

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>The only thing that leads you to truth is the will to face truth.
I'm bored of all their amateur hour BS productions.

>Still trying to cope. This isn't "YouTube vid shit",
Yes it is, faggot.
There's a reason why this shit isn't taught in ANY COLLEGE. Colleges that would love to destroy Christianity won't even touch this garbage.
Stop falling for this fucking nonsense, dummy. This is yet another reason why atheists are so cringy. You claim to be about "logic and reason" but you throw out any historical "logic and reason" when it suits your cause.

>Usually these states are right wing conservative republics
Yes that's the entire point. Leftists are just useful idiots for some other group's right wing authoritarian nationalist ambitions. People cucking to Islam in Europe are simply fighting for some outgroups conservatism. People cucking to hordes of beaners in the US are simply fighting for some outgroups conservatism. People who think they are somehow "above this", are simply tools being used by smarter people who understand this.
Who funds TYT?
Who runs Open Societies foundations?
Who runs Hollywood?
Who runs corporate media?
Who funds BLM?, the SPLC?, the ADL?
Who runs or funds anything that is considered "left wing" in western societies?
It's /always/ people who are conservative with respect to their own cultures.
>But muh boomercons are dumb
They were young adults in the 60s. They were the original media manufactured leftists. They were the first iteration of the
>Turbo leftist in youth
>Have no capacity for critical thought due to getting their opinions spoonfed to them from media
>Eventually realise they're being fucked and leftism is a scam
>End up adopting the dumbest right wing positions to fight it
meme that has applied to every generation since. You will likely look as retarded to future generations as the boomercons do to you, since you are holding the same media manufactured positions as they did when they were at the same stage in life you are at now (assuming typical Jow Forums age range).

Leftists always do this thing where they position themselves "against conservatism", yet once their ideas become old and entrenched, they refuse to acknowledge that they are now the conservatives, and that their centuries old ideas (Marxism is basically as old as nationalism lel) are now tradition. Refusing to acknowledge that you are the current conservatives does not make you an alternative to conservatism.

>if you actually studied history you would be a Christian
This jewish rabbi you worship unironically has no historicity.

>Religion is a great tool for combating nihilism
Nihilism is a feeble strawman that no one needs protection from.

>an objective moral code
No such thing exists.

>Humans can't provide a moral code
Men make morals. There's never been a single case where they didn't.

>There's a reason why this shit isn't taught in ANY COLLEGE. Colleges that would love to destroy Christianity won't even touch this garbage.
Where are you getting this info from? You do realise nobody can refute Mesopotamian history, the evidence has been piling up for over a hundred years and is STILL being TAUGHT in colleges you brainlet. I believe at this point you're either retarded or are wasting my time.

>You claim to be about "logic and reason" but you throw out any historical "logic and reason" when it suits your cause.
What is this 'historical logic and reason' you speak of? These stories predate the Hebrew language and is REAL history with EVIDENCE.

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He was white and historicity wouldn't matter if we're basing the value on utility.

weak copypasta

Pretty much what i came here to post

tl;dr your slogan is gay, shill better

Piss off faggot.

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A1a: we live in a causal universe
A1b: every effect has a cause
A2a: if we follow that chain back far enough we reach “the beginning of our universe”
A2b: If an in-universe cause preceded this, it is not “the beginning of our universe”
Therefore our universe began with an external cause;

B1: premise A1 is foundational to discerning truth through science
B2: premise A2 is a tautology.
Therefore arguing against A requires you to argue against the validity of the foundation of using science to discern knowledge.

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