The games we play.

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I want to ask out an old gf who I'm cool with now before she goes off to college (I'm a year ahead), but idk how to ask.

It is frustrating me plus she is slow to respond.

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Today was a comfy day.

I need to know if you feel it too...

You're okay, I'm going to go if that is what you want.

Gonna take some time since I am a real broke boy

Trips of truth real shame how in the end you would lie about what you love for the sake of ''winning''.

You won.

you frustrate me to no end. why do you pull shit like this. i can already see it, you're going to be mad when i don't want to join when you're done and wonder why. oh well i guess..

Thanks for giving me everything I wanted, genuinely. I didn't even know I needed this. The concept of having it seemed better than this, though, which is more than a little bittersweet.

I'm sorry sweetheart, I kinda used you as a stepping stone. You made me go from a total autist who never had a conversation with a woman to a somewhat normal guy who can talk to women easily, and I'm grateful for that. Too bad you had to fall in love with in me in the process. You're the sweetest person I've ever met tho so I hope you can find the man you deserve, that just wasn't me.

Mon coeur est déjà pris depuis l'échographie

I guess never mind.

You should tell her this. Really. I’d appreciate something like this very much.

I need you now more than ever but you don't care anymore

Feeling kind of hollow. All the things that brought me joy in the past are gone.


This is so weird.

He's been talking to me for 3 days straight. Something's not right. I mean, I love it. But that's just not him..

I hate women, i hate relationships, I hate sexuality. It's alien so alien, it's gross.

People are strange, the way they move and sound, I hate them.


I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’ve tried being myself, tried being more assertive, I’ve dabbled in being an asshole, but in six years, every single woman I’ve been interested in has left me in the dust.

I even started coming out of my shell recently, and I feel like an idiot because it isn’t getting me anywhere I wasn’t already.

I feel hopeless, and the only woman I felt could break it just bailed for the 3rd time. I’m patient, BEYOND patient, and it’s wearing me down. I don’t know what to do anymore.

I just want to talk in person to have a stronger connection, is that too much to ask?

you're only around to keep me out of trouble, huh?

You seem to have some sort of mental issue. No, I'm sure you do.

I don't think anyone has hurt me as much as you have, and then promptly apologized for it, using the word "love".

This went on for a time, but slowly, you managed to kill "love" for me.

The last time you lost your temper, you made me cry. I swore it was the last time. You apologized profusely (yet again). I accepted the apology.

Some time later, you dropped the bomb of all bombs emotionally, literally telling me I'm shit. It was easy to write you off, so I did.

I watched you squirm for my attention and my approval. I watched you fall so low. Then you confronted me with "do you love me? You won't forgive me?" Little did you know I already had another girl in my life.

I won't put her on a pedestal. There's no need. I know you miss me and despite your best attempt at living your life, occasionally you reach out to me and I ignore you.

I don't do it to hurt you. I do it so you won't hurt me. I could've killed you with one punch - that's my birthgift as a man - and your birthgift as a woman is your cursed tongue.

The difference between us is that you used everything you have to hurt me. Had I done the same, you'd be dead.

But now you're miserable and I'm not. This closes the chapter. I neither hate nor love you V. I will simply forget you ever existed.

I might never see her again, and if I do then she'll probably understand it by herself anyways. Some things are better left unsaid I guess

I'm a minority, had racial discrimination happen to me all my life. I had a gay person tell me today to check muh privilege and I'd never have it as bad as them.
Now I'm confused and had to ponder hard about it. Do racial minorities really have it way better than lgbt+?

i talked to a man 12 years older than me on omegle yesterday. he said a lot of things that really made me think. we flirted a bit and i feel guilty. my boyfriend is my age. the guy i spoke to is 30. i can not stop thinking about him. i sort of hope our paths meet again somehow. i think it comes from my love of being hurt and taken advantage of. a man older than me can easily do both of those things. i am so fragile. i hate it. i am sick in the head.

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Gays are the most spoiled people in society and they're only treated badly because they're the most arrogant, disrespecful, worthless faggots to ever see the light of day. Of all the gay people I've met there was only 1 that I didn't to punch in the throat, because he was actually a normale dude who happens to like dick. All the others were absolute degenerates who deserve ten times any ''abuse'' they might get, which they don't anyways since they're adored these days (which is why you see so many rich kids turn out gay, they love the attention their parents never gave them). What racial discrimination did you suffer tho ? sometimes i see minorities blame '''racism''' for their own failures and it disgusts me. I've been called a terrorist all my life but that didn't stop me from doing what I want, so I'd like to know more about what you got

tldr, no.

Thanks user. When I was younger, I was called a lot of slurs, got beat up, kids spit in my hair, asked me not to eat their dogs, etc. As a kid, I felt helpless, but now don't give a fuck. I've moved on but I try to be understanding to any other hardships people have gone though. This gay person (I didn't ask, they told me) was asking me questions about what it was like being Asian.

Awwww I still have hang ups. Gotta be be humble. I'm weak and stupid.

Little Piggy boy
All you have to do is tell me if you're into her. That's it. Then there's less of a chance I'll break your fucking leg.
I know I have no chance with her, but that's literally all you have to fucking do is quit putting on this act and not get upset when I ask.
But that's already not what happened.

You better not be fucking her. Because the only reason I never asked is because I thought she had a boyfriend. Of course, because of your bullshit, I now realize I do not have the emotional capacity to be in a healthy relationship either way. But then, do I care at this point?
No. I don't even care if my reasoning that you should tell me makes sense. Fact of the matter is, I told you so.
I told you you should say something because behind every fucking corner there's at least one little fucked up cunt like me who will smash your pug bitch face in if you make them jealous over someone they see every day. When you leave the group to talk to her in private with a woman like that, at least one person in ever hundred or thousand or so will feel upset with you. I back off if you tell me, or you don't.

If you're dating or fucking her... I warned you cunt.
And I don't give a fuck. Especially when you take that tone with me little boy.
It better,it fucking better be private like you say, but I fucking think it is and as you don't tell me, I'm gonna think that any way.

So choose: chance I won't fuck you up or guarantee that I fuck you up only a little bit later
Your choice Porky.

I want to cut off your feet

And I'm a coward. Oh God where I do derive dignity?

He just fucking cuts me off and tells me he wants to speak with her in think I'm fucking dense?
You think I'm gonna be ok with that?
Fuck you. Fuck you unendingly.

I'll always want you to be a corpse

I deserve to kill others

I want somebody I can torture

Why can't I control myself?

But it doesn't matter now. I already started it.

Look just tell me. All you have to do and then I'll be ok. Just tell me and then it will be fine and I won't be upset please just tell me...

I just want him to talk to me...

Ok so I'll get all my shit together first and then see what I can do. Maybe I can salvage this situation.

I just want someone to trust me and talk toe and bey friend. I just want someone I can't talk with and not be jealous of and just have a girlfriend and a social life and... Just please help me

As a minority myself, why forgive those who have treated us badly? Why should we do that? It's always us the ones who are looked down upon, mocked, to forgive is to accept that mockery. Do unto them, if a person from one group, let's use a nation as an example, if one person from one country treats you badly because of race, all those who share something with them are guilty.

I want to make large groups of people suffer

Why can't I ah e anyone that trusts me like that why can't I have real friends who understand and give a fuck about me

Damn I just can't cope, he's smarter AND way stronger than me. It's brutal. And I don't have a sad story, I'm an asshole.

I want them to die

I am them and they don't want to.

I’ve been unemployed for so long I feel like it’s never going to end. It’s destroying my relationships with the people I care for and making me into a bitter resentful crazy person.

thanks for this


Im only talking to you because im bored.

it made me laugh

There's no way in hell I would ever talk to you if I had people to hang out with in uni

isn't that why anyone talks to anyone?

Like, why would I EVEN do that?

I know and I won't >:)

‘A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.’
- David Brinkley.

Bitter choco decoration~

Yeah I did.

Yeah no that blows
She loved you and you took advantage of it.

I'm so done being polite to everyone. They never give any proper response when I greet them and it's making me feel stupid.

A friend told me
>you're like a "nice guy tm"
>but without the pushiness
>or misogyny
>or lashing out
>you're super friendly when you talk, but if they're not into you you just stop trying to talk to them
>you can't talk a woman into loving you
>if women viewed you as spice, you'd be mayonnaise
>and the exciting things you'd be up for is just because your parents are rich so they've always been within your means (snap decision travelling)
>you're only interested in nerdy girls, but one day you'll run out of nerd shit to talk about
>you're a normie, go for a chick that's a normie
>if you wanted a weeb chick, you should have majored in japanese instead, this way, weeb chicks will never be into you, and even if they were, you two would run out of anime
Idk, i think this friend of mine is just being an incel. He keeps saying "fake it til you make it", he thinks "being yourself is bullshit", but i thinks it's just a result of his own self hate. I love who i am, and i don't want to change who i am to get a girlfriend (that doesn't mean i'm not improving myself).
But i'm not very successful with women, i've had only two relationships, and i actively fight the feeling that there is no one out there for me. I just get hurt, every time.

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Same. The difference is I never even had a relationship to begin with. And I'm already 20 years old. I always focused on being polite and a somewhat gentleman (not in a nice guy tm mlady way) but most of them just keep ignoring me or trying to avoid taking the friendship even further. I got lots of hobbies so I don't think that's the problem (Guitar, drawing, american football, darts all kinds of stuff). Everyone tells me to wait, but how long? I feel stupid for waiting and when I get the chance It just doesn't work at all, either they end up having a boyfriend out of nowhere, or doesn't want to meet, or doesn't even check my messages.

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You shouldn’t have done this. I don’t know what to say. I want to die.

I just realized that I’ve done to people exactly what you did to me — and I hate myself for it. Still I get it.

My bf isn't into me anymore and it's been less than four months. Wish I wasn't so damn repulsive.

What did they do?

One less person to worry about.

Good morning. I dreamt about you last night, J.

Honestly I’m unsure what’ll happen when we meet up. The dream was so stupid, like the plot of a dirty manga.

It’ll be tough to play it cool, maybe I can sneak a kiss in the end? Don’t hate me for it, I don’t want to be your first if you end up finding someone better.

(Also I’ve never kissed a guy as tall as you, they all sort of maxed out a few inches shorter and I wanna try it out. It’s almost a 10” difference in height haha)


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I’ve used people for sex. People who cared about me. It’s an ugly thing to do. Feels like shit when it happens to you.

>your birthgift being woman is a cursed tongue
>you'd be dead

This is why women are doing things like running for office and should start carrying hidden weapons at all times. All men.

"Waahhh she called me shit when I was being cold and apathetic to control her emotions" get the fuck out.

This is why

Ultra bitchmade

Found the guy with ED.

Calm down.
>Blah blah blah opposite gender! Blah blah all of them are like this one guy! Blah blah reading things into in anonymous Jow Forums post!
You are ruminating and building a story to problem solve your emotions and that will only make it worse.

4 things that I keep screaming in my head:

2.) just shut up
3.) Can I go home now?
4.) Why?

I exaggerated...

But it's fine. I deserve to be alone for thinking those things.
It's not my business and I shouldn't ask because even though I could see them together later if they were, it's not my problem and has nothing to do with me.

I don't have friends anyway which sucks but its fine.
I just need to deal with it and not talk to her because who am I any way
If I don't do anything, I won't get upset. So I'll just do that and maybe make something up to explain why I would be upset if he worries or gets angry at me. But I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend so whatever.

Besides it's selfish. I probably don't want to talk about this girl as much as I want someone to talk about girls with...

And that's not reasonable for obvious reasons. Human beings are all just rivals.

The only thing keeping my head high is the fact that you got the short end of the stick.

I had hot sex with my Oneitis. You just stuck your dick in someone you despise. I’ve been in your shoes and I’ll choose my experience over yours.

And if I talk to her now, then that's the same thing I don't like for him...

I don’t know what game that is

I don't know. I just don't know. I don't care anymore.


Hey M, I just wanted to let you know of how much fun I've had with you last night. Thanks for getting me baked af and holding my hand tightly as much as you could always (now officially one of my most favorite feelings ever), since your wrist was sore and your shoulders hurt. But you still wanted to hold my hand for a bit anyways, and I loved that. I enjoyed every second spent with my time with you, and the few blisters now on my feet as I write this was totally worth it. I love sharing my food with you, because I actually will only share my food to those who are very close to me, and you are definitely so close to me, there's no doubts about that. Oh yeah, also, thank you for showing me your secret little hang out spot in the park, as I instantly knew with unspoken words, and exchanging knowing glances to each other, that you haven't shown your secret little spot to barely anyone else, so I highly appreciated that you did. Thanks for the little kisses you gave me again, I think I'll always love those the best. But no matter what, I'll honestly always love adventuring with you and spending our time together with each other, thank you.

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Super cute, user.

Somethings feels off, are you okay C?

For a grown man I'm such a crybaby, this is embarrassing.

It's okay,relax and sleep for now.
i'll be sleeping aswell in a few minutes or so!

I thought we had a connection.
I had a connection, you had a fling

Farther day

Learn2read. Dick poster literally said all women blah blah evil because of that one girl. If you're going to attempt a rebuttal at someone calling you out on your shit at least don't be guilty of what you're accusing them of first.

The games are over, love

I never used you. You were always been the user and that's why I rejected you.

Ugh. Why do I get like this. I can't keep any food down, I just want to enjoy food and actually digest something. Its been three fucking days.

Why thank you, user!

Would a kiss goodbye be too shamful to want from you J? Yeah its a bsd idea nvm ffghgfxvk

Don't take anything I said these past few days seriously. I am not in the right frame of mind, I am just hungry but can't eat because
(I think) something is wrong with my health rn.

Actually, no. I'm going to show him that same exact block of text, for the next time that we'll meet up to see each other again. I just hope that he'll understand my sappy romantic shit that I just spewed out ahaha~

I think I am getting anemic. I feel incredibly weak.

Take some iron or eat red meat

Too poor for supplements or meats. Have to wait until money day.