There is a troll or trolls here shilling against Portugal, calling them arabs or blacks. I’m not here to argue against this. However, I believe Portugal, a european country that largely flies under the radar, is now being targeted for ‘enrichment’. I cant explain why I think this, Its just a feeling I have. I can see the ripples in the water. How do we stop it?
Portugal is already "enriched" enough - plenty of Angolans and an assortment of others from former colonies.
Still one of the best countries in Europe
Portugal is a nice country. Cool architecture and heritage, pleasant atmosphere, nice climate, good food and wine, nice women.
>nice women
Lisbon ‘89 this was very true
its brazilians using memeflags
Thank you OP
Just a bunch of faggots butthurt cause they aren't the descendents of the greatest explorers
there's white portuguese people, but the majority would pass unnoticed in arabs countries
It's a meme you dip!
"Enrichment" is irrelevant in Iberia as both our Empires promoted intermixing. While Portugal's particular taste for African slaves did degenerate in the acceptance of excessive African immigration, the Portuguese are unmistakably Iberian.
The vast majority of the vitriol towards Portugal stems from pure ignorance, starting with Spain. Any research into Portuguese history instantly opens the readers eyes to what is the most successful military history in the world and, quite possibly, the most important forgotten nation. Brazil's sheer size and noisy nature has distorted the image of Portugal, deeply confusing colony with colonizer.
This ignorance thrown towards Portugal's face is profoundly saddening as this small nation fought tooth and nail for Evropa against impossible odds, expanding Evropean culture across the globe. To this day, I know no other people as strongly Evuropean as the Portuguese.
Do your part, their history, when discussing Evropa, always remember them.
are you denying the blackness of Portugal?
sure thing pedro
Dont forget, this picture, people that claim such, are non whites and shills.... D&C 90% of them. make whites infight, while the gates are opened
That's ridiculous. And genetics already showed that makes no sense.
>"Enrichment" is irrelevant in Iberia as both our Empires promoted intermixing
And that was a disgrace.. but has a whole or by a kings voice our empire did not promote mixing, never ever.
Kill the communists
Salazar did nothing wrong
Why is it that the MED MAN is expected to "just get over it" when his empires were destroyed and stripped of their wealth to build Amerimutt Zionist and Anglo empires. Why is it that the IBERIAN is expected to just get over the black legend, forced decolonization and raids by Muslim orcs for centuries. How about YOU Whites understand: ALL of the Mediterranean Sea is ours. There's no Whitoid heritage in there. It's all Iberian, including Constantinople which we will get back from T*rkish white mutts.
The greatest thing the white fears is an IBERIAN man remembering who he is, his history and his teleological duty. When an IBERIAN man knows who he is he can topple the Western neoimperial empire and Zionism. Free various peoples of racial oppression like black people and Palestinians. We won't let you forget a god damn thing you done to us but no one's gonna remember you when we've bred you out of existence and history. The GLORY OF ROME is 2500+ years old. And it will be remembered when you will be forgotten. And the world will know our civilization to be the greatest.
Not by law, but intermixing in the Iberian Empires was commonplace and expected for the colonies. We had "mejorar la raza" in the Castilian colonies, I cannot be sure you had the same in Portuguese colonies.
Only kikes shill against Portugal. Portuguese people are great. I've met tons of Portuguese people on three different continents, and I've never met one I didn't like.
>inb4 nice post joao
>nice women.
their women are mostly absolute dogs but so are irish women so i can't blame you.
vinho verde is good.
Brazil is returning to it's righfull monarchist past. Is the portuguese branch of the Habsburg-Braganza house still alive? What are they up to?
I've had good conversations with Portubros here. I think they're happy just to talk about their country.
Just shut the fuck up canadian-chink. You are not med, you are not portuguese. And yes portuguese are obviously europeans aka white, just like spanish, italians, french etc
braganzas were faggots, monarchy is for cucks.
hail Portugal hail Europa, fuck the third world, fck brazil
they're good toilet cleaners
I remember listening to some portugese person and he was pretty proud that portugal was "not white" and that everyone was mixed with third worlders there.
Name one important thing the Portuguese did in the past 100 years.
Stop pushing this monarchist bullshit,not happening at all,you´re just a delusional faggot,and what´s worse it´s that we share the same flag.
F u c k O f f
Stop pushing this monarchist bullshit,not happening at all,you´re just a delusional faggot,and what´s worse it´s that we share the same flag.
Fuck off
yes i bet you have listen some """portuguese"" ((person)) claim such thing.
besides fighting against all anti-white NWOrder pretty much alone?
such basedness