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Oops. I mean transferred to!

>we demand!
i'm sure it'll work this time

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thank god for republicans supporting federal supremacy

No. He's going to flood sanctuary cities with illegals they apprehend.

Maybe one day.

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Yeah I wish I coudl remake this thread

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

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What does Trump mean by that?

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Why doesn't he just deport them to southern Mexico? I thought America was the most powerful country in the world?

I called it. He's using this as an excuse to allow the invasion of the country.

Does he even know what sanctuary cities are? Of course it's legal to go around rounding up illegals there, the local police/state police just won't help the federal government doing it because it's not their responsibility.
As such the feds don't bother because without local resources it'd be prohibitively expensive

Because America won’t let America do that so to spite America, America is going to send the illegals to America.

This isn’t complicated you retarded mutt.

trump sucks

Currently the legal options are
>release them into American cities
>release them into American sanctuary cities

If you have to eat shit either way, it’s nice to at least pick out the turd.

It means that if you already think your liberal shithole city is too full of shitskins, you haven't seen NOTHING yet.

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how does this even work?

if they could cross a 1000 miles of fucking desert, hop border, evade USBP, coyotes (animal), coyotes (people), heat, cold, etc., what's stopping them from hoping on a bus in San Jose and travelling to anywhere else in America? not like there'll be borders between Canada and Nevada or Colorado or further East/North (which they'd hop too, probably)

god bless you president trump
keep on triggering the libtards

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why not just shoot them?
theyre foreign invaders and with them bring pounds of fent and illegal guns everywhere they go.

have you seen how much they cost this year?
80billion dollars already 4 months in..

they shutdown the gov over 5bill..

fuck em.

they're enemy.
it's simple.

Sure he’ll do it

Just like when he said we’ll leave Syria, or shut down the border, or drain the swamp, or really do anything

They can be arrested by non-border patrol agents where different rules apply.

No he won't OP. He will cuck out like he cucked out on closing the border and how he cucked out on bump stocks

The federal powers do indeed come before foreign individuals.

You walk into any kitchen in any restaurant in NYC, hold up an ICE badge and say "La migra!". Whomever runs, you arrest. Then you walk into the halls of any big tech firm like google and facebook and do the same with the custodial staff. Then you start visiting the lawns of rich people. Then you make a stop off at the construction sites. You'll be pulling in an easy thousand a day.

hes talking about releasing them into those cities you monger

it seems like he's just threatening to do what they've been doing for years by relocating illegals to various white rural states to try to tip demographics. so if the government has already had the power to decide this, why hasn't he done it from day 1?

maybe because he's full of shit.

Looks like the shills from the 2016 elections started getting paychecks again. Hopefully they suicide once Trump is re-elected.

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I'm positive California will try to leave the Union if Trump is reelected. He's going to shit on them nonstop.

He can legally deport them or do anything, really. They aren't citizens and are invaders, therefore they have no rights.

>muh tweets
Fuck off kike. Boomerbait belongs on rèddit.

Trump if you do this I'll stop calling you Zion Don

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>he's just threatening to do what they've been doing for years by relocating illegals to various white rural states to try to tip demographics

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I want it to be true but I honestly don't think it's legal and it will just be blocked by 700 judges. I wish he'd start promising things that can actually happen.

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Dump them all in sanctuary cities. Surround the cities with ICE agents. Make clear that they are safe within the city borders, but if they step out, they get deported.

Let the games begin.

This, unfortunately.

He actually can’t deport them yet because most of them are legally entitled to a request for asylum.

It's been over 2 years. I'm sick of him being all talk. Do something already.

I understand that but at least deportation kept them at bay for a while. This is just relocating them to another part of the country. They can be back in a day or so by hoping on a first bus heading East.

they were illegal before in, say, Michigan.
they get arrested and moved to a sanctuary city, say San Jose where they're still illegal but nobody cares about it there.
they hop on a bus back to Michigan ($143 one way ticket to Grand Rapids, MI) where they remain illegal
repeat if necessary

what the fuck did you accomplish other than wasting money on transportation and booking them

look at all these brainlets
>trump baits media to support illegal immigration and MS13 members
>baits media and says he's going to release illegals into sanctuary cities (their intended homes)
>democrats REEE because their goal was to release these immigrants in red cities to influence voting patterns in the USA therefore ensuring they remain in power
>Trump then threatens that he has the federal power to then capture illegals in sanctuary cities
Trump is literally using illegals as a weapon against the very jews that brought them here.
He's a fucking genius.

Of course he is, even as Mitch McConnell proposes broad amnesty and citizenship for 20 million illegals. A bull which Trump asked fr and will sign.

I'm a Californian who has been with Trump since the beginning. This is absolutely infuriating. All he's doing is executing the Democrat platform for them.

Why aren't they being deported?

lmfao why do conservatives keep thinking that California is like falling apart or some shit. It has by far the largest economy of any state in the country, and ranks in the upper end on most all socio-economic metrics.

and they're back within days because they're still in the USA. they don't even have to cross a border anymore. geez can't believe fucking Obongo did more to curb immigration

the fact you ever called him Zion Don has already made you a traitor.

They face greater risk of deportation if they leave the sanctuary cities.

And he's talking about people pending asylum or other immigration hearings. If the system worked as it should, they're supposed to show up to court 6-12 months or whatever down the road for their case to determine if they're granted asylum or are going to be sent packing back to their shithole country.

Of course a lot just never bother showing up and take their chances residing in the US illegally. And Democrats (and even a lot of Republicans, sadly) have no interest in changing our immigration and asylum laws to fix this. And apparently Trump and his admin thinks dumping all these illegals and further straining the already overstretched resources of states like California might make them change their minds.

>He can legally deport them or do anything, really. They aren't citizens and are invaders, therefore they have no rights.
How come he has not done this, stupid ass. Do you even think before you post?

>Trump releases illegals in cities
>Cities buys them bus tickets so they can gtfo
>Trump 4D chess

You know, there is a reason Jews run this country, and not you.
At this point, I should just find a Jewish wife, and convert, fuck all of you.

So somehow Trump convinced his base that letting illegals stay in the US and take American jobs is in their best interest? 4D chess works for the brown man for once.

Oh so California can handle the illegals then? Brb filling up another convoy

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God it must be great for you faggots laughing at this idiocy, you should do parties down at the border.

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He will not actually *do* any of that. His administration rarely follows through. He just tweets.

They would be released into the US no matter what because of our retarded laws. Instead of releasing them into Texas which will turn Texas blue, he's going to release them into California, which is already hopelessly blue. This is good for red states. It has the added side benefit of crushing sanctuary cities' economies. Maybe they won't be so fond of illegals when they actually have to live with them.

but doesn't this just seem like another step PREVENTING them from getting deported. they should be back in Belize within 24 hours of getting caught in the USA not getting reshuffled back an forth. they already showed they don't give a fuck about our laws. they won't stay in sanctuary cities, they'll move back wherever the jobs are. if they get deported upon getting caught the 5th time they'll just hop the border again - just like the originally did

UN has ducked us with asylum rules and dems chucked us with catch and release.

Dems want the shitskins, they are going to get more shitskins than they know what to do with and can effectively manage and care for.


Oh look, it's this argument again.

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California sucks ass unless you're rich. It has some of the largest wealth inequality in the country. Its middle class is rapidly disappearing.

>Illegals forced out of red and purple states
>No more voter fraud
>Blue states get taken over by Mexibeans
>Mexibeans vote for Mexibean politicians
>Mexibean officials cut gibs to blacks because Mexibeans hate blacks

>Democrat party ceases to exist

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go ahead, senpai. The consensus is pretty clear that immigrants are good for the economy. But you continue living in your shitty little all-Republican southern states that rank 49th and 50th in everything you can imagine, while blaming liberals for why your life is shit HAHAHA

rules for radicals kike, make them follow their own rules. Conservatives are done being punching bags

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BASED twitter shit poster president. Epic based based based Israel first israeli first America last based based.
Take my foreskin take my home take my community and country destroy my life and my peoples future. Anything for Israel.
based Trump.
Based twitter president of maximum nothingness.
Epic simply epic.
What a great 4 years. Truly epic. Amazing. Great. We're saved bros. He tweeted a twatter on twitter. It's over.
Seething letist scum. How many israeli cocks can you fit in YOUR anus?!?
You call yourself a patriot! HA!

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We're in complete argreement then. You get all the illegal spics.

hello (((fellow republican)))

the absolute madman!

This shit is hilarious but goddamn I feel bad for normal people who live there. Guess it's time for them to gtfo.

I hope you are aware that illegals have families here; As soon as illegals get released, they will just go leave the city. Is your autism that bad that you can't see this happening?

I fired forum the hip too fast.
Trumps proposal is for asylum seekers apprehended at the border, not for illegals caught within our borders.

Even if it was, getting jailed for 30 days (or however long the limit is) tends to totally fuck your life if your income is needed to support the household. He can take a bus back to his evicted apartment and angry boss

Fortunately that isn’t how this works, or else your government could declare you a non-citizen and deny you a trial to prove you are a citizen.

Non citizens are entitled to a subset of the rights citizens are entitled to in order to prevent actions like these.

sounds too good to be true, what's the catch???

they will surely never leave those states and infect other ones like they've already been doing for decades!

Pull a Jackson and force them to enforce it.

If California's economy tanks, isn't that bad for the US as a nation? Either way the brown man wins in Trump's decision.

If they leave Sanctuary Cities they will be deported.

trump is fixing it
fuck off anti trump shills

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They will get too many gibs to ever leave these cities.

>based tweets pwning the media libs
Imagine being this delusional while infinity muds cross your border to drop an anchor baby, collect gibs, and vote dem. GOP cant die fast enough.

>how does this even work?
Travel takes resources. San Jose actually has a nice warm climate. Also, if the city is sanctuary, they will be harassed less than in a normal city. It will work, provided some shit court doesn't rule against it.

If I had over 9000 penises none of them would have foreskin! Can you say the same? No, you cannot! Isreal first. israel forever. god bless Doland Trumo.
You scared leftists? Our Isreali slave master just used twitter, again? feeling the heat? Sure maybe right now you're not, because he's never followed through on a single anything in accordance with the MAGA agenda
but rest assured, seething leftist scum
The non-stop constant israeli ass kissing is merely a prelude of what's to come! Indeed! When Trumpoiloilolloli is granted his Second term in accordance with jewish rights HE will only then be truly unleashed. You haven't seen the true next level Trump unleashed, lips untied. Anuses will be sucked. Jews will orgasm in delight. Oh yes.. Yes. Based Trump. Based based. Who cares about closing the border when you can let in 2349823472347578495 sand niggers from africa and then ship them to california hahahahahhahaah fucking clown

>And apparently Trump and his admin thinks dumping all these illegals and further straining the already overstretched resources of states like California might make them change their minds.
What do you want him to do? He can't bomb LA (unfortunately).

>Trumps proposal is for asylum seekers apprehended at the border, not for illegals caught within our borders.
the issue remains. their goal was never receiving asylum, just getting across the border where they can hide in a sea of brown.

>getting jailed for 30 days (or however long the limit is) tends to totally fuck your life if your income is needed to support the household.
this is true if you're working a proper job. these spics are a diamond dozen. they'll just go ahead and take another lawn mowing, roofing, fry cooking job, not like they get certificates and have interviews. I imagine people hiring illegal spics in the first place are already familiar with this kind of thing

Yeah fucking right. These spic goblins can sneak across the national border unopposed. They can sneak through state lines too, especially when the fat faggot won't even have the balls to deport them anyway.

Oh god fuck my ass Israel.

No, it'll put the pressure on the left when their narrative that POC is good for the economy starts collapsing, ensuring a rise of the right wing.

If they're so great for the economy, why are they whining about this then?
Shouldn't they be happy Trump is delivering more migrants to them?

They can get them anywhere you dumb fuck. As long as they have children, the government will give them chip, food stamps, free healthcare THROUGH their children, etc.
Please think before you post.

this but unironically

It is kinda hard to argue against it being a libshit. The real question is where the actual wall will have to be built at the end.

it's just over $100 to travel almost across the entire USA. at $5 an hour they can earn enough money in two days. there'll probably be an entire pawn industry springing up around these illegal spics

Why would spic goblins leave Sanctuary Cities?

Trump can't do anything except troll like this because he's unwilling to address the fact that Zionists (jewish nazis) have infiltrated all levels of the US government as well as media, academia, and finance. Trump will parade the families of those who illegals have murdered around on stage, then at the behest of his zionist cabinet, he will take action that will guarantee the deaths of US Citizens at the hands of illegal immigrants.

This action would be no different than the leaders of Europe flooding their countries with unvetted refugees, guaranteeing that many tax payers will be murdered and raped by the mob.

holy shit these tweets did not age well

Because their cities are the biggest shitholes in the country? I don't know why you're asking this retarded question, when every fucking state in the entire western US is already infected with these goblins.

Trump's Checklist for Not Being a Kike:

[ ] Build wall
[ ] End birthright citizenship
[ ] End AA
[ ] End H1B
[ ] End dual citizenship in elected office
[ ] Build hakenkreuz shaped presidential library in Portland, OR.

You really have to hand it to the jews, so few people are able to see the plays that they might as well rule the world. Sadly that will mean the planned destruction of the country my forefathers bled to build.

>not pelosi and california
the left cant meme

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>god bless you president trump
>keep on triggering the libtards

What a complete moron. Instead of trying to prevent illegal immigration, Trump is now offering to give them free transportation to cities that will defend them from deportation and provide them with food, housing, schooling, etc. And you love it because it makes liberals mad. You are literally dumber than fuck.

Why does it even make liberals mad, though? I thought they loved immigrants...

Trump will literally get his braindead base to cheer on the importation of illegal immigrants, funneled into the nation's cities, where crime rates including murder will go up. Some preteen American girl will get murdered, or maybe only raped as a consequence, and MAGA retards will cheer to own the libs. Its like magic. Its hard not to fall into solipsism

Even Tyrone and Jamal with a combined IQ equal to the average US drinking age would have dropped a dealer who was caught ripping them off once. What does this tell you about Trumpfags who still support this fat nigger after more than two years?