Are dads actually important?

Do kids ACTUALLY need dads? Honestly they seem pretty superfluous to the whole child rearing process. Even girls with daddy issues seem to be an evolutionary advantage.

And nig boys with no dads are just nigs being nigs irrespective of a father figure. White, Asian, and Mexican boys don't grow up to be criminals just because they don't have a dad.

Basically I'm saying that men can just impregnate girls and run away with no clear societal issues. Ofc family and tribal units are better but so what? Moms just get help from the state or betas, what's the real benefit for children to having a dad? Most kids never even see their dad anymore anyway, they spend their lives at their jobs.

Is there any REAL data supporting the need for dads besides a marginally better life? How would those data points stack up against environmental risks or just having a million kids and hoping for the best?

I'm not really seeing an upside to being a family father instead of an absent father who just leaves some college money or sends health insurance.

Modern society has made fathers obsolete.

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Yes Dumbass

this represents the fall of the west. gay and sagepilled

what do you think a boy raised by a woman exclusively will turn into

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a varg watcher, a tranny, or both.

Fatherlessness is the real cause of violence and mass shootings.

Fathers are there to teach respect.

Thank you for actually responding to my post with human thoughts, however short they may be.

Fuck all of you and your potato comments which do nothing to contribute to the thread.

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Jow Forums is filled with young men raised by single mothers. That should tell you everything you need to know about whether kids need dads.

Having a dad makes you a leftist putz?

Seriously you need to stop reflecting yourself on anonymous boards.

"White, Asian, and Mexican boys don't grow up to be criminals just because they don't have a dad."

they kinda do

This. Niggers just amplify society’s ills because they are niggers

Someone did a study, found like 40% of inmates in prison had no father growing up.

Let the implications of that sink in. says so
And studies show that for women to grow to be happy they need good fathers.

I think OPs yapping is because No father and bad father probably have about the same negative impact on child. With a terrible father being worse than no father. I have pretty good father.

More important than the female is

Imagine potentially nearly HALF of all criminals in prison NOT committing crimes and going to jail if they had a good father.

lmost every guy I've met with a dad is a fucking pussy

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you should definitely fuck off back to leleddit before its too late faggot
hint: its already too late

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loss of the father figure is what is responsible;e for the downfall of western society and why the muslims will replace us
much as I hate the thought

Sure they do buddy. Please report back after living in a majority black neighborhood.

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Yes, dad's are important. If I didn't have a father I wouldn't be able to do anything. My mom didn't really teach me much. I learned how to to basically everything in the real world from my father. I also couldn't imagine not having a father and a mother. I feel genuinely bad for those who don't have both.

Where are this morons coming from?

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>With a terrible father being worse than no father.
I'd roll that terrible father is better than no father. The mere presence of a father imprints the belief that there is some kind of order in the world.
No father leaves a child to grow up with no concept of order/disorder whatsoever.

Dads are important to teaching masculinity and demonstrating gender roles in the family unit. Other than that, lack of a father figure doesn't really lead to criminality. Yeah, kids actually need fathers, but blacks with dads aren't gonna be any less likely to rape and steal and murder. It's just sort of statistic noise given that blacks are a lot more promiscuous and more likely to leave their wives as well, r-selection and low investment in offspring and all that.

Fatherless cope.

How many of those men are black?

Ya'll are only re-enforcing my position here. Tks for the real talk tho.

This guy gets my point. On an overall societal scale, fathers seem to be unnecessary. I love my dad but did I NEED him? The state pays for everything, schools raise our kids these days. Fathers are basically absent in most famlies.

I'm not disputing that fathers have a good influence, I'm just saying that their CURRENT amount of influence seems to be negligible at best.

Really? I would argue that the fall of Western society was precipitated by giving women the right to vote. They were the ones who pushed men out of the modern family unit with their political sway.

The foreign invasion is just a symptom of a much deeper issue.

I agree with you in principle. But how much of your learning could have been done in school or with a group mentor?

Fathers no longer teach us how to hunt, farm, do blue collar jobs, fix our cars, or even court women. (Speaking about the majority of the population .)

What does a modern father teach his kids? How not to rape? How to be subservient to the women in their lives? How the modern father is Homer Simpson or Peter from the family guy?

What good is a father in the modern society? Why should men become fathers instead of just making as many kids as possible and letting modern society just care for them? Genetically this is an optimal strategy because the tribal unit no longer exists.

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>Basically I'm saying that men can just impregnate girls and run away with no clear societal issues
And who picks up the cost? Do you know what the welfare state is? This is some tasty bait.

Father is there to beat the mother up so that she doesn't have the kids make the wrong choices like be trannies or fuck niggers.

Shill/slide thread.
Don't reply to these dumb shill posts without sageing, ever.

no you dont. you're better off without. you dont need to be cucked from a young age by some turdlet faggot pretending to be an adult. most 'dads' are a complete hurdle to development.

the archetypal father figure you're thinking of isnt what most people experience. most people experience a bitchy old faggot forcing a borderline homosexual experience upon you, in the best of cases.

a common theme of discussion on this board is the moral decline of society. this is paralleled by the cultural trope of women saying 'where have all the good men gone?'. the problem is the adult males and their 'daddy' complex. just any old faggot that managed to reproduce isn't inherently a more valuable experience, its the opposite in fact.

But I'm arguing that this is a positive thing in modern society.

>Dads are important to teaching masculinity and demonstrating gender roles in the family unit. Other than that, lack of a father figure doesn't really lead to criminality
100% agreed.

But does this outweigh the benefits of spreading genes far and wide? And does it really outweigh the benefits of taking advantage of the system which we live in? (Pic related, absent father would not have to pay the bill and neither would the child or mother.)

My dad is in my living room holding my son. But lets pretend like we are not telling stories on an Maroi camel dating website, and you know exactly what you are talking about. Stick to the topic at hand and not your insults about things which don't exist.

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Honestly most black kids are raised by baby mommas. Dads are rarely if ever around.


this. you end up 'knowing your place' with a father figure. whether thats good or bad is case based.

I wish I had a dad. Not MY dad, though, he was a nutter.

Psychologically, a growing child needs love from both mother and father. Mothers usually love a child unconditionally, meanwhile father love is a bit different: you get good grades - you're a child who's worthy of love from your father, et cetera. But I don't know if it correlates to more shootings or people (specifically blacks) being more violent, just that the father not being present could be the cause of mental issues.

lol butthurt

gas yourself you faggot leaf

Yeah because that is working out so well for society right now...

Yes we live in a welfare state, no I don't personally support it. Why shouldn't we take advantage of all of the resources at our disposal? The foreign invaders are doing it, why are we not using the system WE created?

Says the memeflag.

This is viewpoint agrees with my hypothesis about the topic. In a modern world the father is actually a HURDLE to children's success.

Proper father figures are teaching children to be upstanding citizens when the world is taking advantage of their hard work. They should be teaching them to take advantage of society in every way possible so long as it isn't amoral. I am arguing that the family unit is no longer a proper moral family structure because society is attempting to break it apart.

We should rework the idea entirely so as to be more robust against modern society.

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Mom wants us to believe we're dependent and the whole world is out to get us while constantly providing for us livelihood, but no meaningful emotional support and gives us short-term material gifts.
Dad wants us to believe we're independent and constantly tries to teach us DIY, holding our hand at first but expecting you to do it all on your own the second time. He will never provide small talk emotional support until you come to him one night and he senses that you actually need it and the both of you have a very meaningful and impactful talk that changes your worldview in some way, but it won't happen again for at least another few years, and any gifts given to you are meant to be long-term and practical.

Yes they are. If they weren't humans wouldn't have evolved to be a mostly monogamous species. Also, female ornamentation.

Strong single mom with a half niglet detected.

yes, i agree, more or less. we need a world actually worth living in, or child rearing is essentially pointless. its as if we are sailing towards a brave new world-esque society. its all turning in to a cesspit, destroying everything good. although i disagree with the fathers teaching children to take advantage of society. they should teach them society is about to be rebuilt in the image of Christ Jesus and if they don't like it they can GTFO

you had a gay dad

Agreed. But are you arguing that their race's ails are due to the lack of father figures? I would argue that blacks seem to have other issues at best.

Based Lithuania actually thinking about the topic at hand.

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modern society exists because fathers were made obsolete by child support daddy government enabling women to divorce men without consequence to their wellbeing.

fuck you OP you kike

For a male:
The father is the model of the self, the mother is the model of the mate.
For a female:
The mother is the model of the self, the mother is the model of the mate.

A man lacking a good father figure will have issues with his self esteem and hissense of masculinity.

A woman lacking a good father figure will have major problems finding and attracting a quality husband.

Same thing with women except inverted for the sexes.

Children need a mom and a dad.
pic unrelated

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Tits or GTFO coalburner.

Why don't you have a look at the correlations between growing up without a father and
> not graduating college
> ending up in prison
> drug addiction
> income
> teenage pregnancy
> etc.
Growing up without a dad is literally one of the best (if not THE best) predictor of all of those things. As a child you don't realize just how important your dad is.

I'm sorry your father molested you, but that doesn't mean all fathers like that

Agreed. But again, do any of these things have a practical use in the modern world?
Honestly I'm asking because I don't see the point of a dad other than 'being an honest hard worker.'
This line of BS seems to be lackluster at best and a complete lie/fabrication at worst.
The skills you are putting forth are honorable and good but they seem useless in a modern world.

I see you haven't read the thread. We are talking about how the father figure is obsolete in a modern world. Not that he was a vital figure in the past.

If you ask me for tits and a timestamp you are gonna be really disappointed... I'm a chubby white guy.

>they should teach them society is about to be rebuilt in the image of Christ Jesus
While I am not religious myself I can agree with the sentiment.

Society need to be rebuilt, is accelerationism (taking advantage of the system in this case) the answer? I can't say for sure. However I can say that if you had a bunch of kids taking advantage of the system and it DID collapse, they would be in a very good position to survive and keep your line going.

Is a gay dad better than no dad? Tonight on JewNews we force our opinion down your throat whether you agree or not!!

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Go and look at the stats on what fatherlessness does to children and how that correlates with their behaviour in later life. Basically by every metric we know they get more degenerate, more prone to be addicted to drugs, more prone to being violent, tattoos, STDs, promiscuity, all sorts of criminality, less likely to have successful marriages and more likely to end up raising their own children single furthering the problem.

The single biggest problem is that sons seem to have problems developing empathy without a father figure around and that's really bad because that leads to violent behaviour.

>I can't be bothered to read the thread
Wow your argument is so persuasive, thanks for your valuable contribution.

I agree with you.

But I'm arguing that modern society has invalidated these valued structures. Why should the family unit stay static when the world is changing so drastically? The model you are talking about is literally thousands of years old. It was very strong when we had tribes in tents around fires but now we have Tinder, SJW ideals, and invaders changing our society from how we built it. How is this unit supposed to cope?

Again... If you really want my tiddies you are gonna be REALLY disappointed with my chubby white manboobs.

Denmark, you live in a basically all white country. You are gonna have to bring those stats to the table if you want to be heard.

I have already brought up how basically ALL the things you have said are basically black American problems (for whatever reason, idgaf about muh reparations, I'm talking about CURRENT stats.)

Not having a father is definitely bad, that is undisputed. But HOW BAD is it compared to modern society anyway? Are we talking coffee or heroin bad? How bad overall? Do you really think humans are so weak as to not be able to cope with a new family structure despite thousands of years of crazy stuff?

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Black fatherhood rates were much higher during segregation. I guess I'm beaing a dead horse here when I say that the black family unit was broken up and the state became the daddy. It's much like what they want to do with white people but it's taking longer.

Bad, yes. Pic related.

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> hey guys, is this obvious truth actually false??!
fuck wow you’re stupid

But are those stats REALLY indicative of the issue? I already argued that black children seem to have other issues. The disparity between black fatherlessness and other race's fatherlessness does not correlate.

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The world isnt changing son.

Still the same world, its us that changed, and not for the better.

Shit posting as you are about something you know damn well to be asinine.

fuck you kevin

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Do you think other race's children will have the same issues as black children? I don't see the data to back that up if that is your claim.

Why hello, do you actually have something to contribute? The adults are talking in here.

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>fatherless loser trying to cope

Statistically you are a lot more likely to be a criminal and a failure if you grow up with a single mother.

yes, whites need there fathers

Prove that that is because they had no father growing up and not because they got their genes from shit-tier impulsive low IQ failures.

>varg watcher
god damn you christkikes are all ass blasted

you never had a father, it's pretty clear. I bet you're a self hating nigger as well.
I hate my father and think he's a moron, but at least he was around. boys need a father or father figure period.

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>Are dads actually important?

Ask the black community

Niggers need father figures to beat them when their kids, because they need to be afraid of authority, most nigger boys can beat their mothers, so their mothers won't beat sense into the boys.
white boys who grow up without a father become liberals. like you

>Still the same world, its us that changed, and not for the better.
You mean I was referring to the changing society/people and not the physical surface of the planet or literal status of how the world functions? That's amazing, you read my mind!

Anyway yeah, I don't know jack about anything which is why I wanted to post on this board and see what people had to say about my ponderings.

I would actually really love for someone to really prove my hypothesis solidly wrong but no one has the data or arguments to do so. I really like dads but I honestly feel that the role is outdated.

The britbong came the closest to making a decent argument

Love that book tho.

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Well OP I suppose it depends on your view of functioning offspring.

Long ago, humans started having less offspring and investing more in them. A deer can stand and run in a matter of hours in the wild. A human child takes about 12 months to stand up and many more years to be able to fight off a small predator like a dog.

All that time coming from a single mother, is a drain on her mental and physical capacity leading her to make mistakes and under deliver to the child's needs. Furthermore, the child is far less likely to grow to be above the middle of the range of successful candidates for future breeding and impairs their ability to pass along their genetic successes, from a purely physical point of view like being underfed to being ill-prepared to take on society and ending up in prison.

It's not so long ago that being a single mother was a near death sentence in almost every society in the world.

Also, consider that if nobody had a father (as the marxists would have) then it would level the playing field a lot. But if one child had two parents, it puts them above the rest. This is one of the main reasons I despise communism, because any advantage you choose to invest in your own offspring (e.g. love, reading, money) is unfair on the rest of the population.

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AGAIN, I ask how much of those stats are black children? I have posted my data and stated my hypothesis on this subject.

Why in the fuck do you morons want to see my white manboobs as proof? You faggots are so gross sometimes...


>grow up without a father become liberals. like you
I live in TX, own as many guns as I can afford, and wouldn't vote for either party if you paid me. Sorry I don't fit in a nice little box for you to label but I like to have my own opinions about topics instead of blindly following whatever the JewMedia2000 tells me.

Now on the the pathetic attempt to contribute to our nice conversation.
>Niggers need father figures to beat them when their kids, because they need to be afraid of authority, most nigger boys can beat their mothers, so their mothers won't beat sense into the boys.
Why yes, we are all aware that the black American community has major issues. Did you read the thread? The adults have discussed it several times with varied opinions on the topic. Did you have something else you would like to say captain obvious?

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Father is the head of the household and a household without a father is left to the judgment of a woman who is not able to rule herself, let alone a child, let alone children. God made men first, then women. Women were made for men, women without men is woe.

Single mothers give rise to emotionally crippled children who are at risk of become degenerates because they were either punished too harshly or not at all. Women need to be kept in subjection or they go crazy and they take it out on their children too.

Across the board statistically one of the worst things you can do to a child's future is remove the father from their life.
Single motherhood damaging children is not reserved for minorities

prove that you have guns post a pic of your collection.

when it comes to whites, without fathers they become faggots who hate white people. You mineaswell have had a child that wasn't even white.

My dad died seven years ago when I was 24. I don't need him, but I really do miss him.


>Well OP I suppose it depends on your view of functioning offspring.
This is very true. I would have to define a proper 'line in the sand' of what a functioning offspring would be.

I would put forth that the biological point of life is to produce successful offspring. I guess I am maintaining that, for all of the OBVIOUS drawbacks of not having a father, the gains outweigh the losses BIOLOGICALLY in my opinion. The children will right the issues in several generations and your line would be stronger overall, especially if you were able to leave them a large fund to care for them.

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all of the things you point out are more expensive and/or inefficient compared to a stable nuclear family. Fuck off.

post a pic of your gun collect or you're a lying jew.

:( I'm sorry for your loss.

Support your claim or fuck off. Look I can do it too.

kk gimmie a sec.

literally every school shooter had no father in their lives

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Fuck kids, they can be raised by niggers

>dad had me at the age of 53

>on top of being old and relatively frail for a dad, was always very quiet and beta

It's like I never even grew up with a dad in a sense. That aside, I still love him and he loves me even more, considering my sister turned out to be a complete fuck up and embarrassment.

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Of course dad's are important

Are people who grow up without a father even human?

Your dad should have spanked you. And spanked you and spanked you. Spanky spanky spank you. Spank spank spank you.

Here you go. It's not much but it's mine. No I won't take better pictures, I don't trust the internet not to fuck with me.

Legit point.



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Probably not.

I'm not sure you are in the right place...

you cut the orange tip off your bb gun?
also I was intending on using the exif data from your photo to get your gps location, expect a pizza delivery tomorrow.

Your father was a faggot leaf. That's why you're so fucked in the head.

Yeah that's why I stripped the data lol. And if YOU can't tell a real gun from a bb gun that makes YOU a noguns buddy. Like I'd keep my range flag in a bb gun, kek.

If you really want better pics you are gonna have to share your guns because I don't respect noguns.

I don't have much of anything because I recently moved.

I may be a poorfag with a shitty pistol and a dirt cheap AR15 but I'll still kill you if you fuck with me or mine. They shoot the deathpills just fine.

Having spent all of my life growing up and living in a country with very high divorce rates, and with my parents themselves being divorced, I am certain that having no father present in your own home when you wake up and go to sleep is very detrimental to your psychological wellbeing.

Many of my friends who have daddy issues (dead father, not divorced but fighting with their parents, and divorced parents) have all fared much worse than the friends who have had both parents present under the same roof from birth to high school graduation.

Divorce is much nastier than people think.

whatever nigger, I never intend on going to your ghetto and bothering anybody you know. but it's nice to see you're all hot and bothered about your BB gun.

Yes, they absolutely are. My dad died when I was a toddler and, while my mom did everything she could do, there are life lessons I lack and have/had to learn the hard way by myself now that I'm a grown ass adult. Including, but not limited to, discipline, standing up for myself, prioritizing my own interests, taking jokes as jokes, or shaving properly. I'm 25 now, work in a male-dominated field, and the learning curve is steep. My colleagues totally expect me to know these things by now, except I'm years behind and have daddy issues. Yes, a strong father figure is absolutely necessary.

Also my wife and baby are sleeping in the room and I don't want to wake them by making too much noise. I would rather not get an earful asking why I'm playing with my guns in the middle of the night while chatting on my laptop XD Which is why I was only interested in a pic swap for a fellow enthusiast/rights believer.