Is playing the video jew degenerate?

is playing the video jew degenerate?

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depends on the game, some are a waste of time for fags, some like hearts of Iron, arma, older RPG like the original fallout games can be a lot of fun, and quite mentally engaging. I learned critical thinking a lot faster than a lot of other kids because I played things like Rome total war, Knights of the old republic. your choices matter over a much longer time span than whether you run into door A or B in CoD.

If the game has lootboxes you can pay for with real money, then yes.

i only play 2 games now, the other being il2 1946 because it is better than jew thunder.
>being forced to pay for vehicles when the game itself is heavily biased and unbalanced as fuck

no thanks

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how else are you supposed to win


Also, post your favorite video game.

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kino mod
generals 2 when

Angry goy 2

Played a shitload of Cities Skylines today. That game’s more like painting or crafting than anything.
Generally speaking though the less video games you play the better, so long as you’re not filling the void with drugs and alcohol or something.

israel is extremely weak in the mod since I can normally beat hard opponents on most maps but as the kikes their vehicles are way too slow, slow building, and expensive. They also have a weak economy ironically.

GLA is the strongest team in the game since it's all about speed, aggression, and hitting your enemies from where they're not expecting. Even though their vehicles are weak as shit.

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Dwarf Fortress is OK to play

I am approaching 1000 hours on EU4 and I regret nothing.
Vive le Roi

Anything other than an FPS is so.yous.

being the type of little faggot who orders their lives and habits based on others dictating to them what is or is not degenerate is, you guessed it, fucking degenerate.

>One group of jew focuses on quality and expense.
>The other group of jew focuses on being cheap little fuckers

Like pottery.

gla is arabs


fresh out of the lab

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The videogame industry is a fucking disaster but if you hate videogames themselves as a whole then you can fuck right off.


This is the only real answer.

Today, yes.

Games aren't games anymore, they're time dumps, chores, micro-transactions and forced political messages that people get addicted to. The magic of gaming was ruined when corporations took over and kicked all the white nerdy guys out and filled their places with the diversity quota.

can I have some shoes?

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The only degenerate things are fags, drugs and self destruction and setting off agents red flags.

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i only play two games and both are at least 10 years old

Extra large.

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shouldve been a parody of rich girl

Kenshi with some mods and roleplay can be so much fun.

atleast you have some taste

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Here's hoping to WoW Classic reviving Jow Forums VR.

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>best command and conquer
fuck yeah, tiberian timeline is great too but im somewhat glad they took C&C behind the shed because theres no way nuGenerals wouldnt be cucked to shit i can already see the bad guy faction being an american splinter faction thats "taking matters into their own hands so they can kill the nonwhites" so yeah happy it never happened
also fuck red alert we all know its just a communist power wank/propaganda, bunch of fags

It's been a long time since I've been so thoroughly enchanted by a game setting.

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"good 'nuff for gov'ment work"

my wage slave mantra

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What about hookers?

i build vagina

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video games are similar to books in that some can be engaging and grow your mind (usually rpg or strategy games), and some can be shit and just popcorn garbage meant for retards (usually fps like cod or halo and "action adventure" games like uncharted or god of war)

video games are good too because they teach you critical thinking skills

halo isn't as mindless as cod

Ex-paladin Griffin dropping some philosophical redpills

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Very game dependent. Right now I'm listening to my German ww2 music playlist and invading the Soviet Union in hearts of iron 3, and it's fun as fuck. Based games include hearts of iron 3/darkest hour, csgo, rust, total war (medieval 2 and empire are the 2 best), and tf2 (I play on a 2fort server called Hitler's jewfort lol). But there are a lot of very shitty games out there that are just a waste of time.

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Yes, and spics aren't as retarded as blacks. Halo is only good if you are playing with your buddies at a LAN party.

Idk, seems pretty redpilled to me

>go here press button
>shoot aliens/opfor
>go here take objective
>press button
>shoot aliens/opfor
>almost die
>but don't

it's literally the same game

it's as redpilled as you make it

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Japanese games are nice.

arabs are jews, they are the same fucking people.

Generals is based

ok! ok! I will work.

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Runescape unironically taught me how to spell a lot of shit. Even though a lot of it was l33t sp33k at the time and short hand, being forced to communicate with people every day through text was a great way for me to learn what the schools failed at.

Shina will grow larga

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One of the best games I've played in years

>1 year ago, be casual fps gamer up until then
>roommate tries to get me into League of Legends
>starts me off playing Master Yi, don't enjoy it at all
>after a few months, suggests I try Nasus
>been hooked on LoL as a Nasus main ever since

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You're 8 years late

that unit use to annoy the shit out of my friends when it got to lvl 3 veterancy lmao

league is perfect game for listening to podcasts
t. malzahar

imagine a world where men went outside to play sports and beat the shit out of each other all day

I think if they consume your life to the point you won't meet a good woman and have a family then its a problem. But if you play a bit after work its all good fun. Better then watching shitty jew cable t.v shows and being an active participant in the story rather then a bystander make you appreciate the story more.
>favourite game?
Don't have one but have been playing Mount & Blade Crusades mod and RDR2 online as a fat ugly Mick recently.

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nasus is low iq and yi is high iq, switch to yi or you're a degen

>Mount & Blade Crusades mod and RDR2
This leaf knows what's up.

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Divinity - Original Sin 2

It's shit. Parody on parody. Really a nihilistic bs. Couldn't finish OS and OS is even kikier.


I also like building Japansese space empire playing Hissho in Endless Space 2 and game has wonderfull soundtrack and art on top of it.

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>One group of jew focuses on quality and expense.
Arabs irl are not focusing about quality at all

>is playing the video jew degenerate?
No, you can do whatever you want with your time. Just make sure not to get sucked in and waste your days away instead of doing something useful.

>is paying for the video jew degenerate?
Absolutely. Remember how years ago you'd get infinite demos in newspapers and shit? So you could test the game and see if you like it and then buy it? Nowdays video game companies went full jew and you can't do that.
Torrent first, pay later. Unless it's based CD Projekt Red or Warhorse Studios.

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>le großgermania
>not playing small shithole countries
apply yourself

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>arabs are jews goys

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>Hey hey people


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Yes, because you are doing work and achieving literally nothing



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>grouping different people together is the act of an american
>not a jew
based retard

>Israeli F-15

I only play league of legends aram

>The allies call in an artillery strike on the Knight's Cross Holders
>It's a direct hit
>the dust settles
>the knight's cross is still there, except now they're using the crater as cover.

The first one was good. But the second one is utter garbage with shit writing

I like this alien semen demon

>not playing the Bogs Horatio

>not playing Il2 battle of stalingrad

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>war thunder
yeah neah m8
its just russian

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