Nigger hate bread

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Jow Forumsing the original and any other edits

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nnnnnNNNigguh wWUT?

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Look like fats in a shoe box

This stupid bitch made fury road almost unwatchable

now this is a wh*te btfo'ed thread

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This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard in my life

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what is it like to look in the mirror and see nigger skin in the reflection? I'd literally kill myself

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>Checks flag

It seems a nigger is upset

Fuckin feral animals

fixed that

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Wow...what the fuck, man. It's one thing to be an attractive whore, but a nigger-fucker too? I really hope that's her brother, it's less embarrassing.

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Niggers are immune to depression, it requires self-awareness.

She's average. We don't call average kills attractive.

(((They))) are scared. (((They))) seek to undermine Diversity.

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We should share with Reddit.

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We must protect Diversity.

Peace, Love and Life anons.

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these nigger mutt kids are so ugly.
Look at it's fucking head and it's hair holy shit

What's the backstory to this? Did this white guy have sex with some underage girls, and they are doing their tribal punishment. Or did they randomly kill him. This is adequate punishment for pedophiles. Why else would someone travel to the third world anyway..

Imagine the smell

How have you not been banned yet?
Take your bait elsewhere you worthless shit

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Are you fucking retarded, you dumb nigger?
The nigger was getting BTFO'd until the other monkeys had to help.
It's typical nigger behavior, though.

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look who showed his gay nigger face again.

>nerd white guy is hanging out with his girlfriend
>some nigger attacks him for no reason
>white nerd starts beating nigger
>other niggers need to beat up white nerd so he doesnt kill the nigger

niggers are really weak

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This is relevant to my interests

lol guess you like being btfo

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meant for

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Niggers have too small a brain to realize this video is shameful and makes the blacks out as weak cowards and pathetic.



N lover

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wtf!?! this is genius!


Would bet almost anything 25 years ago it wasn't a trash heap.

N level degenerate

Spam it on Twitter.

How does that little sheboon have a mustache?

* except whyte peepol

it wasn't

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21 with 2 niglet kids, and posting half naked pictures on dating apps? She should be killed.

Lmao, you pathetic racists never fail to amuse me with your “nigger hate threads”

Face it, most PoC will be infinitely more successful than you pathetic virgins. You picked the wrong side of history. Get over it losers.

No! The story is fucking hilarious, too. They are from the show 90 Day Fiance. The guy is mormon American, chick is Russian who fucked her black friend and got knocked up right before she was to get married to the mormon guy. 9 months later, out pops this kid she claims is 100% their own because of some black Cuban stepdad she now claims is her "real dad".

The whole shit show is amazing. She used to blur pics of the girl when people started calling out her bullshit. She's pregnant again and we are all waiting to see what race this kid is going to be.

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i bet shes really popular amongst her own senpai. And Ill bet that her child will be a real good treat to his/her cousins.

Yo whites mah fuckin hate us cuz dey aren't us you know das right!

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Yeah no, I lay here on my bed posting and I’ve made like 2400 bucks in the last hr, fuck off jamal you N

they are both boys she dresses as girls

Nice "pay the toll" collection, thx man
Soin' god's work

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