
What would happen if someone planet LSD or DMT in Lefties politicans drink.
Could they get enlighten and realize vanity of their pursuit to destroy civilization and white race?

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lsd doesnt work that way

in the words of Hunter S. Thompson, my personal hero.

“We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel.”

acid is only a tool to enlighten the already enlightened

it doesnt magically make you see the truth, just lets you peek behind the curtain a bit

I'm a very politically minded person, and I've also taken LSD (20+x) and DMT (7x) and I seriously doubt it's possible to have a coherent political thought under the influence of either..at least for me the experience is rooted in my immediate surroundings

as if the left isn't already on drugs.

they do alot of weed

most psych users are either libertarians (read proto rights), right wingers, or spiritualists who dont engage in politics
MOST not all

How big of a fucking retard do you have to be to think the solution is MORE drugs?

Joe Rogan disagrees, and he has a big audience.

Attached: joerogan.jpg (618x685, 96K)

>imagine not realizing joe rogan is (((them)))

even if he isnt, itd just make him the same as leary

believing acid to be a key, while failing to realize you need to know where the door is to actually use the key

>believing acid to be a key, while failing to realize you need to know where the door is to actually use the key

gotta learn to navigate the waters, to become water


With DMT, nothing would happen. It has no effect when it get's digested unless you take MAO inhibitors beforehand. With LSD, the would trip balls, probably get a bunch of panic attacks because the don't know what's going on, have a horror trip. End up in the hospital and come down after a few hours, traumatized for life. If you already have a well thought out worldview, it doesn't just change because of LSD, that only happens to retards who had no clear ideology and then claim to be enlightened because of some drugs, "Why don't we all just stop being violent, bro. The world would be so peaceful".

i haven't done lsd quite as many times but i tend to agree. the biggest "revelation" i end up walking away with is that i should stop wasting my life doing hallucinogens. i love listening to music on acid but towards the comedown i start to feel guilty about sitting around doing essentially nothing.

Normies are prone to bad trips, if they reject the truth in their day to day then theyll reject it during the trip and have a horrible time.

honestly the one that would do it would probably be a moderate dose of psilocybin.

psilocybin just has the right kick to it.
lil bit more spiritually guided.

this, but dmt works without MAOI, smoked very pure (white to the point of being nearly clear) many times
also this

I mean..vanity and race are kind of social constructs. All you're really doing is making other bullshit subjectively more priority then other bullshit, but it's still bullshit.

Instead of blaming leftists for your own personal failure, maybe you shoud build yourself some qualities and go after some normal women (not "pornstars alike" women). Besides,being white is not something you can use to feel better. It is not even a virtue.

It works without MAOI when vaporized (not burned) or injected, but OP was asking about putting it in a drink.

by the way. stop this paranoia. There's no such thing as "leftists who want to destroy your race". At least fake leftists (liberals) are just a piece of the shitty capitalism you americans love so much. A piece as necessary as republicans are, to mantain this shitty capitalism you love so much...

How is race a social construct? It's literally biology