Trump vs. Sanders

Who’s gonna win?

I am fairly certain, Sanders will be the Democratic pick. Don’t fall for all the unknown idiots pushed by the elites... Buttigied, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden etc., no way José they will be Trump’s challenge as the people are still fed up with globalization. And only Sanders is presenting a message the working class Democrats understand... as Sanders speaks like Trump at a 3rd grade grammar level.

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It will be interesting if they dont sabotage him

still too early to tell

Is Trump more Jewish than Sanders? I can't decide.

>I am fairly certain, Sanders will be the Democratic pick.
Not really. The establishment would rather lose then let him run, so it's a matter of whether he manages to force him go along with it, which is unlikely because he wasn't confrontational so far.

So, they will derail him, and outrage their base. Trump will have an easy reelection, to see Israel reclaim the West Bank and beyond.

He is, unironically. Sanders never really speaks about his Israel support. Trump constantly does and half of his administration are Jewish American/Israeli... unironically.

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>The establishment would rather lose then let him run

That’s what they said for nearly a year about Trump.

Hell, Sanders was close to winning against Hillary in 2016... he just had a bad start to the primaries.


the superdelegate system ensured that he had no chance in 2016. weirdly, he might in 2020 if only because every other dem candidate with any name recognition is completely fucked, but he'll be like mondale in the general and be completely curbstomped by trump.

>That’s what they said for nearly a year about Trump.
The only slight problem that Trump has is that some people in the establishment don't like his style. But he actually does much more to appease it than your average president - so he has powers that be in the bag.

Trump has a tough battle ahead. Holding onto the midwest states that he flipped will be tough when Sanders is much more pro-union and pro-gibs than Trump. Trump can keep Florida (which is likely due to Sanders' Castro-loving history) and still lose overall. I'll give him NH too since it's relatively libertarian, and since Trump nearly won it from Clinton, even though Sanders' still has a chance of big gains simply because of geography. Remember that NV and CO are now effectively blue states. Of course, if Trump can just keep WI by appealing to farmers (a somewhat different demographic from blue-collar factory/union types) then that's enough to swing it back to Trump.

The best hope Trump has is that Sanders gets pushed off the deep-end into minority-pandering shit and alienates enough white people in the rust belt. Alternatively, if Trump suddenly grows a pair and enforces the borders like a madman, declaring Mexican criminals as terrorists and stationing 100k troops along the entire border while killing drug lords left and right and ending the opioid crisis, then Trump could have a Nixon-tier comeback. But that scenario is extremely unlikely at this point.

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>Polls from primarily Democratic institutions more than a year and a half away from the actual election

What's the actual point of posting this?

Sanders is a Jew who fights AIPAC and Jewish control over the world.

Trump is an agnostic who kisses AIPAC's ass and fights for Jews to control even more of the world.

But ideology doesn't surpass ethnicity and religious identity, so Trump is less of a Jew even though he's MIGA.

Thx for the detailed post. I agree on most of your conclusions, to be honest.

Interesting times ahead.

>Fox News

ok, get off the meth

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Trump has a 95% chance to lose the upcoming election. Sanders doenst even need try. He should just campaign in California and New York and ignore the rest of the stats because hes going to win those in a land slide. I mean, anyone who would vote for Drumf is a racist, sexist, homophobe, islamaphobe basket of deplorables.

Fuck off shills. America won't elect a socialist.

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Trump should dump the Mexicans in Minnesota sanctuary cities. Between that and the Noor acquittal he will carry that state too.

Bernie would be a moderate right winger in Europe. You don’t even know what a socialist looks like.

Explain FDR
Texas won't turn blue until like 2028 at the earliest.

Sanders lived on a communist kibbutz in Israel for 5 years FYI and is a dual citizen.

He is literally a kike. The fact that he doesn't openly push pro Israel shit is just got sneaky Jew tactics

Forget that. America won't elect a Jew, never has
>Inb4 muh Lincoln
He was a practicing Christian

2024, desu. Texas is the new California.

>And only Sanders is presenting a message the working class Democrats understand... as Sanders speaks like Trump at a 3rd grade grammar level.

Kraut fag gets it...

Most of the Hispanics coming in are still young, and Texan Hispanics tend to vote more conservatively than Cali ones. Further, due to the way the electoral college works, there's a buffer effect. Swing states have high turnout, non-swing states have low turnout. If white conservative Texans too lazy to vote normally realize that their state is about to turn blue, more of them will make a move to vote.

This nigger gets it. But I’d give a bigger edge Trump. If the democrats run one of the full in your face leftists, it’s going to be McGovern all over again.

I'm sure Hillary will win. The polls say 99 percent chance of her beating Trump.

As a non-American Canadian living in socialist Europe, I can unironically say I see a 50-50 chance of Trump winning against Sanders.

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Can 8yr olds please leave the thread? Grown ups talk grown up stuff here. We don’t need idiots pointing out mass media propaganda is mass media propaganda.