Mike Enoch Threatens Lana Lokteff

TRS has gone 100% full (((vaccine promotion))).

Today's episode of Fash the Nation went all in, demanding that every white baby receive (((Baruch Blumberg's))) measles vaccine from Mayor Bill DiBlasio.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>muh vaccinations are satanic!!1+
then die from measles you fucking retard


"measles = death"

brill'ynt take. didja get this from Rachel Maddow or Bill Nye?

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Nigga, you stupid.

kike enoch is dumb as fuckin bricks.

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vaccines are ok, if you dont have a medical degree you have no right to open your fucking stinking mouth. Easy.
t. MD

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Beadey eyed fucking divide and conquer kike confirmed


SCIENCE! says that we should castrate little boys and inject every baby with 84 vaccines, and if you aren't SCIENCE!, you can't complain while they cut your nuts off and inject your baby.


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of course the conspiratard brings baby dicks whenever he cans. Maybe you should rethink your life, guy.

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Fuck you and fuck mike peinovich.

This is the measles they're so terrified of. Literally nobody gave a fuck about it until the Jews came along with their vaccine and told the trusting goy they'll die of they get it.

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Which Jewish vaccine is your fave?

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what is it with these eceleb "white nationalists" and always turning out to be kiked as fuck?
mike enoch - ultrakike wife, half-kike half-black half-brother, beady kike eyes, morbidly obese alcoholic
richard spencer - flaming fucking homosexual with ties to kike bolshevik anti-white aleksandr dugin
weev - kike troll, black sibling, kike mental illness, jew lips that look like a puffy dog anus
anglin - some kind of octoroon with a thai ladyboi fetish

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why are you obsessed with baby dicks? look nigger if diseases are so cool why wash your hands? its only diarhea. Why wear a coat? it's just influenza. Why diet? it's just hypertension and diabetes! nothing to worry about goy. Just buy my snake oil suplement.

dafuq r u babbling about, Schlomo?

Just keep your creepy hands off white babies.


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the one that works - all of them. If they were so shitty and ineffective there would be lawyers that would sue and win against the pharmaceutical lobby.

yeah, because my hands stop you from phantasizing about their dicks, I guess


It is literally ILLEGAL to sue pharmaceutical companies for vaccines:

so that means they are effective since you can't sue companies over them being ineffective

if anyone is against vaccinations its kikes
choke on that, schizo

Read Carl Jung opinion on americans.

Some vaccines cause some problems.

stop being so buttblasted mike and hit the gym you sperg

So Jews pay politicians to save them from lawsuits, and you say that bribing politicians is proof the Jews products are great.

Brill'ynt take.

Cite ONE media outlet opposing vaccines.

Or I'll make it easier: Name me ONE Jew media outlet that even doesn't actively campaign to mandate vaccines for every single white baby?

Name one, faggot.

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the benefits outweigh the risk. Also no one can realy describe those problems its just NEEDLES BAD LOOK AT THIS BABY ITS CRYING OMG

Speak for yourself.

If YOU'RE a weakling who can't handle chicken pox, that's YOUR business. Buy all the Jew vaccines you want.

Just keep your fucking hands off white children.

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I'll take the risk of the vaccine thanks.

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USA is not the whole world, show me anywhere in the world where antivaxxers actualy won against the big bad pharma
>Cite ONE media outlet opposing vaccines.

do you even have children you schizo incel, lmao

my kids are vaccinated, yours are imaginary, so yeah, I'm good

You side with every single Jewish agency in the world in supporting compulsively vaxxing white babies.

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I got all the vaccines and I'm not a potato. If you have such weak genetics that you can't even handle medicine maybe you should just an hero because you probably wouldn't make it anyway.

The problem is that the anti-vax cunts represent a danger for the entire group.

I wouldn't have a problem if they lived separate from us, but they don't.

"Fortunately" a few more kids dying from preventable diseases might bring them back to reason.

The Red Ice idiots are pagan retards.

yeah man its the jews that are fox vaccinations. NOT.

Vaccines aren't nessassary, but when you have shitholers moving in, you have no choice.

>I angrily think about other people's genitalia for most of my waking hours

Right! Buy all the Jew vaccines you need for yourself and your non-existent children. Just keep your hands off white babies. Thanks!


>Fash the Nation
Dammit lana is cute but fuck off with the vaccine conspiracy shit. let you kids take advantage of modern medicine ffs

People have good reasons to be skeptical of vaccines, especially the ones that are unnecessary. But whatever that is just his opinion, I would live in the world where all Mike Enoch's dreams come true.

>no u
antivaxxer jew retards have no creativity, maybe its good you dont take vaccines, your brains are already seriously damaged

So the Jewish media is using the Jewish community to convince white people to buy a Jewish vaccine and you think everything is A-Ok.

Fine: Buy all the vaccines you want. Just keep away from our kids. Thanks!

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>People have good reasons to be skeptical of vaccines, especially the ones that are unnecessary
which ones?

Which Jew vaccine is your fave?

Polio? Measles? Hep?

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>Strike and Kike

>Just keep away from our kids
youre childless, you have no business talking about this issue, what a genetic dead end... Jews promote antivax shit.

You tell us, faggot. Which of the 84 (as of 2018) compulsory shots saved you the least?

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Fucking this. Just round up all the anti-vaxxers in lepper colonies and be done with it. No need for the rest of society to suffer for their paranoia.

Also Lana used to be liberal and is only in for the cash. And Henrik is a Varg-tier larper.

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did you lose your virginity?

isnt his wife jewish or something?

Has that been shopped? Is he a bit special?
>t MD
Mad Dick

hep A

Which of Wife with a Purpose's 6 boys would you vax first?

I know you want to nab ALL of them, but some are pretty big, so you gotta grab these boys one at a time. What's your plan?

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She divorced him immediately after Mike was doxxed and she found about his podcasts.

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Cool. That's invented by a Jew and currently being injected into every baby as soon as they come out from the womb.

You're an anti-vaxxer. Fight the good fight.

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bahahaha fookin ell

ugly thots

Bullshit, she was on the podcast couple of times singing anti-Semitic tunes. It’s all a joke at expense of flashy giusto who are dumb enough to donate.

Doctors are scum all you have achieved is being indoctrinated it doesn't make you smart or an authority over me fuck off. Also if you 'save' these weak genes it just creates spiteful mutants you fucking retard you are just increasing the misery with every generation more spiteful mutants. Everything is a lie stop believing shit just because you love authority and are a little bitch.

good, I wouldnt need HepA vaccination because I dont live in a third world shithole. You got me, bro.

u so alpha

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* fashy goys

Fuck autocorrect.

So you have good nutrition and running water? Why do you need any vaccines?

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>Doctors are scum
but we arent retards like you
>all you have achieved is being indoctrinated it doesn't make you smart
what did you acomplish, huh sport?
>Also if you 'save' these weak genes it just creates spiteful mutants
I get paid for that, who cares
>Everything is a lie stop believing shit just because you love authority
you cannot stop me, also how many kids do you have? lmao

Good to know. I don't listen to them regularly and sure as hell am not going to pay for the paywall. TDS has gone to shit a long time ago. It's just Sven interrupting everybody and McNabbs ice cold takes.

We uncovered (((Peinovich))) as a hack years ago. Jow Forums is the reason you even know what his dumb downie face looks like. This isn't news to anyone except reddit transplants from r/T_D.

I didnt ask you to dump your fap folder here, guy
>Why do you need any vaccines?
because diseases exist, I wash my hands so I'll never contract HepA, other diseases get transmitted differently.

How many kids do you have?

anti TRS threads are so last year, give it up MOARPHEUS and co.

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I wouldn't inject them forcefully. But if they are adamant about refusing vacitnation, than off to the camp they go. Only the strongest shall survive. After a couple of years the survivors could apply for readmission into society, but only after extreme vetting and quarantine. No need to risk exposing rest of the popoulation to some sort of super-ebola that is bound to mutate in such environment.

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This is the typical doctor response sociopaths who like to appear like they are some caring faggots and it gives them a god like status among good goy plus they heard it makes money haha a plumber makes as much as you in the long run faggot.

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>then die from measles you fucking retard
You still believe this?

Moarpheus is an irrelevant obese virgin nobody cares about. TRS is about as irrelevant, only that they tried to persuade entire chans to join them and their "alt-right" movement 2 years ago. Anons shitting on (((Peinovich))) and his ilk only got to know them because of this invasive shilling.

They are plants that came out of nowhere. Especially Spencer who became overnight the leader of the Alt-right

>haha a plumber makes as much as you in the long run faggot
yeah, but he digs through shit, I sit in a room with AC and can school retards like you all day how to not die early. You people are like cattle and theres nothign you can do about it, your brains are fucked up!

>I base my opinions on thots

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You want studies on the dangers of vaccines?


Sauce on that image?

Don’t forget about the pool parties.

I am more concerned about his retarded turn to Nazbol economics.

How does someone who ostensibly understands Austrian economics turn to fucking Nazbol "just print money breh"? He must be a retard. As if debt isnt a structural problem that will end up sinking the west.

Never trust these drug dealers.

Hi schlomo. A huge number of blue pilled dumb dumbs and fellow whites in this thread.

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autism is a jewish invention, nice try schlomo

This guy is such vermin, seriously. Is there any doubt how he was the only one to get out of the Charlottesville suit at this point? Literally a fat childless bugman who was married to a jew and started a podcast called "the daily shoah" that she knew about. They produce such an excess of worthless content that never develops and is only there to saturate people's minds and waste their time. What use is saying "its the jews" a million times, for 20 hours of the week, to a closed off audience? What a joke. Fuck this piece of shit.

Yeah, because MDs in the US in particular are so responsible. And having an MD doesn't mean you understand these things at all. How vaccines work is very complex and most mds do not understand it any more than "dead virus produces antibodies that helps immunity develop"
On the other hand there is plenty of research suggesting that strong immune response in infancy can be damaging and can retard development.
If anyone shouldn't have a right to an opinion on this matter it is people who don't have kids, and haven't seen a negative response to a vaccination. My own child went back into the foetal position position for two days and wasn't fully back to himself for 2 weeks (and at that age in 2 weeks a young infant will normally develop enormously); if you think i'm giving them more vaccines after that, for diseases as mild as measles, you can get fucked.

Horsecrap. She was IN some of the brodcasts and recorded a special.

Super Dimension Century Orguss
Basically a knock off Macross. Watch at own risk. But only if you like 80s and mechas.

yeah, ask a plumber for help when you get cancer :^)

go back to le ddit with the vax shilling fucking queers
you cant ban people here

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You’re the retard, he was in for the money since day 1 and he will change his tune as many times is needed to keep milking his audience.

Why are pro-vaxxers all gross, puffy, I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! faggots?

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>And having an MD doesn't mean you understand these things at all
yeah dude, totaly, those MDs are stupid morons idiots who dont believe in the proof of flat earth

>My own child went back into the foetal position position for two days
maybe because needles are scary and children are fucking stupid

Course you couldn’t post the audio clip. He never said this.

Morphaeus is pathetic. We know who you are.

These whites vaccinated:

>all these vax shills
doctors tell you that you should cut the most sensitive part of your child's body off with no anesthetic at the most vulnerable, sensitive time of their entire life for no reason other than for them to make some extra money. why would you trust them?

I admitted to maybe being mistaken. Look I don't follow the guy religiously. But it doesn't change the fact that Lana and Henrik are Varg-tier larpers.

Anti-vaxxers either sohuld get vaccinated or should be sent to colonies or camps, so as not to expose the rest of society to their diseases.

you know as a virgin, your voice doesnt realy matter?

You don't believe he said this? Did you hear today's FTN? They were RAGING at anti-vaxxers.

You don't believe them when they say, in virtually every episode, that they believe in compulsory vaccination?


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>giving vaccines in pregnancy

That is insane. It's been proven that immune response to influenza infection in pregnant mothers leads to a large increases in a variety of mental abnormalities in the offspring. This is known and accepted in the scientific community.

they look fishy and manufactured, I cant put my finger on it realy. Guy looks like a typical C movie actor

Lmfao you are so dumb. She was never on the podcast

He isn’t jewish. This has been debunked 88 times.