Is day trading the most based and redpilled career?

>work from home
>2-4 hours a day
>plenty of time to pursue practical skills and hobbies
>exploit jew capitalist system to acquire resources for your family
>all about pattern recognition
what say you Jow Forums?

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Reposted slide thread, filter and move on.

She's wearing my fetish. Gonna blow my load real quick, thanks Op!

you can't beat the robots nigger, was a good career for a boomer but those times have gone

What you say is true, but the most important part is having access to capital. It's not a career for poor people.

This. Buy a bot if you want. I dunno how much passive income a good bot will rake in. Ask Jow Forums

Only if you trade crypto.

What you trade means nothing in day trading. You close out everything at the end of the day. Long term trends/stability mean nothing.

What exactly does one trade via day trading?

Buying a bot is a waste of money. The ones that work aren't for sale. You can beat bots by not playing with them in the first place. Day traders don't trade stocks that are dominated by bots.

Does she have good feet?

Crypto, stocks, currencies...

Anything with good enough volatility.

What kinda fag are you? You posted this same thread 2 or 3 times yesterday. Fuck off back to Jow Forums


This is a repost thread, exact same as yesterday

It's a lot more complicated than that and op is misrepresenting the hobby

OP is actually pretty on point desu

t. day trader

Crypto is shit tier

You need a crazy amount of capital to trade currencies

So... of stocks... how does one day trade? Examples?

Airplane Jane is definitely a hot piece of ass.

I met her at a conference once and made sure to rub up against her.

This is backwards. You need $25k in your account to day trade stocks more than 3 times a week. Forex and futures have no minimum and offer 50:1 leverage. Forex is shit imo. Futures are much more simple to trade, especially for a beginner.

Crypto has the best volatility, this is where the big gains are.

>You need a crazy amount of capital to trade currencies
Not that much if you use leverage.

>So... of stocks... how does one day trade? Examples?
You need to look out for shitstocks with big volatility. Look for something that is oversold, buy it, wait for correction, sell.

How do I get in on this scam?

Can you name some reading, one user said he read up for a year before trying anything

No. Currently on break from bounty hunting communists in Philippines. Nothing beats it.

Search youtube for technical analysis, indicators (bollinger bands, squeeze momentum).

Then go on tradingview and use the papertrading stuff or go on investopedia and use the simulator and practice what you learned.
After some time you could put a small amount in crypto like $1000 and trade it to see if you behave differently when using real money.

Hmm help me understand this “day trading” from my understanding is it’s all about buying some of the most cheapest and dangerous penny stocks in mass then hope for small changes in value and then sell out instantly. To me it sounds like trying to make money playing craps or something.

Also, next month they're introducing micro futures contracts, which require even less capital to trade.

day trading is impossible...

you can make money stock trading but only if you buy stocks with a plan to hold them for a long time... so with that mindset you often will get profits you can take early if you want, which is sort of like day trading... more like swing trading.

Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!

Chaotic-Good Accelerationism

And Twitch BasedBellagio

This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!
>stream from Saturday morning
>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.1

sounds based

What do they call that type of hose? Need to get some for wifey

You don't get rich by day trading
You get rich by saying you can day trade and offering to teach others for a 'small fee'
Also sage'd because this is a carbon copy spam thread from yesterday.

Gay trading? This is how the jews keep their pet psychos on a leash.

>Not that much if you use leverage.
yeah! just go into tens of thousands of dollars in debt over a bad trade!


I love these investors who say day trading is impossible. It's always someone who either doesn't understand it or tried it and failed so obviously no one can succeed at it. It's quite possible, fren, but you need to be disciplined, stick to your strategy and ALWAYS follow your rules no matter what. People who blow up their account are typically chasing losses or getting over confident. Risk management is key.

I mean it's not
The only way you're beating out bots is if you spend time shilling some fucking penny stock that you buy at a dip and sell for 5x it's price

It's a lot of scummy tactics and trying to inflate something that's nothing networth to fucking retards

It's tedious and boring and you have to do it everyday or else you'll plateu or fall

It's worth more learning like an actual hobby or skill

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That's why you set a stop loss, genius.

Don't use leverage if you don't want to take to much risk, what's hard to understand?

Yep, spot on, its essentially trying to catch a falling knife.
There is admittedly one relatively sure fire way in which people have consistently profited off of pennystocks, which is a pump and dump scam, basically what the entirety of wolf of wall street is based on.

I wrote cpp for derivative trading 'monte carlo pricing'.
Trading is nigger tier, 'pseudo smart' -it's literally gambling.
The big banks and Funds are playing the system not the game, from their dark pools front running, beating others to the bid for a few cents a million times over, everyday.

TA is fake and gay since about 1995; the only thing that really matters is volume so VWAP which you can't access in spot fx which is what most retail traders do. Ultimately, fundamental news drives prices. You don't need to read anything just guess, because ultimately it's about the same, with the exception that securities have a long bias.

it's not the leverage that's the main problem, it's the fact UNLIKE horse racing, you cannot accurately determine a set of variables conducive to winning trades above 50%.

You're better off gambling on horse than trading.

Everything you said is wrong and you have no idea how day trading works.


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This triggers the day trader.
>ExpectedReturn = Win x P (Win) - Loss * P(Loss)