Why do white men do this?

Why do white men do this?

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She's a man btw.

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they need money. they are trying to be thots and cam whores. its degrading but they want to live and not die in a gutter and this is despite "the booming economy"

i cant fault them for doing what they can to survive but i must point out that the returns will be insufficient for them to make a living doing that in all likely hood

because the is the last century with white people

there will be a distant future where we all have been murdered

Why do you have those pictures saved to your hard drive? Why are you so obsessed? Do you tell yourself that you're being ironic after you jerk off to gay sissy porn?

they gay or want to garner attention
if theyre passable i dont see the problem
the only problem with my above statement is too many think theyre passable

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she's a 9/10 until you get to the malformed penis

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The economy is BOOMING just because they couldn't do what I did which is have good work ethic they shouldn't complain about getting replaced by foreign hard workers kids these days have it easy

I'd like to point out that the addition of the modifier "white" implies this issue of degeneracy is either limited to or more common amongst whites.
This is not true; minorities are roughly four times as likely to be LGBT than whites. The Jews threaten everyone, this isn't just a white thing.

Mmm, boipussy!

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Just disgusting.

Forgot picture

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CHAD my son, it is time to choose a wife. Will you chose, Rosa Tee? She is thirty years old and has two halfbreed children who are her world. Will you choose, Muttadinqua the 300 pound blank queen? Or will you choose the nubile young goth trap, who looks like women used to look in the 1990's? Choose carefully my son.

I definitely would.

men are better at being women than women are

This post is BOOMING, boomer.


The answer is in the background. It's anime.
Literally every single fucking tranny watches anime, and it is not a coincidence. These jap bastards have been slow playing the war, and they're winning.

The tip of his dick looks (or used to) like someone repeatedly hit it with a hammer.

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So that's what this is happening.

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I don't care. I just put it in her pooper.

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How is someone like this possible? Is this what a pre puberty estrogen taking male grows up to look like?

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>white men
only anglos do this, it's a genetic weakness of the anglojew
>best golem eaten first

WRONG, it's always the same thing.

Attached: trans.png (1220x1249, 1.23M)

>glasses+choker to mask features
not a single tranny passes in real life


White skin is the only thing that would help a man look like a women

angle* (of the camera)

Attached: iojiojiojjioo.png (802x2131, 1.03M)

vagina detente

hes a man*
and because culture is virus


White men are naturally feminine. Is it not obvious?

It's just a low-T man with a wig and makeup.
So it looks exactly like expected.

I fucking hate this society dude. The fact that people here honestly defend this shit is proof that we're fucked. I bet that tranny faggot never saw his father.

>vagina detente


fucking autocorrect