I'm black and I'm proud of it

I'm black and I'm proud of it

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Why not? Come to this thread.


Go home to Africa, black man.

Wakanda forever!


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Can't wait to hear how it's the white man's fault that you're all massively diseased bags of shit.

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all whites are jealous of us

why are you proud of it?
the asian has ancestors of a noble culture, the european comes from a background that made up all the things we love and enjoy today and is is to the genius of the white man that you can live a relatively safe life without extreme poverty.

Your Nigger friends in africa however (partially) have a life expectancy of 30 when they're lucky, no running water and have not even begun to invent the wheel when the european first laid eyes on your continent. your people did nothing and it is undersandable that you did nothing, because your body lives in a wasteland in which you can survive, but not thrive. your ancestors and ancestor's ancestors all stood stagnant never moving, never having invented as much as a boat to leave your own uninhabitable wasteland and therefore were damned to living like animals. there is nothing to be proud of wether its the past or present but you cashing in on your supposed oppression.

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Good for you. I hope you are successful in raising your people out of the degenerate rut they are stuck in.

fuck you nazi

Ok nigger

but you have no reason for that


OP. You subhumans haven t even mastered using the wheel yet.
What are you proud of? The highest aids rate? Ebola?

>proud to be psychopatic rapist criminal stock

You nappy-headed stinking shitskins should've never left the cotton field

cool, now go fight for black nationalism instead of (((integration))) and then we can be friends

So instead he should be demoralised and downtrodden?

Got to start somewhere.

Classic reaching the ceiling of Nigger discussion.

Stay mad you protohuman. You're not proud, you're just compensating for the fact that Niggers are literal animals.

Can't have history without written language, much less something to write about.

I can't think of a single thing Niggers can justifiably be proud of. You're universally violent, criminal, stupid, diseased and degenerative. You're something between Men and Monkeys with the advantages of neither and the disadvantages of both.

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hello, we hang niggers here

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You're not black. You're a white guy larping on Jow Forums

Good for you, friend. I'm proud and pleased to be white. Let's try to stay out of each other's way except on matters of national security, etc...

>Got to start somwhere
Somewhere away from us. Africa maybe.

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Inside I mean. You're not doing shit if you believe yourself to be inherently worthless.

>still posting the fake video
Leftists really don't know how to make anything.

You also aren't doing shit if your iq is at or below 80. In other words, niggers will be niggers regardles a good 95% of the time.

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I bet you are afraid to say it all irl