Brit/pol/ - manspreading edition

>Brexit Betrayal Tracker

>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK


>Sky News stream

>Local Government Elections

>2019 United Kingdom local elections

>Salisbury named best place to live in the UK 2019

>Four charged as 29 Vietnamese people found in van on M5

>Second referendum campaigner David Lammy likens Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg to Nazis

>Gerard Batten LASHES OUT at Nigel Farage's Brexit Party speech - 'Complete SMEAR'

>Judge orders Ukip to reveal Brexit referendum data use

>Legal expert’s March 29 Brexit delay challenge deemed ‘STRONG CASE’ in High Court

>Iain Duncan Smith urges Theresa May to quit next month

>Furious Tories look to change leadership election rules to sack Theresa May faster

>{{{The Lobby}}} strikes again...

Attached: Manspreading.jpg (1200x1600, 153K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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im not even the cokeposter you mean fucks

can't believe upskirting has been banned

allegedly it's still legal in northern ireland

>you've got me burning
>you've got me burning
>you've got me burning
>in the third degree

Attached: leisure.png (591x500, 291K)

Wonder if Nige upskirted Alice Grant before the ban

he fucking better had and he needs to send me a copy. Anyone got his email ?

bit dead in here

Nice dough. +1 for effort.

Good thing literally no one sits like that then, eh

>people are unironically still racistTM UKIPers

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*polishes shoes*

It's because of all the trannies in the general population now. They can't ban shoes shined to a mirror finish though.

Carl of Swindon is the ugly face of white supremacy in Britain today.

this but unironically

Corbyn CUKd

Attached: magic grandpa btfo.jpg (856x790, 226K)

What's he claiming to be nowadays? He doesn't call himself part-black anymore does he?

Attached: oy.jpg (181x217, 14K)

Survive the Jive livestream tonight at 9pm

Attached: ApuHandsintheAir.jpg (865x526, 55K)

radical centrist

Bored already, rm *pelosi* -rfi

Isn't his grandfather black?

now i don't know who to vote for

Attached: European Parliament voting intention 10-11 Apr 2019-01.png (2134x1067, 64K)


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multiple personalities

im bipolar

>yfw you realise the nazis were centrists

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i swear i mean well but im still going to hell

Supposedly. His dad doesn't look at all black though.


Stop mass replying.

>splitting the brexit vote

Attached: the last king of kensington.png (534x652, 323K)

We don't support ukip after nige left

Hitler was a classical liberal.

If peoples recollection if his past confessions are to be believed.
It is, however, irrelevant, as he is a member of the SS or a basedboi, depending on which phase the moon is in combined with your political persuasion.

oi yoo got a loicense for mass replying?
>voting for someone who believes in "islamophobia"

thats not a poll about pube being the best what the fuck are you even doing with your life

fucking this, why did farage have to cuck out because muh islamaphobia

mass replying is fucking eye cancer. gas yourself memeflag

I remember he fixed a straw poll about himself where he voted for himself about 900 times in 3 hours

I grew up on a council estate and there was at least two black mother's with white kids, like... Not African at all looking white.

>Voting for a cockney pleb and his mossad lout buddy

Attached: awesome! A True Monster.png (578x768, 350K)

did he? or did brit/pol/ still love him back then before he became the villain you all needed him to be?

About to watch Chelsea get a rinsing.

Attached: chad.jpg (579x579, 34K)

Remember his phase where he thought hed won the thread if he had the most posts?

Where's Cope?

WTF is "manspreading"?
Feminists are idiots. They will destroy your society. Don't cater to them

Mate we have 50 odd regular posters. He got hundreds of votes. Everyone else on the list had like 5.

He’s never been loved

>remember when he thought having the most victories meant he won
sounds like he did

another mind he's conquered

Dunno, he does pop in now and then

just goes to show you he really was the only likeable poster on this board

now people cope by pretending to like the virgins who only had like 5 votes:

Shite here. Not coming back again.
Watching the footy.

fucking kek i was drunk last night and just realized i spent £45 on gold bars on red dead 2 online

peak virgin

Lies, there is no such thing as a British accent.

>two black mother's with white kids
No apostrophe needed there.

Did they really not look at all noggish?

Attached: WojakDrinking.jpg (645x773, 49K)

>Not laying over the armrests uncomfortably blowing sick vapes to establish dominance to the carriage.
Get on my level.

He started voting for me halfway through so I ended up with loads, but he only did it to make it look like he won a difficult fight. We both ended up with hundreds of votes in a general consisting of an average 20 posters

Cardiffanons pls help

nope and why are you jealous of me for having a huge surplus of money. are you poor.

My next door neighbour was fined for this 15 years ago, he was very embarrassed about it

even if the poll was fixed (which it wasn't) that was an internet post he made years ago and you're all still seething about it which makes me question why would you all still be so upset about it if it was fake?

if that isn't a number done then i dont know what is

the only fun thing to do in red dead online is to throw dynamite at people fishing and larping in the towns but you can't carry more than a few dynamite sticks at once so its shit

i dont remember you having any votes though, and see

Attached: 1547822542583m.jpg (1024x414, 100K)

Post it you fag

did pube offer you £20,000 cash if you left the house but you didn't because you're a die hard shut in?

Pretty sure i voted for nads 3 times. Might have been lil c. I used to get them mixed up...

i think its this one

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People started laughing at him having hundreds of votes so he added hundreds of votes to someone else to try and make it look not faked in the most retarded way possible

Yeah... I think the mothers must've been mixed themselves, the kids dads could have been ultra ginger for all I know, they certainly didn't adopt.

also this kek

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i was just taking a shit, and the piss squirted underneath the seat and all over the back of my trousers.
then when i wiped my arse, a big blob of shit fell onto the wall.
fml tbph

yeah it is, i'm ranked up pretty high now so i like to go around griefing the griefers i've made so many of them leave the lobby in a tantrum

I didn’t save it

check this out i got through the letterbox.

Attached: 57076924_396698524258517_3245769638138609664_n.jpg (270x480, 39K)

I wouldn't waste your money on a scratchcard today, desu.

Can anyone actually point me to a single instance of real anti semitism in the Labour Party? Or is it all Jewish tory plants lying for their masters because they're all terrified that Labour will get in?

The people that cause the most trouble on the underground are non-White.

neither did i, i found both of those on the archives within a minute and you have literally 0 votes

sounds like you're just making stuff up t b h

>introduce a fair voting system

Such as?

Sargon's 'I wouldn't even rape you' tweet was on the news this morning.
All over twitter saying that Batten is now defending rape.
Absolute state.

It was last year some time

we need a tens of millions more of these printed and distributed desu

strawpoll with IP duplication checking

post pics

U wot m8

>splitting the brexit vote

It's not splitting the Brexit vote you dumb ass, The EU voting system is proportional representation and both are for leaving and at the EU you don't form political parties you form political groups for the parties. In retrospect it's actually far worse when you see this poll as leave and remain because the leave side has 29% while the remain has 69% but with PR only the top 4 will get voted in so it's more like 40% leave with 60% remain.

It's not anti semitism, just anti Zionism, but the zog media spin it that way because they're terrified he might get in.

only british born, male, over 25 year old property owners can vote.

I hope this is nationwide

if you are a man who has fathered two white sons, then you get three votes, one for you and two for your sons (until your sons come of age of course, and then they can vote for themselves)