If peoples recollection if his past confessions are to be believed. It is, however, irrelevant, as he is a member of the SS or a basedboi, depending on which phase the moon is in combined with your political persuasion.
Jonathan Long
oi yoo got a loicense for mass replying? >voting for someone who believes in "islamophobia" AHAHAHA MOHAMED
Ayden Jenkins
thats not a poll about pube being the best what the fuck are you even doing with your life
Luke Perez
fucking this, why did farage have to cuck out because muh islamaphobia
Nathaniel Jackson
mass replying is fucking eye cancer. gas yourself memeflag
Asher Peterson
I remember he fixed a straw poll about himself where he voted for himself about 900 times in 3 hours
Kayden Hill
I grew up on a council estate and there was at least two black mother's with white kids, like... Not African at all looking white.
Nolan Roberts
>Voting for a cockney pleb and his mossad lout buddy
>"manspreading"? >Not laying over the armrests uncomfortably blowing sick vapes to establish dominance to the carriage. Get on my level.
Charles Cox
He started voting for me halfway through so I ended up with loads, but he only did it to make it look like he won a difficult fight. We both ended up with hundreds of votes in a general consisting of an average 20 posters
Thomas Hill
Cardiffanons pls help
Hudson Sanchez
nope and why are you jealous of me for having a huge surplus of money. are you poor.
Noah Brown
My next door neighbour was fined for this 15 years ago, he was very embarrassed about it
Aaron Moore
even if the poll was fixed (which it wasn't) that was an internet post he made years ago and you're all still seething about it which makes me question why would you all still be so upset about it if it was fake?
if that isn't a number done then i dont know what is
Nolan Johnson
the only fun thing to do in red dead online is to throw dynamite at people fishing and larping in the towns but you can't carry more than a few dynamite sticks at once so its shit
Jackson Green
i dont remember you having any votes though, and see
People started laughing at him having hundreds of votes so he added hundreds of votes to someone else to try and make it look not faked in the most retarded way possible
Cameron Wood
Yeah... I think the mothers must've been mixed themselves, the kids dads could have been ultra ginger for all I know, they certainly didn't adopt.
i was just taking a shit, and the piss squirted underneath the seat and all over the back of my trousers. then when i wiped my arse, a big blob of shit fell onto the wall. fml tbph
Juan Anderson
yeah it is, i'm ranked up pretty high now so i like to go around griefing the griefers i've made so many of them leave the lobby in a tantrum
I wouldn't waste your money on a scratchcard today, desu.
Dylan Martinez
Can anyone actually point me to a single instance of real anti semitism in the Labour Party? Or is it all Jewish tory plants lying for their masters because they're all terrified that Labour will get in?
Isaiah Robinson
The people that cause the most trouble on the underground are non-White.
Wyatt Howard
neither did i, i found both of those on the archives within a minute and you have literally 0 votes
sounds like you're just making stuff up t b h
Kevin Davis
>introduce a fair voting system
Such as?
Christopher Perry
Sargon's 'I wouldn't even rape you' tweet was on the news this morning. All over twitter saying that Batten is now defending rape. Absolute state.
Thomas Perez
It was last year some time
Joshua White
we need a tens of millions more of these printed and distributed desu
Thomas Gray
strawpoll with IP duplication checking
Josiah Lee
post pics
Luis Murphy
U wot m8
Jaxon King
>splitting the brexit vote
It's not splitting the Brexit vote you dumb ass, The EU voting system is proportional representation and both are for leaving and at the EU you don't form political parties you form political groups for the parties. In retrospect it's actually far worse when you see this poll as leave and remain because the leave side has 29% while the remain has 69% but with PR only the top 4 will get voted in so it's more like 40% leave with 60% remain.
Cooper Hernandez
It's not anti semitism, just anti Zionism, but the zog media spin it that way because they're terrified he might get in.
Christopher Hernandez
only british born, male, over 25 year old property owners can vote.
Zachary Brooks
Nice I hope this is nationwide
Camden Morales
if you are a man who has fathered two white sons, then you get three votes, one for you and two for your sons (until your sons come of age of course, and then they can vote for themselves)