The age of man is over, the time of the woman has come

the age of man is over, the time of the woman has come

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>getting straight up BTFOd by dead guys in your Chosen Profession

she should consider killing herself

We don't need Asian literature. It's just not good. White men in the past are superior. It's just the facts.

Who even buys physical books anymore?

That's great news! Let's dance!

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> Brandon fucking it all up
Don't remind me....

She needs a different profession. Everyone thinks they can write.

>competing with dead guys

They hate that people have the option of looking at things other than theirs.

i see this as more that young artists have trouble competing with dead ones
not that minorities artists have trouble with competing with white ones
though its fucking barnes and noble. they're going out of business next month anyways

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>Quote from her book
>It's been a century of peace since Earth became a colony of an alien race with far reaches into the galaxy. Some die-hard extremists still oppose alien rule on Earth, but Donovan Reyes isn't one of them. His dad holds the prestigious position of Prime Liaison in the collaborationist government, and Donovan's high social standing along with his exocel (a remarkable alien technology fused to his body) guarantee him a bright future in the security Forces

great, shes doing colonialism...........yay

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>irate woman complains that Shakespeare is overpowered and it's not fair to the shitty writers

you think an asian sjw like this would ever complain about a dead female author taking her space lmao, it's definitely a white male thing as always

It was fucked long before Sanderson entered the picture.

wypepo op, ples nerf!

Women can't write. Who can actually like Pride and Prejudice or Wuthering Heights? Absolute SHIT!

J.K. Rowling

The ones that can, don't care about this kind of shit so you don' hear about them.

>if you don't want to buy my books, you're a sexist POS
The absolute state of the West today

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well, ill return a few shots then i guess

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That's just really clunky and poor writing.

>No mention of Steven Erikson
They don't know what they are talking about.

>shit tier writing
good luck competing with dead people who can write

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I do

Bullshit. Romance of the three kingdoms still tells a better story about warring medieval China than any other story put out about warring medieval Europe.

Meme flag faggot.

Also, Barnes and Noble will stock what people want to buy. If they are sticking the books of dead guys, it means people want them. Try harder and cry less.

The absolute state of women. My god.

The gynocentric propaganda is intense and everywhere. It's in nearly every commercial and news article. It's like being occupied by a foreign country or alien race.

Why does literally every one of them has glasses?


The absolute state of my autocorrect.

>(adding a TL note to your book like this, instead of explaining what it is later to the reader)
I should get to writing already.

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Message to author: Dear Gook Stir Fry Dog, your books suck. I can tell by your fucking boy pose. Make sure to tuck it back when the Euros pay to play.
>Losing to white men

People who enjoy reading, and don't just do it for school.

Anybody who doesn't want their books wiped like with Microsoft a few days ago.

>asian woman writing how much she loves to be colonized
whores. i don't know if i should read more litature by women to see how disgusting they are
i remember reading the fountainhead and realized it was just ayn rand writing smut on how much she hates mommas boys like Peter Keating, and how much she wants to be raped by the "perfect man" like Howard Roark

This isn't real is it?

If you're going to refute me, then try good authors like Flannery O'connor.

Or he can get you to just refute yourself.

I tried multiple times to read the Wheel of Time books by Jordan, but I could never get into them - they are extremely generic. Don't really understand the appeal of his books.

>they are extremely generic
>Don't really understand the appeal of his books
The appeal of the books is that they are extremely generic.

they suck dick

This is fucking middle school tier writing holy fuck

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JRR Tolkien literally created modern fantasy. Goblins, orcs, elves, dwarves, halflings... he brought these mythical creatures back to life from european folklore that was destroyed by the Catholics & Protestants.
There is no such thing as a good modern fantasy author. The good ones are dead. These current authors are fucking reusing old shit that others have already written down.
That’s why this chink wants people to forget about Tolkien. So she can plagiarize his ideas.
When was the last time someone created a new species in the fantasy genre? Literally fucking never. Tolkien did it. People change the names & slightly change the looks, but all their inspiration comes from authors like him.
The only half decent fantasy author alive today is George RR Martin.

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she didnt write harry potter

Lol wut?
>Its been years of peace (boring) since alien take over (you have my attention) and some bois are fighting (ok...) but main character guys is a soi cuck and dont care (fuuu) see his adventures as he wage cucks his best years away!
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? This is why women shouldn't right anything except shitty romance novels.

that's 99% of all sci-fi and fantasy writing unfortunately

>can't compete with dead guys
must suck to be that awful at your job

me, I hate reading books on screens.

The Witcher books are amazing, very fun and emotionally deep, but I was told that the english translation sucks.

At least 99% of sci fi writers arnt asking to have their books featured near Tolkien

Oh yeah. I heard all of Poland is a fan of the Witcher books, so they must be good. Never bothered reading them desu


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how is that appealing?

I do. I used to stick to a kindle reader about 5 years ago, but honestly physical copies are just better. They’re out where you can see them, they’re feel better in your hands, they will never be erased, and they look good sitting on shelves. I don’t knock ebook users because it’s cheaper and pretty convenient to save all that space, just not my choice.

Ok we all know women are mostly stupid, but its undeniable that there are women are are incredibly intelligent. You guys need to seriously go outside and interact with other humans. The pol echo chamber is not helping you guys.

>Losing to dead old white men and being so triggered by it you broadcast it

based mentally ill male feminist

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>echo chamber
>having a dissenting opinion
Ooof. You just played yourself nigga.
Anyways.... Outliers dont disprove the average.

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>aliens as a metaphor for colonialism
We did it first.

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It's only good in Polish and can't really be properly translated to other languages, like all Sapkowski's writing. I guess it could still be a decent pulp fantasy in English though.

>women of colour so bad can’t even beat dad white guys

Holy shit that was bad, and I guessing the rest of that book is the same?
In other news, I'll bet we can start getting the regressive left to start fully banning, then actually burning books.

at least they can read. india has the worst literacy rate n poverty r8 m8 check ur house first before looking outside

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All the women are controlled by men you don't see

I got cancer from reading that.

Same , recently went from ebooks to actual books.

It was... ok in English. Tbh though it's better then almost all of the fantasy series I've read in 10 years. Feminism, soiboi cucks, corporate greed, and mass faux popularity has ruined the fantasy/scifi genre.

Meh I am an upper caste man who lives in the richest part of the country. I couldn't care less about dirt-poor Muslims and Dalits in the hinterlands.


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Students who take fantasy literature courses at their universities. How I ended up reading a physical book about a strng wamyn UN officer who is in love with a homosexual AI and defeats an evil straight (white?) male mine overseer in outer space.

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i didnt know this word triggered me

wow that's bad writing. holy shit

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Is that seriously a quote from her book, i write fucking fanfics and i like to think i pace them better then that jesus

Same here, hurts my eyes after a while.

Same thing with Atlas Shrugged. Dagny was with chad Hank Reardon but when Galt comes along she’s gotta go with the supreme alpha. Of course Reardon recognized Galt’s superiority and was cool with getting friendzoned. These were an attempt to justify her personal life as she was cucking her husband with Natganiel Braden.

cringe and bluepilled

Cease your heresy leaf....

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Like Mary Shelley, since she’s dead. Our Asian “author” also has to compete against Frankenstein, but that doesn’t fit her woe is me narrative. Every artist/author has to compete against past greats since the Renaissance, since the epics. Is she going to bitch that the Oddesey is on shelves? That those Bradbury and Clavell dead fuckers are taking up product space that could contain her magnum opus?

Maybe she can’t compete against the dead so she wants a pity party. Probably she’s making excuses. If is anything to go on then she needs an editor with some spine.

Naruto/Harry Potter lemon fics?

/lit/pol has arrived
They can't even leave print alone fuck this gay earth.
Harry potter was bad enough the last book series I actually enjoyed was lotr

>He doesn't like new book smell

That chink deserves the full brunt of Eru's fury

JRR Tolkien still hasnt been topped for a fantasy world imo. Everyone either copies him outright, does a "grittier" fantasy, or wraps the whole world in jokes.
None of them hit closer to the heart than he managed.
That lady is a retard. How do you become a fantasy writer and get mad at Tolkien being restocked? Absolute bitch.

Me. Why would I want to rent one from someone and pay the same price.

Not just that, she's writing it blandly.

Half of the Mechanicum remained loyal to the Emperor, also Tallarn is how the Tallarn desert raiders were created (an imperial guard sect)

jesus christ this is tragic

Jow Forums if you ever want to write a work of fiction please do one thing: don't explain things to the reader like they're a reader reading a book

>How do you become a fantasy writer and get mad at Tolkien being restocked?

She's another Maoist-tier cult member who only cares that there's an audience she can lecture and give "lessons" to. She has no love for the genre and only contempt for the readers.

her twitter thread for this lmao, it's full of women sci-fi authors with 1000 followers complaining about their bookshelf space being taken

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I use parenthesis all the time in online conversation. I'm not sure that I would ever use them in writing fiction.
But I don't have a presumption that I can write worth a damn just because I can speak a language. The audacity of some people.

ok...? so write better books?

>Some die-hard extremists still oppose alien rule on Earth, but Donovan Reyes isn't one of them.
Just let the superior beings rule over you, goy, we give you peace

isn't the whole point of literature that you're building off thousands of years of writing?

>Chink woman is butthurt shes a shit writer

It's a golden age for fantasy. So many real fun living authors who stand on the shoulders of (dead, to be sure) giants.

Joe Abercrombie, Brian Macclellan, Scott Lynch, Sam Sykes, RJ Bennett, Douglas Hulick, Richard Morgan, Mark Lawrence.

Nobody is re-reading Tolkien FFS. Build your own following.