Why are Jow Forumstards so afraid to engage with her arguments in good faith and instead resort to boring ad hominems?

Why are Jow Forumstards so afraid to engage with her arguments in good faith and instead resort to boring ad hominems?

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He has to have a good argument first.
Some freak spouting the same recycled rerun of debunked identity politics means nothing.

You shouldn't enable mental illness. this contra dude is clearly not well.

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Because it's arguments aren't made in good faith

Also, what arguments? If you're asking me to click on some youtube videos and give some ad revenue to find one line of argument, get fucked.
What arguments?

That is obviously satire as is evident if you look at her video about autogynophelia

What good faith arguments has he made?

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>If you're asking me to click on some youtube videos and give some ad revenue to find one line of argument, get fucked.
turn on ad block


I am not going to sit through a video. What arguments?

rhetoric is not the same as argument.

Did this mentally deranged homo trick you into cutting your dick off too?
How fucking progressive. Now go gargle some cum you filthy animal.

subversive kike gets the rope

>obviously satire
except the part where its a mentally unstable man pretending to be a woman.. sadly that isn't satire.

What are his arguments? I've watched several of his videos and it's nothing but smug word salad, faggy skit, and more word salad.

then you're obviously not here to engage with her arguments in good faith.

good point

Fuck off tranny.

I don't humor the opinions of the mentally ill

you dont argue with abominations, you cut their heads off.

>Watch my video or you're not engaging in good faith
You're the one that is trying to shill a video or honestly cannot argue in real time so you rely on edited video to make a point
Go fuck yourself

Same shit that is always repeated, it's not even new or innovative. "lel let me repeat Boaz again for the millionth time despite it being disproved by basic genetics."

What's the point in me repeating and perhaps even misconstruing her points if she has already made them herself?

>it's nothing but smug word salad
this statement really says more about your IQ than about her videos

Because you're on a text based debate medium talking about arguments that can't be beat but failing to actually make those arguments. If you understood the arguments made then you would be able to relate them now, it doesnt matter what the original source was. But you're not interested in that, you're proud of the rhetoric and flow achieved via the edited video so you're shilling that, vpn or not. Get fucked.

I know you're a leaf.

Die freak

The Dutch are scum

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>he's never going to be a woman
>he will never be cured from narcissism
>he's never going to have value, other than corporate endorsement and ghostwritten manipulation tactics

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You really make a dedicated effort to use feminine pronouns referring to that faggot with each post making me think this is a bait troll thread.

this but unironically

>You really make a dedicated effort
it's not that much work

>defending capitalism
>calling others kikes
oh boi i am laffin

>fallows an ideology created by kikes

>arguments in good faith.
oh fuck off you dishonest piece of shit

We're not retarded, we just prefer not to engage with the severely mentally ill, and William, the man in OP's pic related, is very, very mentally ill.

If wearing blackface is so bad, what makes womanface acceptable???


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how is it normal to chop your dick off in the delusion you think you're a woman?

For me personally it would be a pain to constantly have to correct myself when referring to a mentally ill man in a dress as a women, even though he's obviously a man.
LGBT+ really is an unusual collective delusion. People seriously unironically believe it's normal for a man to cut off his dick and feed himself female hormones to become a woman. The world really is a clown world. It's absurd.

This autistic faggot already did

So I don't know who that is, but that's a manly idpol looking motherfucker deep enough up his own ass to go through with being a tranny and a public figure which leaves me to believe this person amounts to little more than clinical autism mixed with narcissism making assertions that are am at best linked to a bias'd googling. Prove me wrong.
Hardcore: bait that gets a (You).

Contrafag, just like every other leftist don't actually posit any refutation to the things we say in the form of empirical evidence--instead, what they do is move the discussion the level of epistemology--and thereby negate human ability to understand in the first place. For more on this see:
Its just a way for them to normalize their kinks desu

Why do you retards keep spamming her and D es TINY? Try to space out your spam days to look more authentic.

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>For me personally it would be a pain
poor you lmao

As if capitalism isn't ushered by the kikiest of the kikes. There are many leftist jews who are genuine socialists and have been killed for standing up for the proletariat.

If anything, capitalism is the ideology of the kike.

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where my pukinganimegirls.jpg when i need it

I love how every post in this thread confirms my initial question lmao


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Oh nevermind. A pro-pedo weeaboo gay but not gay traploving MAGA wearing habitual liar that was given help by people repeatedly before al8enating everyone else with his own very similar MUH OPINION MUH MUH MUH BECAUSE I SAY SO ITS JUST RIGHT alienated us all far away from his constantly negative annoying attentionwhoring behavior showed me this channel.

>When people start actively replying to bait re-posted many times.
Gas this fucking thread.

>Posts pic of Marxist polish Jew while saying capitalism is more kiked than Communism.

What did xhe mean by this?

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"H-hey! I am a female! Dent deny or or i will get my yet to be named gang to attack you!"

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We're not afraid to engage in his infantile-tier mental gymnastics. In general, Jow Forums is just too high resolution for his domain of arguments.
>le funni frog and scary cross is natzee!!1one
Most Nazis on here are openly so. They'll call themselves National Socialists proudly. Most of his arguments surround or counter normie-tier right wing politics.
>cabidalism bad >:(
The NatSocs definitely agree. The An-Caps don't care about the welfare of individual citizens; their concern is not with the betterment of individuals, but rather the existence of the state being immoral in-of-itself.
Also, he isn't as articulate, intellectually engaging, etc., as you onions guzzling, gynocentric, half braindead lefties make him out to be. A Slavoj Zizek is a much greater Marxist philosopher.

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cream of the crop.

I love how you couldnt continue arguing with me so you disappeared and then popped up to larp as if you're winning retard
keep shilling your faggot video as if anyone cares

I love how you just admitted that your original post was a prime example of begging the question; one of the most basic logical mistakes a person can make. But either you already know this and are thus, yourself, arguing in bad faith; or you don't know and are incapable of having a basic, rational, discussion.

>In general, Jow Forums is just too high resolution for his domain of arguments.
ellaborate on what you mean by this

Contra and the Xirgs.

I don't even know who that is.

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I saw no point in arguing with you as you're literally making up every excuse in the book so you can avoid engaging with her arguments


I am literally asking what his arguments are and you responded by "if you're not willing to watch the video then you're not acting in good faith" which basically confirms that you're only here to shill the video and have no real investment or perhaps even understanding of the arguments you're talking about
Dumb cunt
its pretty obvious you're shilling your own videos and are incapable of actually arguing in real time

He denie any debate in the pretext he's gonna "promote racism neo-nazi fascism, literaly hitler alt right". He makes no argument on good faith, why should we. Why should we be the ones putting up to the standards that the oppositions put for us but never put for themself.

Here's Alt Hype responses to him.


If you want people that have angaged his arguments, there you go. But don't expect everyone to always answer in good faith to a mentaly damaged individual who refuse any senses of reasons or any arguments that go against his pre-setted dogmas.

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>Why are Jow Forumstards so afraid to engage with her arguments
Because your tranny is scared jackshit of debating any actual fascists, and instead wants big tech to deplatform us. See the debate between Nick Fuentes vs Destiny and Hassan.
Fuentes made them sperg about , and those 2 got his twitch account banned after the debate ended. The progressive status quo will always censor the opposition, then they'll larp as being "hip" (forgetting the fact that diversity is promoted by every media, corporation and educational system)

take these for instance

Someone people like image related love.

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>I am literally asking what his arguments
I gave you a video that contains her arguments as she presents them herself.

My point is that being jewish doesn't automatically make you a kike like the others. She literally got killed for being a socialist - for helping her fellow man. Of course there were jewish intellectuals for and against communism. There are so many right now condemning israel or the whole banking system for instance. It's such a non-argument unless you're way too deep into conspiracies.

>commie and jewish banker/bourgeois on the other side
jesus christ...

Because he got fucking destroyed by the distributist in their debate and he's been terrified of debates since.

Trannies get the rope


literally who?

I am asking you to explain them here and now which you are evading and ignoring. You are a loser. You have no ability to actually explain them because you have no comprehension of them or dont actually think they can stand up to real time debate. This thread is basically nothing but an advertisement.

I don't think urging people to violently rise up, getting thoroughly BTFO by ex soldiers and ignored by most civilians as a bunch of retards, then executed for being a subversive who wants to destroy the spirit of a already broken nation constitutes as helping your fellow man.

Nice digits though.

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takes one to know one

Tranny here. Contra is a pervert doing a minstrel act, and commie BS is always rich coming from the mouth of someone born into privilege, and who now literally gets paid to breathe. Fuck Contra, and fuck you.

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If you're going to start a thread about some eceleb at least post their name. Some of us aren't plebbit fags who recognize every single eceleb.

thank you for deraticalizing me cp

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>8/10 Chad turns himself into a 4/10 becky

Honk honk

Because his arguments are just there to tell us that mass immigration is good. Like that's the only point we're really debating here.

I just did, dumb nigger. Most of the autists on here are beyond, say, the effectiveness of capitalism as opposed to any other economic system. Firstly, since the National Socialists are in favour of a nationalized welfare state of a sort, and they are the biggest ideological group on here. Secondly, as this board is more concerned with racial identity, immigration, and other topics, along with a pinch of numerical ouija and other mystical shit (like le black sun meme). We're beyond economics, at this point. It comes up, every once in a while, but this board is perpetually convinced that we're at the feet of a massive happening (race war or some shit).
Our good tranny friend mostly deals with arguments that pertain to either 1. the nu-right, 2. The mainstream right, 3. Conservatives clenching their orifices whilst trying their best to make sure they're not misunderstood to be nazis by people with the intellectual capacity of insects. Keep in mind that all sorts of extremist ideology exists on here, from National Socialist, to Jihadist, to Maoist; the people on here aren't afraid to identify themselves as such. So, no calling out dogwhistling on here, dumb tranny nigger.

Honk honk indeed.

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standards are approaching zero

who the fuck is this ugly makeup cunt?

why engage with a troll who hasn't presented one single argument?

Well OP, the thing about ad hominems is, they're only a fallacy within the context of the arbitrary rules of formal debate, which is essentially a game. They're a no-no in that format, but then formal debate isn't real. It's just an intellectual pass-time.

In practical terms, whatever aspect of you'd dismiss as an ad hominem if it's pointed out probably does have a quantifiable on warping your perspective and leading you to erroneous beliefs and opinions. For example, the fact that you're such a massive cum-guzzling sodomite you've trained your tongue to register every individual sperm in the gallon of ejaculate you chug daily is a perfectly valid grounds to dismiss your degenerate opinions. It would be a fallacy in the arbitrary context of formal debate, but in the pragmatic context of evaluating who to give credence to your terminal homosexuality is fine reason to tell you to fuck off.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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Reminds me of buffalo Bill in this picture

Better looking as a dude than you. I guarantee it.

>I am asking you to explain them here and now which you are evading and ignoring
because that makes no sense if she has already explained them herself

How long until the tranny goes bald?

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You coming to a text based debate medium and refusing to make any arguments or even explain them while shilling a video and suggesting anyone that doesn't watch it loses the non existent argument makes no sense

>You coming to a text based debate medium
so what?

not long. hormone abuse and slapping makeup on your skin daily only accelerates aging.

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Why engage with somebody that cant even outdebate Sargoy of Akkad?