What was wrong with him?

what was wrong with him?

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He let us all down.

cont: He just seemed mentally ill

Read Hitler's War if you wish to see an objective view of him based upon war time documents. The jews who wrote the history on the subject didn't interview anyone who was with Hitler during the war atop their ivory tower and just threw any possible slander against him so it'd go mainstream.

Anti Semitic

he lost

Like most of this board: White Larp

He craved to have a society with blonde hair and blue eyes (True Aryans).

He was a non-white that wanted to be a white person.

Attached: maga-kid.jpg (650x350, 197K)

Not subtle enough.

Attached: Gay Hitler Stylized.jpg (1708x2099, 1.4M)

Bullet hole in the brain

He put out a fire with gasoline. No matter how much bad someone is, by killing him you commit greater sin. Thats what he did with juice.

He didn't subscribed to PewDiePie

>he lost
>Polish flag

Was influenced by the wrong guys in his depressive phase

Said one thing(casteless country full of workers devoted and united to a single cause, a strong, unified, promised a peaceful germany based on merit and socialist ideology), did another(ruthless authoritarian regime, outright murder for opposing and disagreeing politicians because he thought the only way to unify germany was through absolute force, murder of millions of innocent civilians under his watch, grotesque experimentation, invaded other countries and started wars, did nothing to change the caste system in germany and just switched capitalism to state-controlled capitalism etc etc)

In essence, he was an idealistic gifted orator who could not deliver Germany what he promised and envisioned. He made compromises left and right, he engaged in all of the dirty shit he possibly could to force himself into power and to force his countrymen to submit, and then he lost.

Some retards(like people on this board or Hitler Youth) still believe he did nothing wrong and he was a great leader who is mischaracterized and that he "had it all right", but the truth is he was a great visionary and a terrible leader. He just had some really excellent propaganda from Goebbels. That Jow Forumstards still routinely believe in Hitler's promises is proof of that.

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And yet you rolled d.u.b.s


he was ahead of his time

oy vey

This. It's a great book. Irving was the first to seriously work with the primary sources (archives + interviews with first hand witnesses like the lady who was his secretary throughout the war. Plus it's very well written

Not arguments.

He wasn't willing to be harsh enough.

Mental illness he had.

The drug use

He needed more time to build a true Volksgemeinschaft. Yet what he did during 1933-39 was amazing.

At least they had flying saucers.

Attached: Honkler in nazi_saucer.jpg (1200x799, 391K)

His economic miracle wasn’t quite so miraculous due to jewish pressure and he resorted to looting neighboring nations. Literally the only thing he did wrong. Anything else was merely a misstep.

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>Not even knowing the man

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>what was wrong with him?
He saw our timeline coming.

He did meth and attacked Russia


This. He absolutely let us all down and fucked us. Europe and the US fucking suck now because he couldn’t get it done. And this went too far that we have to put up with them being strengthened. Kikes rotted us out culturally and bugmen and poos will take us over longterm

Yes it was Hitlers fault, that your ancestors let themselves be instrumentalized by the jews and fought against their own brothers.
use your brain please

It could've been so different had we not gotten involved.

Attached: Hitler29.jpg (608x477, 36K)

It was his fault for taking on multiple fronts. He went too far. He could have built a dynasty for the ages. Instead we all lost

He was a kike puppet

German autism, as always

>"his fault for taking on multiple fronts"
You act like he asked for war

Attached: hitler12.png (752x587, 366K)

and so are you

He was not. He had the whole world Jewry after him. This book was calling for the genocide of Germans

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He was a kike rat jew piece of shit

Quick question: how does Jow Forums explain the Wannsee conference?

>You act like he asked for war

Oh he did and have fun trying to deny that for all you want but at the end of the day that is just factual.

Hitler wanted war, hitler seeked war and even if he had gotten Danzig he would have found reason to go to war.

Youre a fucking retard.

>what was wrong with him?


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>Threatened not to defend his people being killed in Poland
>"Disarm entirely or be destroyed" is a valid peace treaty
>Mad he said fuck you to that
>Offered peace literally dozens of times but was laughed off
>It's Hitler's fault! He was evil! Muh jooz!

Attached: 1534836386365.png (1489x1423, 442K)

80,000,000 died in WW2 fighting jew "oppression"
He stole billions in gold, silver and fine art
He bombed cities of civilians
He printed billions of counterfeit currency to destabilize the UK

His body was never found, he RUNS AWAY like a coward

jews now own and run
News media
social media
Music industry

>if you control the youth, you control the future
Adolf (((hitler)))

Irving is a 'gatekeeper'.
He is literally a British Counter-Intel Op.

>gets unlimited publicity in media.

Idk. He only killed and tortured a few million people for no reason.

He gave up and didn't actually gas the Jews. Had he, the Holocaust would be a holiday, not the constant source of shame and guilt that it's become. Almost like killing 6 million out of the 6 million jews didn't happen because 6 million Jews were born the very next year and now there are more Jews in the US than Israel :∆

>If (((hitler))) won, we would all be speaking german. He wanted to oppress us, like he did the jews

NOW jews run and own everything


If you can't tell he's a kike rat piece of shit, you're a retard

Clearly this.
But you are never going to convince the idiots with their 'knowings'. And the jews are going to continue feeding their myth.

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He over extended too quickly, otherwise we'd all be joyfully speaking German with a nice 3.14 cutie aryian wife and no Jews

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>Create independent currency to get control of the economy the Jews ruined
>This harms muh bongs
Literally no one cares if your dollar is shit but you, okay? He didn't do anything for Europe because he wasn't a globalist kikeshill faggot like you. He did it for his country and fuck everyone else. That's how it should be.

Ya wow germany is doing so well now.....

How many germans died?
How many strong men died, fighting for him?
Can they make a baby lying dead in ditch??

>a lonely Canadian kike poster self replying, shitting all over, not really arguing
Yup, this is pol

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Printing counterfeit currency is OKAY....

fucking jew rat pieces of shit

posting facts, but those don't matter when the jew is scared.

kike rat, shut up

Lost the war

>The world unites to fuck over a single country
>Wow that country is doing so well now!
It's heavily kiked but they're still making powerful scientific and financial moves despite the huge amount of cuckeru, almost on par with the US and Canada combined but truly I'm sorry you're retarded and lack argument.

But here is another (You), okay kiddo?

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>I don't respect your currency, because it harms muh joos
Fuck off lol
>It's a fact, because I said so
Journalist in action. Have you beaten Seikro yet?

Revert to trying to insult the shithole I was sadly born in.

have another (you) kike rat

germany has always sucked. must be the jew homeland
How many times did germany start wars?

>Printing fake money is fine, I'm a jew and say so

>All these people dying is fine, I'm a jew and say so

>NO ONE but the jews died in WW2

STFU rhabbi, suck more blood off a baby cock, it's "tradition"

>Being this new

Attached: Jews declare war on Hitler.png (900x600, 531K)

>Call Hitler a Jew, who rallied whites to be self determined and independent
>Someone is offended
>Call them a Jew too
>All while posing as a fellow white nationalist
Slippery, slimy, amorphous creature. No matter how many times I attack jews, you defend them, then call me a kike. Kys, louse.
>Doesn't understand Germany's economy, in the past or the present, and doesn't understand how Jews negatively effected it
>Having strong FEEFEES on the matter
>Defending Jews again
Every kike should wear a hat, a star, an anklet alarm, and be shipped to Madagascar. Agreed? Yes or no. Say nothing else unless it's a more extreme suggestion.

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Getting caught was a part of his plan.

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