Should Trump institute free housing to jump start the white birthrate?

White people just can't compete with section 8

Attached: 1530238564323.jpg (530x675, 29K)

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>kitchen and garage together
enjoy your poisoning

that's how australians live

Attached: file.png (1920x978, 1000K)

>Toilet in the foyer

Attached: drunk-birthday-clown.jpg (600x600, 150K)

Gtfo with your free shit. Learn a trade you lazy nigger.

Attached: f8d70a9430b66fd249c7d72fa5213070a5d8e328bb39ce1a329263502da5c38a.jpg (764x960, 94K)

This will produce effects that are exactly the opposite of the ones you expect.

Obviously you have to choose: park car outside or order food 365.

I have lived in Australia.

I can guarantee that the state of most white trash houses is abysmal. Better have a kitchen in a garage than anywhere else, because anyway they will never make an effort to clean jack shit.

In particular, people there are such welfare queens that they give for granted their bond will be taken at the end of the lease. Result: they trash the home and then leave it up to the real estate agent to exact money from them. As I said, they don't care if their bond gets fucked up. Even a hobo has some State cash to spare

Why the fuck would I leave food oit in the open for it to be tainted by the exhaust of my vehicle? Or why the fuck would my vehicle be running while Im prepping food?

Looks pretty comfy tbqh.

Just legalize developments like your pic. Cities and town have building codes that want houses to be a certain price to keep less desirables out. Inevitably cheaper houses means more criminals.

The only people you get reproducing with social programs is the low intelligence garbage tier people. And it still has the virtue of costing the tax payers, which are overwhelmingly white. The solution is to stop discouraging the people who work with high tax rates. There are many social issues at play too, which no amount of monetary influence will change.

End the welfare state, end the low iq race. It works!

How the fuck would free housing jumpstart white birthrates
Why the fuck do you think any thing given for free will only benefit white people

Just don't pay the last month and tell them to keep the deposit. That's what I do because I don't trust them to give it back

Why waste that much space on a fucking garage? Street parking if you're that hard up for space.
Also would exclusively be used by shitskins.

No birthing needs to be jumpstarted, people need to be sterilized. Idc what color they are. There are too many people on this planet shitting it up and making it miserable for the good.

shut up nigger

And which jobs? White ppl wont have kids without jobs. They are this retarded.


swap living room with bathroom, put up a wall between bathroom and bedroom, and put a hallway that connects bedroom, bathroom, and courtyard together and these plans would be pretty nice.

Enjoy infinite crackhouses, dumbass.

They'll just give it to wetbacks and niggers. You'd think that after half a century they could do something for themselves.

All you have to do is limit the max food stamp payments set to a family of 4 (if married) or 3 (of a single mother) and make section 8 nothing but studio apartments.

The poor would start taking birth control fucking quick when they are trying to cram 8 people into 600 square foot apartment and are eating ramen 7 days a week.

Food and housing are for winners.