Do you think they'll ever botch a story so bad it actually gets an innocent person killed?
Left wing media
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That would be a nice redpill for normies
Probably, but who is going to cover their complicity in it. Themselves?
Omar calls Jews Evil, but Trump's the bad guy because Israel has Duel citizenship laws.
Maybe, but funny that you’re speculating about what left leaning news outlets might be responsible for in the future, when right wing media is responsible for 50 dead Muslims in New Zealand. That’s just within the past month.
Her Name Was Ebba Akurland
Shut the fuck up, kike. You think you're smart and funny while you play us like a, fiddle, and for what; Power, Women, Fame?
The nigger who tossed the kid off the platform?
They'll just bitch "Muh, attack on freedom of the press."
They don't care.
I hope so.
If such a thing were to happen anons would "cover" it by posting it every time the media opened their dumb mouths.
That’s already happened. How have you forgotten all of the nigger riots during Obama’s presidency?
Ilhan Omar is a zionist puppet.
No she isn't.
KEK!!!! This is your last resort shilling tactic isn't it?
Yes she is.
Covington Catholic definitely backfired on them though. Something like that.
Every time I post that, I instantly get replies.
You faggots really don't like me calling out your favorite actress, do you?
AOC is an actress too, although she is also genuinely as stupid as she sounds.
The smollett disaster likely caused violence before it fell apart but you would never know. The post humous marketing of nipsey hussle and theyre full on 'hes as angel' push helped gather people for a memorial resulting in gang violence.
A direct killing will happen eventually, but bear in mind that all Islamic attacks in the west are basically leftist media attacks, as it is leftist media, not "Isis" that radicalises them to violence. If media can make whites hate themselves to the extent that they do, just imagine the effect it has on non-whites. Islamists are basically just tax payer funded mercenaries for corporate media.
They dont like the beach, they dont like rugby, beer or bacon. They never stood a chance
>Zionism is white supremacy
Does this mean Israel is... dare I say... /ourcountry/?
It's very likely that they already have, but they won't report on it, obviously.
Segregation is a huge part of Spencer's platform
Jews go home to Israel and we go home to white country
It's a win win
They almost did already
A sizable portion of normies still think those boys were being racist, and no one so far has faced any consequences for their rabble-rousing and calls to violence against children.
The only thing it has produced so far is intensified the hatred those who hate the media already have, and furthered the divide in Weimerica
Wasn't that kid suing them? Anything ever come of that or could he not find a kike willing to represent him?
Jews aren't white.
Kikes like to portray themselves as white when it's convenient to shame white people. The intent of this campaign is to force them to be white when it's inconvenient, making them suffer the same discrimination they've forced on us.
>22 posts by this ID
Too late.
Mossad did that
The Young Turkroaches did. They radicalized one of their fans to the point that he went and killed a cop, if I remember correctly. They suffered zero consequences, though.
Do you like, my car?
>50 dead Muslims
Well its a good start
The MSM memory-holes everything that makes the left look hypocritical.
Landen at the Mall of America. His mother, her eyes wet. The normies, their eyes open, their fists closed. The rope, prepared.
>he dindu nuffin
Lots of cops and innocent people died because of this despite being wrong. Zero consequences.
They do it every day with misrepresenting how peaceful niggers are
They've gotten lots of people killed. Just look at the WMD coverage.
>Just within the last month
Right wing media is responsible for 100000000000000 killings per day if you measure between the time of the killing and a nanosecond afterwards. Muslims killed thousands, and that was just within the same day as 9/11. This
>Restrict the time frame to inflate numbers
argument is fucking retarded, and only retards fall for it.
Tarrant and Roof have been the only high profile "white nationalist" attackers since the beginning of "right wing media". Brevik predates the "alt right", and other mass killers have been Islamists or random autists/goofs like Batman or Katz. Leftist corporate media is directly responsible for /all/ Islamic terror in Europe. There is no ISIS, only the left.
It's fairly good bait since it's one of those obvious shill posts like "Trump didn't close the border, now we need to vote blue!"
I loled
Who's going to hold the media accountable in that case? They can just brush it under the rug.
And nothing of value was lost that day.
Can confirm. My friend "heard" them shouting "build the wall" in the video, and has reduced American resistance to illegal immigration to "Drumpf is a racist who hates brown people".
>right wing media
Misreporting on Rodney King got dozens killed back in the early '90s.
What right wing media?