Are Australians really this based?

Are Australians really this based?

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holy based

S-someone ban this evil nazi...
Oy vey, Moshe, do we have any jihadi puppet cells in Australia? We cannot alow this goy to gain popular support...

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He has been based since His ancestor , the Annings (hunting and enslaved abos)

Pretty based dude

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Yes, Australians are based.

Trenton, Assange, anti migration government, they would rather throw migrants to the sharks than to accept them etc.

Honestly, I am impressed.



>widely distributed ownership of the means of

>an end to usury

>welfare as a safety net

>decentralisation of power and competitive federalism

how the hell are you going to enforce your widely distributed ownership of the means of production?

sounds like a literal nationalist and dumb ass fucking socialist

kys faggot

Holy shit.

i am impressed

Rural Australians are a hundred times more based than any other people in the Anglosphere, it’s just places like Melbourne and Sydney which are similar to all our world-cities

Holy Based,
No modern American politician would ever say something like this

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>no ban on asians and other nonwhites
not based.

Why would they announce that all migrant criminals, including themselves, should be deported?

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Eat a dick schlomo.

(East) Asian immigration is beneficial for the country, less crimes, more hard workers, etc.

>annexation by china is beneficial for the country
listen to the kiked words coming out of your mouth. don't even accuse me of strawmanning you

You're right but desu kikes are more of a threat than China

maybe so, but if the immediate nonwhite demographic and immigration problems can be dealt with, then the answer to the jewish question logically follows
let's not put the cart before the horse

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I know it's not exclusively his thing, but are you by chance a fan of ymfah?

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You're either a fucking idiot or an actual kike

Yes, it is true. We are. We really are.

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