Capitalism is dead

Any economic system that makes it almost impossible for anyone under 30 to get 50 square meters of their own and a full time job without mortgaging themselves in a college scam needs to be abolished. It's been like this for a decade now. It's not funny anymore. All around me, I see young men and women approaching 30 with none of the trappings of adulthood. No wife, no husband, no car, no job, no apartment or house of their own; just a stack of student debt and a cozy bed in their Boomer parents' basement.

This is retrograde bullshit. Capitalism has run its course. It's over.

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my geographic location



It's nice, but I wouldn't want to live there full time.

>Government regulations have enabled monopolies to make a total shitshow on the market
>We need more government

The only moment where the market will die, is when humanity will die.
You can put it down and make it illegal using the migth of the state, but the market it's the manifestation of the collective need of the people, so it will just be the black market.
So, you will only harm the collective of humanity if you hurt it.
It's funny how you so called "collectivists" hate the free market btw.

>implying regulating private companies under capitalism is the same as just nationalizing the SOBs under socialism

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Shit thread.

Anime girls

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Wow, an Italian 14yo. Neoliberalism has made Italia's birth rate so low that you're quite the rare commodity these days. Please tell me more about how socialism works to abolish markets.

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A concept that has escaped your generation: HARD WORK. If you think property deeds will fall from the sky the day you achieve some academic accomplishment, you’re truly more fucked than you realize.

So capitalism will kill humanity, is your best pro-capitalist argument? dope

>Neoliberalism has made Italia's birth rate so low
Actually, commie propaganda to the boomer did it.
Before we were capitalists, and we controlled our women, so we had present and future.
But then the soviets put the idea in women's mind that it was okay not to have kids.
Thus we died.

Also, the only system that works ( without intentionally causing a famine, like the soviets and Mao did ) is capitalism, but where women stay at home.
Hate it as much as you want, faggot, but even the Chinese are taking steps towards that.

The fuck are you smoking?
Read here:

A concept that has escaped your Boomfinity Gauntlet: basic math.

If you make less than a living wage, the government takes 10% of your paycheque in taxes, and the cheapest place you can buy costs 20,000 hours of your labour, which is over 13 working full time years, you're staying in your mommies basement indefinitely, and forget about having kids. Don't bother telling us to move either, because cheaper cities have lower wages, and no where is as cheap as mommy's basement.

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All these 30 somethings living in their parents' home? All hard workers. You used to be able to buy a house by working any job for a few years, job stability was higher, purchasing power was higher. When you have to make the argument that every individual in a society is living incorrectly, Occam's Razor would dictate that the problem is with the society itself.

Didn't read.

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>The USSR is responsible for Italy's collapsing birth rate in 2019, not the neoliberal EU that controls it today, or the technocratic colonial viceroys appointed by my German masters.
>Please rape my anus harder and faster, and let me lick your boots, oh neoliberal masters.

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You're calling exchange of things "the market", and assume that people didn't trade things before capitalism, nor will trade things after capitalism. That's completely no what socialists advocate for. All they advocate for is a rethinking of property models, specifically of private property of the means of production into the collective hands of those who make those means of production actually produce things, instead of being owned individually by someone who just has a slip of paper saying he does.

Hierarchy needs justification.

Things I wish employers would do: work; anything to actually justify their existence

Eityher you are ignorant, or a commie kike with a VPN.
The commies here made a campain to kill as many babies as possible.
They also made a campain by encouraging radical feminism.
That leads to low birthrates, faggot.
Now, go to work like a normal adult instead of jerking of to an all-mighty state that will fuck you so hard that you will shit blood for generations.

The first world is growing more slowly than before but thats not because capitalism has failed. Its mostly because of things like an aging population and that the technology of the recent past(1970-present) hasn't been nearly as transformative as that of the distant past(1870-1940). In many ways capitalism is alive and well. The developing world is actually growing very rapidly and catching up in many areas.
It's worth noting that developend nations are stil growing, maybe not as fast as we'd like, but in general they are still going the right direction. It's also not as if we have some superior alternative system we can just pull out of our back pockets and start growing GDP per person at rates of 4 or 5%.

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Sure, then what incentive do i have if i can't profit from my work?
No, retard, if there is no private property you will have leeches.
Sure, you can put them in the gulags like Stalin did, but then you have to have a capitalistic nation ( like the USA ) to leach profit from, and you gotta hope that it won't sell you Pepsi, else you will have to sell your nuclear arsenal to the company, cause your faggot system is shit and don't provide conforts to your own people.

My superior Utopianism system gives everyones needs to them from the air.

Maxines can't do that.

It's not the system, it's the central bank, the theives and the traitors. You will always have corruption but you can not judge a system that is poisoned from the start with usury and your commie system puts 100% control in the hands of the corrupt.

>blah blah blah abortion

Basic bitch Catholic detected. Shame.

You need to start assigning blame where it is due, to the men who actually have power and money, not whores who have abortions because they're too stupid to use the pill or make their Chads wrap it up, you disgusting incel. Women are the niggers of the world, and they have almost no say in what happens in Italy or Canada.

>"There's a reason for this, there's a reason education sucks, and it's the same reason it will never ever ever be fixed. It's never going to get any better. Don't look for it. Be happy with what you've got... because the owners of this country don’t want that. I'm talking about the real owners now... the real owners. The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interests. That’s right." - George Carlin, Life Is Worth Losing (2005)

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>It's also not as if we have some superior alternative system we can just pull out of our back pockets and start growing GDP per person at rates of 4 or 5%.


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>Basic bitch Catholic detected
Who said im catholic?
See, here is the problem with you retarded comunists, you assume, and when you do, you make an ass out of you.
And then your people starve, or are genocided, or they can't have kids by laws, or they cannot fail to pay a debth by law ( LMFAO ).

if such a mode is superior, why don't they try it out first with their own money?

capitalism almost died 100 years ago, and it's been on socialist life support ever since. it's fair to say the beast is about to croak now, what will come is still unknown but it won't be marxism

just leave burgerland. we have it pretty chill here in austria for example. free education, free healthcare, no debt, can pay rent, do all my freetime activities as well as go on vacation 2 times a year easily even tho i only work parttime. i really dont know why muricans are not seeking refuge in eu aswell. are shitskins more intelligent than burgers?

If capitalism is superior, why do capitalist countries always, every time, have to intervene in other countries who try to stray away from capitalism?

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Capitalism is a vampire that will artificially create work to ensure its existence. Marx said nothing wrong and he's probably sharing a flat in heaven with Hitler

Kys edgy teen commiefag.

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>it's government regulations that have enabled monopolies
>regulations haven't been imposed to curtail monopolies which are seen as inefficient in economic orthodoxy
your brain on lolbertarianism

I'm Canadian. The only countries that come close to Canada in wealth are Switzerland and Norway. I've considered moving, but I'd rather go to NZ or AUS.

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>Capitalism is dead.
>Any economic system that makes it almost impossible for anyone under 30 to get 50 square meters of their own
under commie rule nothing is your own

"i actually like being exploited every day and live in debt, insecurity and existential meaninglessness in this boring dystopia"

>it's the central bank
fed should grow a pair and increase rates again

1. nice strawman
2. the West let Venezuela decay for 10 years, only when people had to resort to eating rats and started fleeing the country in millions, the West decided to speak up.
3. unironically thinking capitalism is not superior is laughable, shall we start comparing some stats? You don't wanna go there, fren.

>personal property don't real

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cant say anything against that.
just dont get why non-rich people want to stay in the US

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> Capitalism is Dead
What country are you from, user? In mine it's alive and growing stronger every day... Come visit us. See for yourself.

If your idea of a superior alternative to the USA are communist countries like China or Vietnam you've got some serious soul searching to do. Much of its development was contingent on outfitting existing technology to its geography and institutions and those easy gains have been mostly used up.

On paper, most of Europe looks absolutely terrible. There's a narrow little zone around the Blue Banana that looks okay, Scandinavia seems nice, Switzerland, and that's basically it. Non-Germanic, or at least English, parts of Europe are trash. France is unbelievably poor and crime ridden, and they used to rule the world.

communism sounds impossible unless you are god, and full capitalism, by law of nature, will further create inequality, giving birth to demo gods. and when you see all those pedophile stuff, you dont want to live under the rule of those demigods, especially with technologgy progressing.

i think we need wise regulations but still a part of free market. an idea among all others needed could be to reduce a lot inheritance which screws the rules of the game. we should create a responsible society with more education and meritocracy, and communication based on logic rather than propaganda

but for that people will need to stand for themselves because in this world there is no good or bad system, only good or bad people. our ancestors just failed at education, they wanted to give us good thing but the best teachers are pain and work.

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I prefer to look at it as "under commie rule we all own everything"

Plus, communists acknowledge the need for a shelter and privacy, as well as the basic necessities for a good, dignified life. So you'll have your own house. Actually own it, not have to rent it from a landlord. And you can lock your doors actually.

Why insist on this notion that for some to have, many have to not have anything?

>not being nazbol

i can only speak for austria. its pretty chill here. i cant complain in any way desu


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>state interventionism shits on the system and peoples lifes
>commies pass 50 years making disrupitive propaganda in westerm countries for the sake of destruction of values and tradition
>is capitalism fault

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You just described the system that's already failed.

We're currently going through an automation revolution. No system has ever survived such drastic changes. It's fair to say that capitalism, which would have already died 100 years ago under its own weight if it weren't for socialism injections, isn't sturdy enough to withstand the impact.

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Pictured - OP

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You do know that China adopted a state capitalist system long time ago?
And that USA pratically rised up their economy in the 90 from scrap to make cheap shoes an eletronics?
You do know that China is stagnated and growing lower tham USA does 1 year?

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Open a history book, the commie states started wars/skirmishes with pratically everyone they had around, even between themselves. Vietnam alone had to fight against commie China and Cambodia for example. Only NATO countries have not been touched.

no i didnt

the system didnt failed, the people failed

even with communism it could fail as hard or even harder

but between those two fails, in one you get actually have more than two chickpeas in your dish, because people promoting communism are absolutely fucking incapable of proposing a realistic model

life isnt about screaming "its gonna work" its about being responsible and doing things seriously.

theres a infinite possible declinations of regulated capitalism, this one doesnt work because its been set up to fuck us since the start

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This is total GDP, not per capita GDP. China has 1.4 billion people vs the USA's .3 billion. China's GDP per person was $8,826 in 2017 which was still below the world average. This is compared to the USA's $59,531(World Bank estimates).

99% of the planet is capitalist. Look at the shit it's in.

The most socialism has ever had in terms of hegemony was the cold war, where a number of countries had socialist governments just trying to hold their own during the cold war. It was literal wartime. There has never been a socialist peacetime, due to the pressures socialism suffered from capitalists throughout its entire existence.

Socialism has never been allowed to exist unthreatened by capitalist interests vehemently trying to destroy it. Capitalism is doing that just now, and it's absolute shit. To compare capitalist countries today to socialist countries during the cold war is not an apt comparison at all. We would have to compare the >99% capitalist world of today to a hypothetical >99% socialist world of the future.

if regulations is communism then what im saying is a mix of capitalism and communism

full automation is a dream, life is one of hardship, not one of a closed system without catastrophes

bitch when has capitalism ever existed without the state? when?

Even so, it refutes your previous post.

why put the responsability of the power hungry fuckers who had all the money since the start on tghe back of regulated capitalism? you really think under communism one can ever become corrupt and fuck us? be real. theres no unpenetrable system, life s gonna be shit forever without high living standard and super high education standards because in life you have to fight for your rights.

and by education i also mean a culture, an idea of logic, reason, and will to fight, because of any good thign exist only as long as theres people to defend it

GDP alone is kinda stupid as a comparison since it does not take into account costs / buying power within the country

> The only countries that come close to Canada in wealth are Switzerland and Norway.

Are you foolish? Denmark is wealthier, Austria is wealthier, Netherlands is wealthier, Germany is wealthier, Sweden is wealthier. America is wealthier, too.

Lmao fucking midget denisovan descendants are untermenschen

>even with communism it could fail as hard or even harder

have you ever considered it could also succeed?

We KNOW that capitalism, even the "nice" capitalism of the New Deal and the like, always reverts back to savage free-for-all capitalism we're going towards today, and that the nice things of capitalism, like weekends, paid vacation, maternity and paternity leave, etc, all came out of pressure from worker unions.

If you're about to evoke past socialist experiments as an example of why "we know" socialism fails, refer to . We never had socialist hegemony, we don't know how it would fare without having capitalism to contend against

Can't wait for feudalism to reassert itself.

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Is full automation a dream? Who will own the machines? Under capitalism, me and you certainly won't. Why would the capitalists allow us leeches to live off the riches that /his/ machines create?

Canada's GDP per capita 45,032.12 USD (2017)

Like I said, Scandinavia + Switzerland is basically it. Most of the countries are basically the same as Canada, and worse after you factor in the cost of living and the cost of moving there, and not being a native speaker of their language.

Attached: gdp per capita europe.png (2000x1970, 926K)

Which is why I only like to use PPP adjusted GDP.
How so? My man point was "Much of its development was contingent on outfitting existing technology to its geography and institutions and those easy gains have been mostly used up."
Thats whats happened. China grew very fast taking advantage of things that exist. It has yet to prove if it can move forward on its own. It's actually a fairly unstable and extremely authoritarian regime. China could very easily end up like Japan and hit a wall and stagnate.

I'm 30. I bought a house with my gf in southern England last year. AMA.


How is Daddy's money treating you?

I had 785m2 of my own at 23, just a few years ago. Maybe you should get out of the city and stop aiding the importation of third world immigrants.

>> communism is dead cause i want free shit REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Faggot your life is meaningless. End it


dude EVERYTHING always reverts back to savage free for alls, OF COURSE, things came from pressure from workers, in life you have to FIGHT

theres no system in this world that will safely watch over you because systemls are made of PEOPLE. so unless you want to give god dominion to a fucking god AI in some improbably future, the only way is education, and people defending themselves against predators.

BUT that doesnt change the fact that communism would probably never work on a grand scale

>The college education system is capitalist
Shut up, nobody is entitled to anything. Believing that someone else should fix your problems is the opposite of self improvement. You dont have to enslave yourself. Have you heard about community college? do you know why it isnt desirable? Its because its shit if you want to work for others.

Protip: dont do college kids, not desirable

because life is too complicated to make full automation possible, the cost of making robots that do everything will be afr superior to just having people do their jobs

any conversion in nature is COSTLY

The world of 2019 is actually better for than average human than it ever has been in history. Global life expectancy is about 70-72. That includes places like Haiti, Congo, and Afghanistan in the data.

Capitalism in its current form is the government that arises when the merchant-bourgeois caste is dominant and unchecked. It's not a good system I agree. However, that doesn't mean that down-grading to a system of government derived from the laborer-slave caste would be in any way beneficial.
At least he has a modicum of self-awareness

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No spouse? No children?

That’s cultural Marxism. Your people have shoved this social justice everywhere. And don’t even try to weed out of it, Marx was as much into social justice as he was in his economic theories.

Your public, government run schools tells people they have to ignore college, whilst doing nothing to encourage trade skills, financial management, or military careers. The state funds public college that, though you lament for their cost, shove your Marxism down their throats.

Marx was a globalist, but instead of free trade, was into this worldwide communist bullshit; we can’t even have the choice of leaving the communism.

Of course, whilst the West is fucked, your socialist cunts have fucked up all the other economies in the world. So even though everyone complains in the West, everywhere else is fucked up, and your western agents refuse to trample on the primitive bullshit of Africa and the Middle East even though Marx extolled British imperialism in India and American conquest of Mexican territories. Your people oppose the only good thing Marx endorses, imperialist uplifting.

For fucking up yhe world, I would like to say: Fuck you.

thats why we need to destroy our economies, our culture and form lines for bread