>Now, one year after the horrific tragedy in Parkland, Florida, the White House is once again caving to the demands of the gun grabbers by endorsing these “Red Flag” laws.
>Now, one year after the horrific tragedy in Parkland, Florida, the White House is once again caving to the demands of the gun grabbers by endorsing these “Red Flag” laws.
nobody needs rights unless the government makes sure youre ok with fags and trannies raping kids and hordes of brown people being allowed to live in your neighborhood
Being pro gun is less important than triggering them libs
yeah left/right we just gotta vote harder bro itll fix everything
Is my thread being slid?
idk heres some ass
At this point it does it matter what he does the war is already started.
that's a 90's kitchen right there
disarming you seems like a real dick move then, huh?
These laws need to be challenged. They pretty clearly violate more than just one Amendment.
Conservatives will never challenge gun grabs as long as it's the BASED GOP doing it.
Tell me again why I shouldn't vote for Tulsi? Because so far, the only legitimate reason I've heard is that she's a gun grabber. But if we're gonna have someone in the White House who doesn't care about the 2A regardless, better it be the one who doesn't suck Israel's dick on a daily fucking basis
Based Trump! Tweets out nonsensical shit riddled with misspelled words and is in favor of literally every form of gun grabbing. MIGA
ptg sliding this thread hard
>Gun grabber
>kike puppet
You shills need new lines.
Is quoting Trump's own words a 'shill' line now?
What's wrong with having a judicial process to temporarily seize weapons from dangerous or unstable individuals? It's still subject to judicial review. It's not like the weapons are seized and automatically destroyed. From what I understand, state-level red flag laws have already prevented several mass-shootings.
>Family member or friend or someone you work with says you're mentally unstable
>Cops seize your guns
Take the guns first, due process later!
Its home and has soul
The day this passes, report every cop, politician, judge, teacher, nigger, spic, and faggot you know of.
>Tell me again why I shouldn't vote for Tulsi?
because she's a Democrat you dumb shill, and she will cooperate with Democrat politicians to push Democrat agenda points.
>whats wrong with having the government decide who gets to have guaranteed writes
where in the 2nd amendment does it say the right applies only arbitrarily?
>everyone under umbrella term is bad
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
fucking 75 IQ Donlets
>He thinks the law will be applied to authority figures like cops and judges and politicians
>You shills need new lines.
Shills are the fucking idiots who still think Obama was worse for the 2nd amendment than Trump
Remember, Trump recommended a Federal red flag mandate. This would over ride the local sheriff. It would now be a federal mandate carried out by Homeland Security.
>It's still subject to judicial review.
after they take them you fucking mong, You dont get to defend yourself until AFTER the fact
Trump On Gun Confiscation
President Trump appeared to disagree with Vice President Mike Pence on the issue of due process before confiscating guns from people found to be mentally unfit. The vice president said that they would have to "allow due process, so that no one's rights are trampled," but in the case of a gun violence restraining order government needs "the ability to go to court, obtain an order, and then collect not only the firearms, but any weapons in the possession of that individual."
Trump interrupted: "Or, Mike, take the firearms first, and then go to court. Because that's another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures -- I like taking the guns early."
Take the firearms first due process second
I can tell you right now this isn't going to end well.
Guys, I'm too afraid to post my true feelings on Jow Forums anymore. I'm afraid that I'll get sued for hurting someone's feelings or inciting violence. Feels bad man.jpg
>not posting the .mp4 version
What a faggot. More proof he's a Jew York Democrat. It'll be up to the little guy to fight the Jewish gun grabbers