/sig/ Self Improvement General

Previous Every Jow Forumsack has a moral duty to better themselves. This thread is for information, questions, and discussion on how to become a better man. Plus I'mma seeing too many shill threads.

For beginners: ghostbin.com/paste/fsbxp

Iron Pill Diet: i.sli.mg/tjOtAn.jpg
TL;DR - get lots of protein, eat fruits and vegetables, cut down on junk food

How to Win Friends and Influence People: yourcoach.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Dale-Carnegie-How-to-win-friends-and-influence-people.pdf

>Dating & Women
Book of Pook: bookofpook.neocities.org/

>Other Self-Improvement
The Well-Cultured Anonymous: github.com/bibanon/bibanon/wiki/The-Return-of-the-Well-Cultured-Anonymous


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Other urls found in this thread:


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we should somehow start local chapters that are entirely about working together to improve one another in life and most definitely not about nazism!!!!! not about NAZISM

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first for fuck niggers, shitskins and jannies

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Reminder that chilling and enjoying what life has to offer while you can is MUCH BETTER than "improving" yourself because at the end of the road you die.

>just fly the white flag
typical frenchfuck

This isn't nihilism general, shit eating frog

I have a question about my workout

Can I train my neck with a kyphosis ?

Is this true? Can we really write to Brenton Tarrant?

Giving up is easier. You have literally nothing to lose is you don't "improve". The gains aren't even worth it.
Living life the easy way is the only sensible solution.

Yes, pol already sent him a collectivized letter.
You can even send him some approved comfort items (CD's, books, toothbrushes, etc) aswell as money

Theres like a kiosk schedule where he can use a prison account to buy extra goods once a week (Snacks, better soap and shampoo, various extra foodstuffs)

Call the NZ authorities or check their website for more info, I already sent him a letter and some good quality toothbrushes.
Planning to send him funds so he can stay properly fed.

thats great news

You guys should read Plato


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>How to Win Friends and Influence People: yourcoach.be/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Dale-Carnegie-How-to-win-friends-and-influence-people.pdf
No thanks. That shit preaches using and manipulating people to come across as more likeable so you can add names to your contact list. There are better ways to develop lasting relationships and friendships and it involves becoming a better person, giving out positive vibes and meeting like-minded people you will naturally click with.

>just bee urself


Hedonism is extremely unenjoyable though. Spending time with one woman you actually like beats fucking a thousand thots you despise. Likewise, spending time improving in a activity you are passionate about is infinitely more rewarding than getting blackout drunk. There's no need for complete abstinence, unless that's what you're actually passionate about, but improving yourself is unironically the most enjoyable thing you can do.

I'm passionate about hate crimes, how can I improve the emotional violence of my online and irl activity. Thanks in advance you fucking shitskins.

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red goat

Why are all those cats sleeping when there's pizza around, user?

Still have a long way to go but I can finally say I'm "making it"

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I think it was meant to be the backroom of a vets and they had pizza. Have to put dazed kittys somewhere.

I'm doing pretty good lately.
>No weed
>no alcohol
>no porn
>exercise 5 times a week
>eating well
>posting zion don threads twenty times a day

Fuck yeah, good for you user!

>pretty good
no user, you're doing very good.

Reminder that being a degenerate alcoholic or drug addict is an absolute road to hell (on earth, for yourself).

Was their a return address on it?
I'd be concerned of being put on a list.

Also I heard that he was being denied mail and visits. Is this true?

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What's the secret user

>doesn't partake in the pleasures of life

Why? What's the fucking point you retard
Just give in to your urges. I fap almost 4 times daily and it feels great.
>muh virgin you'll never get women
Who cares I still get to orgasm
>muh masturbation gets boring
Not to me you fucking loser
>At least exercise to be healthy to live long
Why? I don't care.
>muh healthy body healthy mind
I'm pretty sure my mind is in a better state than any of you /sig/ faggots
>muh other stupid argument

>drug addict

Turns out I can't buy drugs legally and I don't like the taste of alcohol but the effects are great while the side effects fuck me up big time. I cannot become addict to any shit like that

Enjoy life don't limit yourself with retarded shit like improving yourself.

Content bump. Add something you Spurdos. Also, man it's easy to spot shills in these threads.






Now it's your turn to add something hepful. I'll add a few books in a little bit. I'll try to find some new interesting shit.

I doubt it, he has a right to receive mail and visits.
I snagged the picture off a thread from a NZanon who himself have been to one of the prisons, and had a shitton of inside knowledge on procedures.

You might get put on a list, but who the fuck cares.

You realize you are on the watchlist of every intelligence agency in the civilized world, right?

You realize I dont give a shit, right?

Living well is the best revenge? (George Herbert)
Very epicurean, Francoise.
Read The Trivium, youngster. Sister Miriam Joseph. Understanding logic, grammar and rhetoric makes you a human.

I"m not sure about France but most people in this country don't have shit and are miserable and most of it has to do with lack of self improvement. You do you French bro...

>losing weight
>gaining muscle
>got a gf
>got better at uni
>more social than ever
>lost my stress and depression
i didn't "made it" but i think i'm on the right track

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Kudos to you user

user, are you the Croydon cat killer?

No, we do not know really. Only can gleam assumptions from the snowjob, and make educated guesses.
My guess, is that we are all rank ordered on a list, and people are investigated in accordance to their rank.

Also, I want to make good positive change in our system via peaceful means. I'd like to be left alone as much as possible in order to be able to do that.

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the best thing you can do for self improvement is to find God. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. Repent sinners and just see what he can do for your life.

if you meet the people i met in my life then you'll realize how false that is.
Religion can help indeed, but it all depends on you

dudes, i want to say thanks to /sig/ since you guys helped me grow up and grow out of my neet behavior.

Leading by example. Nice work!

Glad to hear it!!

Hell yeah brother. /sig/ is liberal now. We're getting Yang in 2020 or at least a democrat. Good on you mate

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Paid off my debts last week. I am a free man.

i have a shit ton of rock wool in my attic (like one foot think) and my plan is to slowly over time replace the 2 prong wires/outlets with romex. how the fuck do i do this without removing a fuckload of rock wool?

i already know i cant, im just funposting.

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Also, you can do cool shit. You don't have to be a faggot or hipster or whatever the hell to make money.

for writing fan mail to a prison guy? takes more than that user, such lists would go on for miles.


You can be guaranteed of it.

he has human rights to receive the letters so yes

He also has a right to liberty and yet is detained.

Grandstanding comes and goes. You need to do something a bit more substantive than writing an a posteriori letter to get on a list that isn't 5,000,000 names long.

>Jow Forums
Fucking kill yourself.

Onions increases estrogen levels in the body, you jew

I've really been diving into the mental /sig/ stuff lately. Getting into the Greeks is difficult but fun. I'm starting to believe that peak society existed 2k years ago and we have no hope of going back to it.

How can a few men without the ability for mass communication write so effectively about human nature and politics? It's unfathomable

get out of here with your jewish self help books

A trick is to use baby powder or Talcum powder when dealing with itchy insulation. Use a long sleeve shirt and pants that you can throw out (or wash a couple times). If you do get some itchy on you, use duct tape or blue tape and use the sticky side to unitch yourself. You should survive running the romex now

>use baby powder or Talcum powder
like do you put it on prior to work or after? i figure rock wool is an irritant, but seems less so than fiberglass. my father is assessing the attic area tomorrow, i just opened it up tonight and cleaned up the shit so it doesnt get disturbed or fall over the place. however, that meant spending a half hour a little while ago cleaning that shit up. if i ever replace that shit, itll take forever to do it and ill probably have to wear my asbestos sampling respirator gear

thanks for the update on the well cultured anonymous book, user.

been a while

So whats your exercise and diet also how did accomplish the nofap/porn

What the fuck is up with that swastika. It looks like its trying to be 3d then just gives up and becomes flat.

Trying that but I haven felt anything yet. No spirtual experience. Just emptiness. What do I do?

Is it possible to add a section on
>cutting out porn
>limiting alcohol consumption

Pray with your mind in your heart and your heart open to God. Use the Jesus prayer. Speak it slowly and with your mind in your heart. "Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

Focus on the words and the meaning of them while communing with God.

You also need to cultivate your spirit.

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I had a mental breakdown and moved back home to stay with my dad. It's been alright but I'm broke and smoking a ton of weed and jerking off again. And my old friends don't seem to be growing and changing in the direction that I am.

I'm going to stay with my sister soon and help her stay organized and sane as she goes through a divorce with 3 small children. I'm looking forward to it because it gives me a purpose in helping my family, and can lead me to starting my own. Just a bit anxious to live in a major metropolitan area though.

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prior to working in it. it fills the pores of your skin so the fibers don't get in there. That stuff just plain sucks and hate working around it. The new stuff when you replace it won't irritate you at all unless you're sensitive to it. Carpenterfag here for all your remodeling needs

my mother (bless her) raised me like a spartan. Cold shower every morning for you faggots.

>limiting alcohol consumption

where is the pic that tells you to clean your room or read a book based on digits?

I need help

Resume building and templates: vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/undergrad/resumes.php#Samples

>we should somehow start local chapters that are entirely about working together
I own a business and only hire whites. I'm open to how to expand this.

got it, thanks. if we have to move a bunch around, ill pick some up. probably a long term project switching that stuff out for something more modern, compact, and packaged. just blown in rock wool im pretty sure, almost mistaken for cotton. im just glad it wasnt vermiculite since vermiculite in my home's time period was from libby mt

Fellow snobs serious about productivity and mindfulness look into bullet journaling.

Yeah religion can be something people hide behind, it’s important to seek religious experience and not just doctrines.

fucking based user

KEK fucking based. Love Greg B

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1st Rule: Before the arising of any thought, be completely conscious of your psychological mood.
2nd Rule: Psychoanalysis: investigate the root and origin of each thought, remembrance, affection, emotion, feeling, resentment, etc. as they emerge from the mind.
3rd Rule: Serenely observe your mind; place perfect attention on all mental forms that appear on the screen of the intellect.
4th Rule: From moment to moment during the common and current course of daily life, remember and recall the “sensation of contemplation.”
5th Rule: The intellect must assume a psychological, receptive, integral, uni‑total, complete, tranquil, and profound state.
6th Rule: There must be continuity of purpose, tenacity, firmness, constancy, and insistence in the technique of Meditation.
7th Rule: It is commendable to attend group Meditation rooms anytime we can.
8th Rule: During any agitated or revolving activity, it is peremptory, urgent, and necessary to convert ourselves into watchers of our own mind, to stop at least for an instant to observe it.
9th Rule: It is indispensable and necessary to always practice with closed eyes, with the goal of avoiding the external sensory perceptions.
10th Rule: Absolute relaxation of the entire body, and the wise combination of Meditation with drowsiness.

Upon the mysterious threshold of the Temple of Delphi, a Grecian maxim was engraved in the stone that said, Homo Nosce Te Ipsum... “Man, know thyself, and thou will know the universe and its gods.”

In the final instance, it is obvious, evident, and clear that the study of oneself and serene reflection conclude in the quietude and silence of the mind.

When the mind is quiet and in silence — not only in the intellectual level, but in all and each one of the forty-nine subconscious departments — then the Newness emerges. The Essence, the Consciousness, is unbottled, and the awakening of the soul, that is to say, the ecstasy, the samadhi, the satori of the saints occurs.

The mystical experience of Reality transforms us radically. People who have never directly experienced the Truth live like butterflies going from school to school. They have yet to find their center of cosmic gravitation. Therefore, they die as failures, and without having achieved the so longed for realization of the Innermost Self.

The awakening of the Consciousness, of the Essence, of the soul or Buddhata, is only possible by liberating, emancipating ourselves from the mental dualism, from the struggle of the antitheses, of the intellectual waves.

Any subconscious, infra-conscious, or unconscious, submerged struggle turns into an impediment for the liberation of the Essence (soul).

Every antithetical battle, as insignificant and unconscious as it might appear, indicates, accuses, aims to obscure points that are ignored, unknown within the atomic infernos of the human being.

To reflect, observe, and know these infra-human aspects, these obscure points of oneself, is indispensable in order to achieve the absolute quietude and silence of the mind.

To experience that which is not of time is only possible while in absence of the “I.”
>Samael Aun Weor
Anyone interested in nofap should look into this


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