What happened to Africa?

Pic of the first university in the world, the University of Karueein in Morocco, North Africa. The university was founded hundreds of years before there were any in Europe. It also taught subjects like Algebra that Europeans would later copy. What happened to Africa to make it go from this level of innovation to what it is now?

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>semetic brown meds aren't the same as congo nigs, who are seperated by 100s of kilometers of desert
Don't they teach this in school?

Greek/Roman/semetics =\= niggers

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Ok but its still in an African country. Also, it must not have always been so bad for "congo nigs" since they haven't gone extinct and we haven't always been trying to help them.

Africa is a huge continent.
You're pointing out the civilizations that existed on the northern shores, which are essentially Mediterranean.
Don't conflate them with sub-Saharan Africa, which may as well be a different continent, with different peoples, separated by more than a thousand miles.

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Israel and china are most technically asian. Whats your point? Its a huge continent.

Wait, did you think North Africans were black?

North Africa has never been black (Sub-Saharan African). It was populated by Berbers/Romans until around the 7th century, when it was conquered by Arabs.

Probably didn't pay attention in geography class

Ok but sub-Saharan Africa must not have always been this bad because they didn't go extinct and we haven't always been trying to help them.

The university pictured was designed by a Muslim. Muslims aren't white.

>north africa
north africans are caucasians
mix of celts that immigrated to north africa, pheonicians, semitic caucasians (mix of blacks and whites) and arabic peoples (mix of blacks and whites)

"first uni in the world"
what is Άkαδημία
how do i breathe

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I don't see your logic.

Sub-Saharan Africans were almost extinct when Europeans first arrived.
Now they are breeding life rabbits, doing much better than ever before.

Inbreeding destroyed the arabic/north african people

Berbers were caucasoids. Not europid/white but still caucasoids/hamitic/semitic not related with subsaharan populations

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You mean Arabs? Islam is a religion.

The Arab world was always somewhat successful, but was outperformed by Europe. Not my historical strong point, but I don't think there was a point when they were massively advanced compared to Europe.

Why would they go extinct? Food and water are all that's needed to survive. Even the most inept human beings know how to do that.

If you knew your history my friend you'd know that north africa was as white as europe is now around that time. With a little bit more arab-looking people.

>University of Karueein: founded in 859 AD
>Academy of Athens: founded in 1926

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Africa isn't a country you dumb fuck

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Islamic golden age ended due to traditionalism outcompeting scientific thought among the aristocrats and Islamic scholars. Circlejerking each other over morality became the measure of your faithfulness, not creating and discovering.

The founders name was Fatima al-Fihri. That's no white person name.
I did not know that. Interesting. Perhaps it wasn't colonialism that fucked them up after all. Maybe they really were always inferior.

You're the dumb fuck that can't read. I said its an African country, as in country located within the continent of Africa.

Who said they were white? What I'm saying is that I don't think there was a point when they were significantly (if at all) more advanced than Europe.

Non-white groups have achieved things in history. No one denies that.

Oh so you think mexicans and u.s. are exactly the same, that's even stupider

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>mfw he thinks ancient Nafris were shitskins
They shouldn't have picked wars with Romans.

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No I never said that. You're the one that's triggered by the fact that the first university in the world was founded by an Arab Muslim woman named Fatima al-Fihri and is located in a North African country.
You were essentially saying that Muslim doesn't necessarily mean nonwhite and I was just explaining that in this case it does.
> What I'm saying is that I don't think there was a point when they were significantly (if at all) more advanced than Europe.
It was a hell of a lot more advanced than at least Northern Europe at the time.

Their science/medicine used to be more advanced than what Western Europe had, but at that time they’ve conquered most of the Eastern Roman Empire and Persia and didn’t forcefully convert or murder the populations in most cases so they’ve gained access to a lot of knowledge. Meanwhile Europe was pretty much fuck up by migrating Germanic tribes, nomad invasion and viking raids for centuries and the continent only became relatively stable when the more successful of those groups embraced Christianity and feudalism around the first millenium. Then in less than a century Europeans launched the Crusades and recovered a lot of lost antique knowledge, which kickstarted the reneissance.
Also the Ottomans were able to stand up to contemporary European armies for centuries, but they weren’t Arabs.

The oldest European University is the University of Bologna, founded in 1088, in Italy.

Fucking nigger, it was not a university when it was founded, it was a religious school. Look up what university means, by your retarded nigger logic Greek academia was also a university.
Also sorry to burst your bubble, but North Africans and their historical achievements have nothing to do with your sub-Saharan ancestors. You should try to claim the history of Ethiopia as your own instead, at least they had a darker skin, but then again, they aren’t Negroids either.

Post black tits.

>North Africans and their historical achievements have nothing to do with your sub-Saharan ancestors
I never made that claim . I'm pretty much convinced now that sub-Saharans are mostly nogs.

>mostly nogs
Just learn some fucking geography.

>It was a hell of a lot more advanced than at least Northern Europe at the time.
Debatable. There was no collapse due to the migration period of Germanics. The Germanic Kings continued the legacy and knowledge of the Western Roman Empire (Christian monk libraries are overrated). What did lead to the "collapse" and early middle ages was the sea raiding and pillaging and SLAVE TAKING of the muslims conquest. First castles built were a reaction to muslims slavers. They also conquered the Vandal territory. And the muslim slavers and sea pirates lead to the collapse of the Med trade, thus Western Rome became empoverisht. Life style changes had occured much earlier in late Rome (big farms, law against movement, local binding, now plus castle).

So how advanced were the slavers and pirates and Islamic conquerers? They were certainly richer, but most of their knowledge came from Roman and Hellenic antiquity and from India. For example Arab Averroes "advanced" book on medicin which was state of the art until the 17th century was actually based on Roman knowledge. And the Muslims burnt down the great library of Alexandria. While there was no "collapse" at all in Byzantium and they continued a millenium longer, until they themselves were conquered by Islam, the eternal enemy No.2.

So the Mudslimes certainly were not more advanced than the Romans or Hellens, i'ts debatable, if they in themselves were actually more advanced than Northern Europeans even at that time and also contrary to apologists Christian monks didn't fully continue and preserve Roman knowledge, but like the Muslims persectued wrong think aswell.

Conclusion: Islamic golden age is overrated, they are Nafriniggers now, Islam is cancer and the enemy, Christcuckery didn't protect Europe nor did it preserve and protect the superior antiquity and Christian Byzantium too fell (if it was weakened by Christian crusaders that is just another verdict against it).

Rome and ancient Hellenism is masterrace

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You're smart af. Thanks bro.

Hurr durr Africa equals niggers hurr durr. Asia means slant eyes hurr durr.

You're welcome.

Also: we could have had a full restoration of the Roman Empire, which was Mussolini's dedicated goal and Hitler's aswell. But someone had to ally with LITERALLY STALIN and the international Jew so we could enjoy the glory of a world order of total humiliation, nihilism, self deprication, (((subversion))) and white death.

I wonder who that was.

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Sorry Mate, I don't go as far as condoning Hitler.

This was a medieval madrasa. Not a university in the modern sense of the word. In any case not much different from the monasteries of the Christian world, which were mostly centers for education and study.


Nothern Africa is much closer in terms of culture and demographics to the Middle East and Southern Europe than it is to central or southern Africa.

U right
Yeah but it was still something.

Moroccans are 60iq retards with 30% literacy in 1980, and that is not the first university it is lies and propaganda.

A university is an oxymoron no one made money by being literate in pre modern states they had no organization or social support only the clergy.

>Also, it must not have always been so bad for "congo nigs" since they haven't gone extinct and we haven't always been trying to help them.

I could quite accurately say the exact same thing for the Silverback Gorilla.

man, a little bit of racism just makes sense but some of ya'll go too far.

>they didn't go extinct and we haven't always been trying to help them.

Just like tree monkeys.

Just pointing out your flawed logic.

You sound like a sperg.

>Berbers were

Because I demonstrated your stupidity with ease.

>Can't tell the difference between caucasoid North Africans and negroid Sub-Saharans

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Man, this is a useless thread at this point. I get it, North Africans are superior to the rest of Africa.

This moron (the op) isn't even correct. The alleged first university in the world wasn't even a thousand miles near Morocco and it was not in Africa.

Well its the oldest university still standing

Then you should have said that, you fucking retard.

>before there were europeans
keep telling yourself that if it makes it easier for you

I mean I was pretty sure it was the oldest too

Because you are wrong about it.

I don't believe in killing innocent people.

Put an ad in the paper or something. We aren't impressed by virtue-signalers here.

Fatima is a woman's name.