Why are American teen girls creaming themselves over Korean ladyboys?

Why are American teen girls creaming themselves over Korean ladyboys?

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no idea, they look like women.

I would hazard the following guess.
>they can't fucking stand wiggerz

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Women are crypto lesbo

TV and Social Media told them to, that's why.

no one knows who the fuck they are here. typical globalists shilling non native degeneracy

Lived in Korea for 6 years and saw many Koreans naked at public saunas. The groupie disappointment when they are taken backstage will be lulzworthy. I hope someone brings a hidden camera.

Because Asian men are the smartest, most disciplined, and the best at sex.

My proof: 1.3 billion Chinese. :)

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It's mostly young people stuff.People who are into anime and such.

haha. interesting point. army brat or were you posted there?

dunno but that phenomenon was a thing 15 years ago too. My theory those boys aren't threatening. Teenage girls can imagine teenage love and explore their feelings but don't need to be afraid of Khal Drogo.
in Germany we had Tokio Hotel. They had the same effect on girls.

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Eww they're ugly girls should want this

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Why did so many American boys think Madonna and Britney Spears were ever attractive? It's called brainwashing.

Army for one year then moved back with my wife after I got out.

dont fucking get me started chow

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How the fuck is anyone supposed to tell these chinks apart from one another?

It's a new decade. Young virgin white girls everywhere desire the Big Asian Cock.

Meanwhile, ya'll white bois are sitting in your mom's house jerking off to hentai, also made by Asians. Yikes.

Yang gang shills out in full force today

Those chink hate threads must’ve damaged you permanently. Keep those threads coming people.

Chinks look very snakey, koreans look very foxy and japanese look mosty cat like

>Why are American teen girls creaming themselves over Korean ladyboys?

t. white fembot here...

Because modern white men are so pathetic. It's the oddest thing but modern white men have no ability to self-reflect at all. You're all so emotional and unable to handle even the slightest criticism!! Modern white men are (for the record):

>fat, out of shape, physically unfit.
>No style. Dress like shit. Shop at Ross/Walmart.
>Shitty/non-existent careers in trades doing mexican tier work, or NEETs.
>No hand to hand combat training. Can't protect your women (us).
>Collect guns you're too fat and cowardly to use.
>Christian, pacifist, cuck-shed hiding weakling.
>Vidya "Gamer"
>Anime Pros
>Autist, incel, nerd etc.
>Traps, gay, sissy-bois etc.

Outside of the 1 and 1000 Chads like Chris Hemsworth (omg yum!), white men are so fucking undesirable now. I don't really think it's a bad thing at this point that most of you go on hormones and become traps. It's like putting a wounded horse out of its misery. Here is literally what 99% of white men are like now and believe me, we know this and your crying on the internet doesn't change that fact:


ps this isn't our fault. This is your fault. You're supposed to control us. It's even in your precious (((bible))) 1 Tim 2:12.

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Fuck off Eurasiantiger.

You're not white, fuck off.

As if any women would ever talk like this

Well when their only other choice in mainstream music is niggers rappers I can see why they gravitate toward the twinks that song about love and all that sensitive shit.

I'm pretty happy for the dudes at r/asianmasculinity about the rise of Kpop in America, they must be over the moon about this. Good for them, this is definitely a win for them.

What teenage girl doesn't like young pretty boys doing boyish stuff?

I always wondered how do they take these photos? Do they get the same guy to take 7 pics in different outfits and then splice them together or do they get the singer and 6 body doubles and just shoop his face onto them?


Because american teenage girls always creamed themselves or effeminate boy bands. I can think of white black and hispanic ones in the past.

That's absolutely not the same thing, it's normal for an heterosexual male to be attracted to slutty chicks. Korean fags on the other hand are supposed to appeal to heterosexual females, so why tf are they so feminine?

Women are atracted to women but they don't want women because they hate women so they want something else that is capable of doing things that a woman cannot.

Because girls dont actually like Nigger apes, White women are waiting for white men to treat them good.

They aren't black. That's why. Case closed.

because western pop culture is nignog rappers and retarded kardashians

I guess they got tired of being beat up and passed around by niggers they use to cream themselves for

You two seem really upset. Incredibly emotional. That is such a turn off. You two are definitely white!!

Post your pictures with your shirts off. I want to see how sad the two of you are. I bet you both have dadbods and breasts. No amount of guns can fix that, can they? ...What's hilarious is that white men think they'll get to drive to the race war. Good luck watching you 250 pound fatties carry a backpack and your guns more than a mile! lol!

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Korean American here

Kpop has gotten me laid so many times. I fit the aesthetic very well (dyed hair, nerd glasses, boyish looks) and I get so many white girls that want me to be there Kpop boyfriend.

I don't even listen to Kpop all that much

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white bois on suicide watch

white pussy are fucking yummy

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So, they want a woman who also has the advantage of not being a woman? Are men better women than women themselves?

Remember, sex for procreation.

Britney Spears WAS attractive, she doesn't have that brown mystery meat with a fat ass look that is popular now so you may not think she is attractive. But for white people in the 90s and early 2000s she was top notch shit. Also Madonna and Britney were from an era where porn was no so easily accessible either. This isn't even going into the changes that girls have undergone in the past decade or two. They're FAR more developed sexually than girls were when I graduated highschool back in the early 2000s. All Girls now have massive fucking DD tits by age 15, when I was graduating a C cup was something special. I actually went back to my yearbook to specifically check for this and compared the girls from my day to the ones from today while picking my nephews up from school. The change is remarkable and I've yet to see anyone explain it. Why fuck around with idols when you have slamming chicks like that around you?

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White guys don't even want to have fashion sense these days and then wonder why white girls fall for these guys.

But then why fawn over effeminate bug people?

the same reason that weebs cream over Japanese chicks

They want a man that can groom himself like a woman but in same time is still a man and he knows to tame them and do manly things but with grace.

what is up with korean genetics

Being sensitive to a girls emotions isn't effeminate, it's why you guys are incels, you all have masculinity insecurities.

it's not only in the US.
i think it's to push girls toward lesbianism.

Zipperhead incels are fucking pathetic.
Fuck off back to r*ddit and stop raiding the board.

>Fake media outrage
This isn't anywhere near the levels of the Beatles.
I would have heard of them if it was.

The Beatles weren't a boy band either no matter how hard modern musicians try to paint them that way.

Be modest you immodest woman. Also make husband food.

Boyband with a budget that is used on social media advertising.
It's also easier to bot when anti spam has no idea how to handle korean characters.

Yeah I doubt these guys do "man things" all that much

The second one on the left has the look of a woman who is wearing her lovers shirt after waking up with a cum filled asshole.

Ask them again next week and theyll be on to something else...

We sure these are men?

You forgot we fucked your entire countery lmao

Girls like pretty boys, women love men (chads). West stopped producing pretty boy celebs so korea stepped into to fill the void.

>it's why you guys are incels, you all have masculinity insecurities.
Wew, that some juicy projection.

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Hey white boys, girls don't like all that niggers clothing you guys wear now.

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I think that just means chinese women are slower runners than chinese men.

Women have no minds or souls, they simply like what they are told to like. This week, they’ve been told to like these fags. Next week it will be someone else.

Who the fuck is talking about emotions? We're talking about their effeminate looks. They're Asian kpop stars, they don't even have emotions. You're either baiting or a woman

Jow Forums btfo.

they aren't, really.
Media just says they are

Ya the wigger dress doesnt say " earning potential" or " responsible "....

This isn’t fashion taste. It’s disposable and hideous. No one over 20 is looking at this and going “whew must get me a yellow nigga”


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They sing songs about love and white boys write songs about how depressed and suicidal they are.
Which one is more appealing to females?
Pic related is modern whitebois

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I bet you're fat as fuck

>3 on left

The Alpha Crew.

>4 on right

some fags.

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Seething wigger

grugs and chads are just a meme. women want good smelling, handsome, cute partners, just like men want. why exactly would you want a beast over a handsome beautiful man?

They sing song written by a team of corporate assholes to sell cheap Chinese shit, what's so profound about it? Also, implying white women aren't into depressive suicidal bullshit too.

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you mean copying american late 90s 2000s boy bands?? yyyyea...were gunna have to drop some napalm on you

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They aren't. Their popularity will be short lived. Considering SK is a cultural lab experiment (((they're))) probably testing the waters by pushing them in here to see if it takes.

It won't because western women have to believe THEIR authority is emasculating men; that numales are bending to their Powerful Female™ will. Presenting them with pre-gelded asian femboys does nothing for modern women.

Stop acting like a nigger and get laid

Jokes on you, that won't happen. They're all homosexuals so that won't break the spell.

woah woah woah, sugartits, you know the muthafuckin drill!

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Because the television told them to

You Gookcels cant even get laid yourselves.

It doesn't bother me to see white girls with an Asian. I get angry and horny at the same time when I see them with a black guy

came here to say this

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This is everything I have,once they are gone they are gone.

Entire KJ Bible on audio:


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I've never seen a white girl with an asian guy, and I'm at a university with 30% asian students.

>I don't like fags
>that's why we love a band of fags

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niggers can have all the white whores they want. I've leveled up to aznqt3.14's now.

who gives a shit? why do you care about what little girls like, you faggot? gas urself

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why are all of them look like girls?

because you obviously can't satisfy your women lmao

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No diversity in that band, only one homogeneous race lolz

Hi, English teacher

>They had the same effect on girls.
Everyone is gay for Bill though.

at least they're taller than you, Mr. 5'6'' manlet bro