Dude weed LMAO

>dude weed is 100% natural no body has ever died from weed it's just a plant bro

>A mysterious condition makes marijuana users violently ill, and it reveals a hidden downside to the drug's growing popularity


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Gosh, do you think suddenly marijuana is poison or do you think maybe somebody was putting poison on the marijuana?

Why in the world would the us poison its own citizens?

I've puked from weed on a couple different occasions. I haven't smoke in years btw but it is very possible to get sick from smoking or ingesting too much

Weed and tobacco make me vomit tell them to ease up on the spliffs

I've smoked weed on a daily basis since I was 14 or 15, I'm 23 now. I'm what you might call a professional stoner

Ask me anything, change my mind, debate me.

There's also links to triggering depression and schizophrenia, the current state of weed is the same state of tobbaco in the 20's, lack of research led to everyone, even doctors thinking it was A-OK to smoke, I do agree weed under certain conditions for certain diseases can be beneficial though, but even if those effects didn't exist, the biggest problem is that it's escapism and makes you dumb and lazy, have you ever met any pot head That was remotely successful on any endeavor that isn't music?

Weed is being genetically modified and weaponized.

Hello newfren

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Has anyone tried Jimson's weed yet? I heard it's so strong it makes you see things.

Some people are hypoallergenic to weed.. I have met one person my entire life who has this condition... same arguments can be said about people with peanut allergies.. are we gonna say peanuts should be illegal?

It's awfully common. You smoke weed socially because you're cool then it makes you paranoid and think everyone's judging you for your drug use and you start puking from all the stress and discomfort and the body high doesn't help either. Happens to everyone once or twice.

How dumb do you think we are?

I think that's a fair point, the synthetic streams are incredibly potent, definetly not the weed your dad used to smoke

Absolutely fucking retarded.

nobody cares what you do. You've permanently inhibited the natural growth of your brain. There is more and more evidence coming out. Believe it or not i don't give a fuck.


good one

>no such things a s a functioning alcoholic

Its always the most vapid of minds who proudly speak their ignorance.

I'm just saying, that was a real knee-slapper, grandpa.

So people who smoke weed have invalid opinions about the subject of smoking weed?

Really makes you think

Never do this.
T.medical fag

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>posting Alice Moon and not the superior Katherine Timpf

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No problem bud. ;)
I was honestly just baiting for trip stories to derail this copypasta thread with something more interesting.

>>A mysterious condition makes marijuana users violently ill, and it reveals a hidden downside to the drug's growing popularity
Let me guess it's because of pesticides but they don't want to admit it.

Still weed and stoners are degnerate

Even if you manage to be functioning, you'll not be an overperformer, you'll just be that, function, no one that is alcoholic can truly exceed in excellency, you'll never reach your full potential

And this. Deleriants aren't good or fun at all.


Druggiefags are retarded

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>point out evidence of negative effects of weed
>"wut muh opinion dunt matter?!?"

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Dude like I just smoke to sleep like I can quit at anytime even though I never do for some reason like if I can stop at anytime I just won't be able to sleep like dude

I'm not even dispelling your facts, I've not even made my stance yet; yet you immediately shrugged me off like a prude school girl; I could agree with you verbatim for all you know.

>ingests a toxin
>gets sick
Well gee fucking golly whodve thought that would happen?

Stoners get the fucking rope.

>It's not addictive
Tobacco is apparently addictive but where are all the t-shirts, belt buckles, cell phone cases etc that display the tobacco leaf?
There is no cult like the marijuana cult

What did kek mean by this

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This is bullshit

this. in reality weed is only beneficial for a tiny subset of ailments. reason its worshipped so much is niggers that dont know anything about health see it as a panacea.

how about you weak asses stop relying on crutches to live? do u not realize how good it feels just to be in optimal health? probably not because your diet is likely junk.


I have a friend who smokes himself retarded every night. We play xbox live in a friend group and he asks us the same questions every night... it is maddening

Plus he gets lost in the game menus

>Statist HATE it!

>Piss off bootlickers with this one easy trick!

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I smoke weed and I can tell you there is truth to this.

Almost any burned plant matter will produce tar and carcinogens

Not to mention you inhale marijuana smoke much more deeply and hold it in.

I mainlined gang weed once three years ago
I've been throwing up nonstop ever since.
To eat I have to shove food up my ass.

Stay off the weed kids. You don't want to end up like me

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Weed is crap.

there's already a /pol humor thread going.

You dropped your cigarette.

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Wow a single Canadian 'doctor' wrote a paper about it in 2004 cause he couldn't figure out what was wrong with somebody, and now the prudish prohibition crowd is grabbing onto it for dear life.
>in b4 but there's that one study!
It's the Canadian health care system friend, it most likely just uses circular reference to the original case study of 5 pages about the first kid and the 5 other cases they have 'diagnosed.'

Try again retard.

Im in the medical field participating/working in neuropsychiatry.

Weed does a lot of harm. I suppose its ok for people who are on death row with cancers, but it literally does not cure shit.
Metoklopramid is the best antinausea drug
benzos for anxiety

amphetamine derivatives and methylphenidate for adhd

And antipsychotics is what you stoners will be taking in a decade once it fucks over your head.

Also dont use it if you have epilepsy, makes it worse

And chronic pain can be managed better with gabapentin and such or CAREFUL opioid prescriptions by a trianed psych/pain med doctor UNTIL another "real" doctor figures out how to fix the chronic pain and some physical therapy

What you are all doing with the weed is wrong. It is worse than an opiod addiction in the sense that we CAN ween you off the painkillers and figure out what your underlying psychiatric disorder might be. Some prozac, benzos, maybe bipolar drugs and psychotherapy leads to these opiod addicts fixing what was really wrong with thier lives.

At the end of the day the goal of drugs or psychiatry or psychology is to bring a person to stand on their own two feet if they can, if it is not something severe like schizospectrum or autism or bp i and ii.



AND geuss what, you can still get cancer from smoking a blunt because as we all know, tobbaco must be included within the joint to keep to burning.

Now dont give me that CBD oil pain management bullshit, that crock of shit is beneath me to talk about.
I'll make a lot of money treating people for this crap and the psychosis it will cause in the future, and I will do it without judging my patients with hopes they will get better and maybe reverse the psychosis.

Using before the 30s will cause the ventricles to not form properly and lead to schizophrenia

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>Prescribing benzos

So you are literally trying to chemically lobotomize people and talk shit about weed.

no it isn't.
it's breeding for high thc and low cbd.
it's never been genetically altered.

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But Weed, dude.

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But as one of the studies says, being a chronic messes with dopamine pathways pointing very directly towards psychotic disorders, both unspecified f 06.0 and related diagnostic codes and clear cut f 20.0 diagnostic stuff.



PLEASE DO NOT USE WEED. I'll admit alcohol is a lot worse tho and generally most people can quit weed by themselves. Maybe with a week of paranoia and nightmares.

I've been here so long and care for you all to have a quality life. Try to sort things out. Even if you need a psych, think of it as any other illness, and the therapy/drugs as only a temporary crutch while you self improve. Change your bad friends, bad living situation, excersise. Find a hobby, no matter how autistic or stupid sounding. Love your job or get a new one. Read books and become self thought in something. Just do ANYTHING but abuse drugs/alcohol, and that includes certain psychiatrics.

It also turns people into fucking shitlibs

I would reccomend taking a break. Get off of it for AT LEAST TWO WEEKS, then buy a pre roll 1G joint (smoke it over the course of 2-4 days) and see how you feel. I've just recently gone through that process (been about 4 days since the joint ran out) and I've decided that I really want to quit. I ordered some CBD oil (you can get it off of ebay) and I'm thinking that's probobly going to be all that I need. I'm not able to read while I'm high, or rather I just don't want to, and as soon as I take my first hit of the day, I just keep smoking because coming down sucks. Fuck weed, I think it really killed a lot of my early potential to be something.

I don't even want to think about that at this point, all that is left is the here and now, and the future. Quit user. It's good to smoke the joint after two weeks though so you can see what it's really like to be stoned after being sober. I just felt goofy, immature, stupid, and easily entertained. It's garbage.

That's absolutely misleading. Imagine for example that there are more McDonald's employees than there are electricians. Do McDonald's enployees serve a more useful purpose for society?

I don't doubt this.


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People with REAL anxiety disorders benefit best from a combo of cbt, escitalopram, and mild low dose benzo use. The right benzo exists for every such patient, xanax is a very bad one. Clonazepam is less addictive as it is longer lasting. But the dose makes the poison. Most Benzo users with a real anxiety disorder such as genrealized or avoidant personality or some other cluster C shit WILL use much less of the benzos than we tell them to and that is always a solid indication that they are getting better. half a year to one year and an anxious person with panic attacks will get rid of the daily antidepressant and usea benzo once in a blue moon. One patient I recall told me he only kept a blister pack of lorazepam in his back pocket but never used it because by just having it in his wallet, he felt reassured he could handle the day without the drug and totally went months without popping a pill.

He used the drugs as a crutch BEAT the anxiety wby putting himself out there, avoided weed and alcohol (that was messing him up, making him worse), and now has a loving wife and two kids. I believe bombings and war caused him to become gripped by real diagnosable anxiety.

Some terrible cases present in their 50s for the first time and once we can rule out brain tumors, typical drugs dont work, we give them low doses of quetiapine and possibly risperidone.

It goes away. I had that problem for a while. Nauseous especially in the morning. The wonderful smell of cooking bacon made me want to puke. Probably all the phytoestrogens. Gave me fuckn morning sickness like a pregnant bitch. Gay ass plant.

>realize how good it feels to be in optimal health
It feels like garbage. I was way happier when I smoked weed, but at the same time I can clearly see now that I'm sharper, a bit more focused, and I don't obsess over lame "woah duuuude far the fuck out" tier shit (that doesn't matter).

Fuck yeah braaaaah. Every doobie you smoke is like..... like..... a fucking revolution braahhhhh. FAR OUT.

330K people who could be working real jobs and keeping the country running. Instead, they sell pot while everything crumbles. Stoners are NPCs that get the fucking rope and I bet the Jews did this.

So smart and funny

>a combo of cbt, escitalopram, and mild low dose benzo use.
imagine being this pozzed.

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>because as we all know, tobacco must be included in the joint to keep it burning
Um....that's bullshit, lmao. I've smoked many a JOINT (no tobacco) and many a spiff (weed and tobacco) in my day. After all of the trying to be cool wore off, I decided that normal joints were way better, and they literally burn fine. Seemed like you were on a roll with this post until you said that.

>breeding isnt genetic alteration
fucking burgers

You are self medicating something underlying with weed or any other street drug.

Try physical excersise, get involved in community activites, become educated in something you love.Grow as a person. No shame in seeking psychiatric help, but do not self medicate.

I read the psych books, I got hundreds of hours of clinical in just neuro and psych, thousands with the other stuff. I don't claim to be perfect but I am leagues ahead of the majority of you on these topics. I will be licensed within 5 years by the american neurology and psychiatry board. At that point I'll deal with this shit more professionally.

It is pure ignorance as well as an immature defense mechanism to disregard my posts(note i do not say views, this is a scientific approach of brain chem I seek to hand you without being too wordy so you might understand).

To each his own but i view most of you a lost cause.

found the zoomer.

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It's butane/ neem oil poisoning from burnouts dabbing 24/7

>incredibly rare condition that only occurs in a handful of people who consume absurd amounts of weed

Yeah I guess I'm going to die because I do the weeds every few weeks when hiking.

>self medicating
most drugs are over-prescribed, most people do this anyway.
>I read the psych books
You mean the propaganda pamphlets funded through conflicts of interest?
>licensed by the american neurology and psychiatry board
those corrupt faggots get all their talking points from Big Pharma. gee, no wonder you sound like one of their cheap salesmen.
You're right, to each his own!

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Thanks for giving us squares an advantage.

>only do drugs that schlomo prescribes

Kratom > weed

moisture in a lot of weed that poeple find makes it hard for the tinders to keep ignited. I;ve seen friends relighting thiers often.

Again, do whatever the fuck you want, but i dont see it as a good coping mechanism. Definently not the right drug you might need. We have 6 classes of psych drugs. The point being, only a limited number of receptors to target in the brain and but some only for certain mental disorders and full blown mental illnesses that require harder stuff.

The man that shot up pantera is a great example of a schizo that wasnt identified in time, used weed that made things worse and who knows what else, then really fucked shit up.

I got shit to do so y'all can shut me out as it aggrevates you. But i couldnt feel any better. Going to go watch some batman and study afterwards.

I will add the disclaimer that I have had no association with illegal narcotics since the 90's, I don't know what all has changed, but I have seen people spray all kinds of shit on weed for various reasons.
Generally for what I guess are ultimately marketing purposes.

Although this particular situation isn't poison at all, I don't think. Some people do not take to the weed well, and they should stay away from it.

>t. lil xan

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I think tane & neem are the least of the concerns, people are probably being exposed to high concentrations of heavy metals that build up in the plant from the chemical fertilizers & pesticides like imidacloprid.

Marijuana is not healthy in any sense of the stuff but it being illegal is dumb as hell.

But hey, if you really want to throw your life away just go do some fucking krokadil. I mean you might as well go all out.

nice comeback

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I've never taken a single dab in my life, and I was always the guy who got made fun of by stoners for getting stupid baked off of a couple hits. I think that weed is degenerate, but acting like everyone who smokes is doomed to become a schizo is retarded. I don't care about your education, some cunt who talks like you tried to lock me up in a mental hospital, and she lost her fucking job because of me. FEELS GOOD MAN.


>eat loads of edibles
>throw up
Imagine my shock. Fuck off with this yid bullshit.

Being in the medical field doesn't mean you're right, or even smart for that matter.
I know plenty of stupid Doctors that have no business doing that profession.

I love it how you medfags like to boast about it like you guys have secret access to information other people don't.


really? im on cloud 9 and eat once a day, no supplements/"drugs"

i do loop my urine though.

I think strains have been selectively bred to be 1000x stronger than they should ever naturally be.

Lmao. I started smoking when you were 9. Fuck off zoomer this is an adult board we don't need advice about reefer.

i know for a fact that some dealers here spray weed with heroin
its not that common but still god knows what these degenerates would do

Psychologists and psychiatrists are obsessed with studies. They think that if a study produces a certain result, then that makes it infallible fact. This is simply not true. Studies involve the use of induction (as does the scientific method in general). Though the results are often helpful, there is always room for error, and psychologists/psychiatrists base EVERYTHING they believe off of studies. Say that a study has about 80% accuracy, once you base your world view off of thousands of studies.... you are basically living in a delusional lala land of made up bullshit. I don't completely write off the knowledge of psychology, but these fucking "muh science" people don't understand the difference between deduction and induction (and it's literally part of why western civilization as we know it is crumbling).

Try quitting for 3 days just as a challenge, I did the same for two years and the first day I quit(4 days ago) I realized how fucked up it made me, I threw up 8 times and can't sleep or eat, it's getting a LOT better every day though.

I wish you the best user.

No problem bro, I'm not a huge fan of myself anyhow.
Great arguement
I've taken many 'tolerance breaks' I have even quit for 4 or 5 months before. I honestly used to feel like I needed to smoke weed to function, but I dont have those feelings anymore, if I have some great, if not, oh well. I'm finding myself becomming increasingly indifferent. If had to give a rational explanation to my habit, I'd argue it helps control my hyper-alertness, and helps me with my appetite. Maybe I'm caught in some Catch 22 weed smoking depression cycle, but I like to think it's just the blackpills.
Ok bro

no thanks, you have already lost

Another reefer madness thread. I’ve been smoking for 29 years. The worst part for me is tolerance. I have so stop for two weeks to a month every so often because I become immune. I guess some people are just vey unlucky. I’ve never actually met one though and I’ve probably smoked with thousands of people.

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Go back to bed, Winston