Ive been fucking this girl since october 2018 and aint nothing been serious

ive been fucking this girl since october 2018 and aint nothing been serious
yesterday she told me shes been on a 3rd date with this other faggot but she aint fucked him yet and she came to me and we fucked for no estimation, 3 hours and i came in her ass twice
im on the fence whether or not i should try to keep her or not
what do you fellows say?

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Either you make it serious or she's moving on to other fuckbois. Your choice.

If she’s just ass, then let her be happy and find another ass

If you actually like her, then attempt to get her back u fucking idiot. It’s not brain science

Just keep fucking her, the other guy is a fool and she's getting off on doing it. Girls like the thrill of feeling like they are betraying a man and this set up provides that for her.


Imagine going on a 3rd date with a girl who you actually like, and she’s taking it in the ass from another guy.

I fucking hate women.

he's probalby only dating the guy to make op jelous. probalby also gonna fuck him. women are like that deal with it.

But that’s bullshit. That’s fucking cheating. I would never ever fuck or even go on dates with another girl if I’m already dating someone

Not him,

See this is sth i genuinely get confused qbout the current dating climate. I mean i guess it is because i am so out of it but casually dating several people at once seem weird to me.

Even the concept of casually dating is weird. I guess me not understanding the whole situation is also an explanation why i fail at it so miserably and only gone out a few dates at most and never had a gf. Also not from the western world.

But am i the only thinks this judt feels odd?

>third date
>anons already demanding exclusivity

it's like you're not college students

Its not cheating because she is only dating the other guy and not in a relationship with OP. She owes nothing to either.

Having said that. No girl you date is dating and/or fucking only you. Even if you expect it is going to result in a relationship she will continue to fuck other men right up to the day you make it official and in most cases it extends for weeks or months as she decides if the relationship is sustainable. Happens constantly.

Even girls you meet that are in a relationship will continue to fuck an ex as she transitions to another relationship with you. Its just how it is, women always have at least two men. You either know it or you don't. Like OP knows now (only because she told him) but the other guy doesn't.

No, dating in the West is set up to only work for a minority of the population. Most people who try it are like you and only have limited success while a lot don't even try.

Fucking whores

Ok thanks for the explanation. Gotta admit this whole thing seems so weird.

It feels like everybody is running on the same track, some are running marathons and some are running sprints. Very hard to running to find somebody who is doing the same thing as you and wants to pair up it looks like. And i can not make heads or tails of whats the norm or what i want out of this situation.

Your mother must be so proud

It's hedging a bet, and men do it too if they have the opportunity. They were called "Mistresses"

How does this shit even happen

OP are you American?

Canadian. It’s normal here

>new world scum
Say no more.

I'd let that nut be the last you bust in her
Don't needa pick up other men's dick leavings

how hot is she

She's a MtF trans girl but she's super passable, like she's actually a "trap". That's why I wrote that I came in her ass earlier. I mean, I'm not gay user but this dude looks like a lady.

men were a mistake

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Are you for real? Omg OP is literally a faggot wow, you made my day.


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This is epic