Comrade Yang General /cyg/

Fearless Leader Comrade Yang!

* CNN 4/14
* Boston 4/10
* $10 today equals $1000 in two years
* I don't care if free money is socialist or capitalist, Secure The Bag

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>/CCH/ Ching Chong General

Fuck off duterte

>* CNN 4/14

really sad CNN would make that their featured video on their site

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Gimme that free money.

That "free" money will cost your rights and your principles, as yang provides citizenship to millions and millions of illegals who come here for gibs, and giving up your gun rights (because, after all, why will whites want guns in a country full of 3rd worlders?)

>seven d&c anti-yang threads appear all at once
>y-you’re the discord trannies!
give it a rest /ptg/

they're afraid

Afraid of what, exactly? The democrats don't even want him, thats why they're not giving him any exposure and playing up the alt-right link.

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Trump boomoids are afraid of going into 2020 without any meme support

Keep your bribes, Yang

Met him in NH and Boston, he killed it on CNN tonight.

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Smart guy but he's not presidential material

Cool, too bad he'll never visit my state, it's red as hell and hardly ever visited by dems.

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Is it because he's Asian. Sick of you retarded Americans only electing tall old white guys. You fucking idiots.

He is bernie's ball washer

His response is perfect , "Have they even seen me? I disavow their support." He's bulletproof on the race angle and we can still support him even if he disavows us. Just give us the money Yang.

Wow CNN straight up browses Jow Forums and any candidate Jow Forums says anything nice about they are going to give shit lmao this really is clown world.

>95% chance is a chink
>not even a US citizen
What is your intention? Perhaps you are some commie trying to bring down the US? Even if you aren't, you have plenty of chinks in your country. Vote in your own Yang and run your country into the ground if you want. The Day of the Rake will come soon enough.

That's rough. I drove for 2 hours to first see him in NH then left school early to see him in Boston (I live in MA). At the NH rally, he stayed back to do an interview and afterwards he talked to a few of us individually. Super genuine guy, I think he's got what it takes.

CNN is pretty trash desu. At least he got a decent platform that should impact his polling %.

>asain churches
Asians go to church?

Bernie Sanders is hosting a town hall on Fox News and they just put out a video promoting him to be president. It's called capitalism retard.

Honestly I do like him. He seems like the kind of president America really needs right now. Mostly because he seems good at speaking to both sides. And really that's what matters with the president, just look at Trump he is actually trying to do what he said he would do and it is not easy. UBI probably won't happen but at least we could have a guy that is good at talking to both sides.

I don't know about the Chinese, but Koreans have small churches everywhere here... for some reason.

I'm supporting Yang during the primaries for three reasons.

1. Trump is a lying zog stooge
2. I want to see Yang gain steam and get robbed by the DNC like they robbed Bernie in 2016. That will be funny.
3. The $1,000 per month memes. I love saying "give me my $1,000 per month. now!"

Yang needs to polish his public speaking skills though. He is a 44 year old man who somewhat frequently uses "like" and "um" between sentences. That is totally unacceptable, grow up yang. There are college students who have broken this habit, you should too.

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this, look at the front-runners: Trump, Biden, Bernie

how do boomers in their 80s still have this much of a strong-hold on power? How will they be even properly knowledgable to deal with the problems of technology?

This is dishonest framing. Bernie Sanders didn't really get involved in politics until the late 2010s. Biden is the only one who's been a part of it for generations.

I meant 2000s

Oh yeah forgot about koreans, that sun yung moon converted a lot of them.

He can pass UBI without congressional approval if he declares state of emergency (he already said we would do this).

His speaking is fine, fuck off Zionist

To make zionist seethe with rage at their faggot kike leader getting exposed

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His public speaking is awful. He sounds like a guy trying to sell you tire protection. And his voice doesn't help one bit. He's got that very nasally voice.

No it isn't. He sounds immature and unprepared at times. There is no excuse for using filler words such as "like" and "um".

name one politician who speaks better

Didn't Trump threaten to do that with the wall but he didn't did he?

That sounds horrifying. He can force through a program that will destroy our economy? And he said that he would actually do it? He really is a commie spy for the CCP. If you aren't trolling, don't be surprised if he gets a poison dart while he's out campaigning.

Ted Cruz

that's trump. not yang. they are 2 different people baka

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Ted Cruz is a very good speaker. He is one of the few people I will agree is better than Yang

Why would that land him in prison. It would help the economy not hurt it. Or are you one of those 'give it to Israel shills?

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I understand what you're saying, to be honest. Yang isn't a bad speaker, especially compared to other politicians, and if other politicians spoke like him they wouldn't face the same criticisms.

The problem is he is young, asian, and not a career politician. It is that specific combination with filler words that could lead some to conclude he's lacking. I'm not saying it's correct or fair but it's how people work, can't control it so you might as well address it if you can.

I think polishing up his speaking skills a bit could only help him.

Ted Cruz came off as slimy and unlikeable in 2016. El Rato wasn't just about appearance.

You're not wrong. However, our current president seemed to have no problem getting elected with blatant speech issues...

I mean, his own party doesn't like him, but he's still very articulate and a smooth talker

Honestly those are superficial things to care about. It's something people only even care about because of what Television and Radio did to presidency in America. We should care more about what he says and believes in.

China will have more Christians than the US in a few decades unless the government really steps up the crackdown (totally possible).

In my country there is problem...

Unlimited immigration sapping the country? No financial problem.
Israel sapping the country? No financial problem.
Giving millions of niggers free housing cars and food? No financial problem.
Whites voted for Yang to get a 1000$ a month? Hold on now you dumb goy, that would cause inflation. How will we be able to piss away 38 billion dollars twice a year?

Fuck Trump.
Yang 2020 - Leave no kike wallet untapped.
Give me that fucking 1000$!!!

Of course they are. It's stupid but it's the way it is. If society reflected the way things should be we wouldn't be in this mess.

True. Trump speaks like an idiot. People looked past it because they thought he would deliver and he turned out to be a zog puppet.

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You have it backwards dumbass. If hundreds of millions of clowns got $1k gov bux per mo, it would buy you what $10 will today.

The shills are out in full force. They saw what happened with Trump on this board. They're trying pathetically to recreate it. They don't realize how obvious and cringeworthy they are.

He's not wrong, though.

Andrew Yang raped me when I was 8 years old and he has a tiny penis. Also, his breath smells like cat food.

you know that competition in capitalism still exists right?

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Jow Forums in general is cringeworthy so it fits right in

Nice Geo-Flag btw


>capitalism that doesnt start at 0

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the absolute state of Yang shills

Lol fuckin commies

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I fileted my feminine penis for Yang

Trans power

Yang winning the presidency in 2020 and provide the bread and circuses necessary for the system to stay intact. Even if immigration slows greatly, birthrate trends among the existing population will weaken any movement. Censorship will increase, but in a soft form so as not to startle anyone. Deplatforming and denial of payment processing, etc.
The guns being taken slowly without a revolution will mark the end.
Watch for Andrew Yang. His candidacy is everything, under any other president the collapse is inevitable.
At least with Bernie we could point at the top and say "jew"
Consider your actions carefully.

What if I told you i'm not supporting either you dumb tranny

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The country is doomed, the rules no longer apply, secure the bag. This ship is going down and I intend to take the boomers with it.

Good old leftist creativity. Just copy everyone else.

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We're coming for you SSI check boomer

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Kamala Harris is a black woman

That’s some funny shit right there, actually kek’d at the thought someone would say that in any seriousness.

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Cringe. Your desperate pandering is disgusting. Are you sure you aren't projecting about the boomer shit?

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dam he got smooshed

>can't greentext

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I Just hope we can have a Jow Forums civil war in the next couple months
Secure the bag you fucking retards and fuck trump fags

Give me one reason to vote yang?

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>civil war
Its going to be a civil massacre that eventually splits into a real civil war between neocons and national socialists.

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It makes boomers seethe with rage to see anyone that isn't themselves or their pet negros getting welfare checks

Unbelievable that you aren't getting a 7-day ban for this irrelevant rubbish. I posted 1 tubgirl and got banned.

town hall was good probably the only one they'll ever do though since he is obviously the best candidate of the bunch

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Don't. Just vote for trump. Im gonna vote for Yang

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Fuck that kike

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cant wait to see scum like you get btfo
>oh yesaru, mistuh horse faced chink come saveu me

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