India Nooooo!!!!!!

Not the cow shit!! NO!!!

>"Kairuppala, India: Villagers partake in religious festival where they hurl cow feces at each other."

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Looks fun quite honestly.

every poo is sacred

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What a load of bull shit.

So its basically cow shit Holi. lol
Kannadas are weird

Holi shit.

ohh great cow , bless with your hot dung


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kannadas are the only ones who do this?

Holy fuck the video is gold, it's just a tornado of shit flying about, India is such a subhuman dump

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India is a capitalism btw.


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>there are actual clouds of shit dust
I'm crying from laughing so hard. Never change, India.

Punjabi here, I guess? I’ve never heard of this festival before here.

wait don't you know about that?

looks fun honestly'

well shit dude, I know as much about Karnataka’s culture as you do

although my village in northern India is not exempt from weird traditions. we used to toss untouchables and shoot their children in front of them as target practice before the government finally decided untouchables are human and shot us.

India's fixation with shit is truly confounding

Pooperpower 2030

amazing, so that stuff doesn't make the news over there but it does on the west
are all untouchables dalit and how do you feel about them now?

i was wondering when this was finally going to
get posted haha.

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When I was six I asked my mom of black people were brown colored because they were full of poop.

I guess it was Indians all along



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Well if it ever came in the news it would probably be local Karnataka papers which would be in Kannada and I can read as much Kannada as any foreigner can.

Yes, untouchables are dalit. I don’t feel anything about them, probably a bit it of anger because they get quotas everywhere. Back in my rural hometown though, the untouchable population was exterminated in the 1990s because a mini civil war occurred between high castes and untouchables.

What the hell, is this 21 century?

Does North India poo in loo? They tell me Hindi and Urdu are European languages so I'd like to think we wuz buddha n sheeit

North India is the poorer part of the country so, no. Southern India is more developed.

don't you have a nation wide paper in a language most can understand?
is it like India has smaller countries within it?

Fertility rates are a good measure of knowing how developed a part of South Asia is.

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English/Hindi is ubiquitous.

Yes, India has 29 smaller countries within it that function as countries pretty much except they all have a common military and currency.

Are they really though? I mean, by Indian standards of course. Come on...

Maybe they're practicing magic?

>“Let the semen of a man putrefy by itself in a sealed cucurbite with the highest putrefaction of the venter equinus [horse manure] for forty days, or until it begins at last to live, move, and be agitated, which can easily be seen…If now, after this, it be everyday nourished and fed cautiously and prudently with [an] arcanum of human blood…it becomes, thenceforth, a true and living infant, having all the members of a child that is born from a woman, but much smaller.”1

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>Kairuppala in Kurnool, southern India
Don't put this shit on us.

what a shithole

>south india

Sometimes I wouldn't feel bad if North and South seperated into different countries. Its different races too, the aryans of the north and the Dravidians of the south should not be lumped together.

I don't wish that because South Indian colleges and universities are some of the best in this part of the world. Ask anybody and they would say IISc Bangalore, or IIT Madras are some of the best colleges in India. Oh, and most of our Nobel prize winners have been Tamils.

Don't let the Dravidian memes fool you, the South is still vastly better than the North when it comes to HDI and most social metrics, including crime, literacy etc.

I'm not a South Indian btw, I'm from Gujarat.

I don't feel so strongly about it either ways. The fact still is people from punjab are vastly different from people in the south, not just different language but very different culture. But then again that can also be counted as a positive for India that it houses vastly different kinds of people under one nationality. You gujjus are cool tho.

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Shitty people in a shithole country throwing shit at each other.

Checked and I also kekked, a literal shit storm

>nobel prize

A shekel for the good goy

That's the moment when India turns into a superpower

Is anyone unironically surprised?