How many of you started off thinking holocaust denial was some kind of meme and then you actually looked into it and...

How many of you started off thinking holocaust denial was some kind of meme and then you actually looked into it and you realized it genuinely didn't happen and our world has been flipped upside down?

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I wish I hadn't pulled on that string desu

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The worlds greatest extortion racket ever devised

Felt pretty bad in a strangely appealing way

Literally everyone on Jow Forums used to think the great basket weaving happened and tge saw that the great basket weaving never happened and the 6 million straws woven were probably more like 120k mostly woven naturally and not in purpose in man made weaving chambers.

It's been the basis of the post ww2 landscape, everything post ww2 stems from the holocaust, the white guilt, the constant reminder. It's the biggest lie to hide cause it would reveal that we've been living a lie for 70 years. That's why they made it illegal to discuss and write about from a scientific point of view.

I don't care, jews ruined my life and I want to be left alone so anything that wrecks their shit is ok with me.

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There's too much anecdotal evidence to sign off on it completely. Too many hardened soldiers/veterans who liberated the camps, and too many Germans who proudly served to defend the world from the rats within those camps.

Part of me wishes it was a giant hoax that could be exposed.

But a bigger part of me wishes it was real, and that +6 million were vaporized.

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I don't wish it was real because it would mean that 6 million got killed and Jews are still this powerful today. If a holocaust happened and Jews still turned out like this that's a bad sign.

anybody out here knows a resource on current active revisionist? who are the the current movers and shakers?

That's true with a lot of memed conspiracies.

Literally everyone starts off thinking it's ridiculous. That's how it works.

Jewish population was around 6 million. How can 6 million die and then next year there's 8 million? It happened, but it was more like 127,000.

no one. My great grandparents were in Dachau.
Keep showing the world your ignorance.

oh shut the fuck up you cutdick brain damaged waste of flesh

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I used to be a firm believer that the Holocaust was exagggerated bullshit, but then common sense kicked in and I stopped being an autistic stormnigger like you.

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Considering how Jews are extremely dishonest to outgroups, I just take it for granted that the hallofcost is a great exaggeration.

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you and your grandparents are kikes

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Your grandparents survived a death camp? Wow, it's strange how so many jews survived those death camps, I can hardly keep track of them all, there are just so many jews who lived after being interned in death camps that were specifically created to kill the jews who were imprisoned there

I'm glad I questioned it. I still think most Holocaust 'deniers' are defectives and crackpots, as much a product of Jewish influence as costume 'Nazis' are.

>All the death camps were in Soviet controlled areas.

>The Soviets were the most interested in a severely weakened German state and race after the war.

The death camps were a myth. The "gas chambers" were for delousing clothes to stop disease from spreading and the Germans weren't so stupid that they would actually destroy a perfectly good source of slave labor.

Your 6 gorrilion was a sloppy job mossad

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Yep. This is true too. We are well-programmed.

Plenty of Jews are aware it doesn't add up either, dipshit. It's logic. Your common sense? Muslim? Common sense? What?

No, that would be the Fed

Based af

>Too many hardened soldiers/veterans who liberated the camps
Those were all concentration camps. None of the alleged death camps were liberated by the allied armies. There remains no solid proof of the existence of intentional mass murder.

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Yea, that's pretty much how red pilling works

Why did it flip your world upside down op? Was the holohoax the foundational myth of who you were did it define your psyche?

>my grandmother was gassed
>when she was 8 years old

wat in tardation...

Excuse me sir you seem to have dropped something

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I new it was a lie from the time of jr. high school, mentioned it once, and immediately outcast by all my white friends and never mentioned it again, except anonymously.

Your friends sound like faggots are you a millenial? My friends and i made a concentration camp for villagers in minecraft when we were like 14

they died of typhus not any "holocaust"

ok, muslim

As a Brit, I might agree with something like this.

any jew living from 1933 to 1945 in the territories that were at any time occupied by germany, is a holocaust survivor.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that

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