An overview of Accelerationism

There is nothing that can solve our problems long term. Men are turning themselves into women, women are turning themselves into men, and brainwashed kids, god bless ‘em, don’t know what to turn themselves into. Meanwhile, small-souled bugmen are protesting outside McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce because of a cartoon, and deranged SJWs can’t pull their eyes away from Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

Faceless corporations are pretending to be social justice revolutionaries while at the same time warping the capitalist system out of all functional recognition for their own gains. Governments and the media are no longer even trying to hide their support for cultural Marxist policies, and as community spirit across the West continues to disintegrate, more pea-brains take to social media to shout at each other and drive culture deeper into the gutter.

Once-great Western cities have been reduced to barren corporate wastelands populated by millions of atomized, culture-less, and basically useless consumers.

The internet has people living in something akin to a permanent state of road rage as they desperately try to fill the emptiness in their lives by becoming hysterical over events that have little to no impact on them. The morbidly obese are plotting to normalize their immoral and disgraceful lifestyles in favor of sorting themselves out, and Tinder has turned the sexual marketplace into a loveless hellscape.

There is no hope for western civilization, other then the acceleration of its downfall. From its ashes a new empire can arise, or at least a federation separate from the corrupt Union. Closing the borders and fixing our economy will not happen, and even if they were too our society has already reached the point of no return.

So, anons, my question:
What actions can we take to accelerate the eventual decay, and is it worth doing?


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Bad goy!

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op's sexual marketplace LOL none of you had sex before tinder

Start hanging journalists in Minecraft

is that really all you got out of that? shame...

the Indians were worried whites would replace them
>whites replace them
whites were worried hispanics would replace them
>majority of immigrants in America are now hispanic, and whites have gone from 90% of the population to 60%
Europeans are worried sand niggers will replace them
>islamist immigration is having statistically obvious (negative) effects on Europe
>French women have about 1-2 children, whilst muslim women have around eight
>Germany itself has admitted it will eventually become an islamic republic
We are actively being replaced, much like people in the past have.
The data shows it
The people openly admit it
This is real, wake up to the reality that by 2050 you will be a minority in your own country.
If your cared about the future of your children you would be an accelerationist, tending to your garden and pretending everything is ok will get our culture, people, and nation nowhere. We must accelerate the decay of the Union in order to preserve its founding principles, most likely through extreme civil conflict. the people with one trillion bullets will win said conflict, the only question is whether we will have the demographics to pull it off. Sooner is better.

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fucking weeb i remember when Jow Forums wasn't lame as shit and full of underage nazi idiots

cry some more, faggot

The Nazis lost.
We won't.
Dread it, run from it, but destiny still arrives.

he's an anarchist boomer shill

Finland why are you so triggered your country has excellent social democracy

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lol Gen z can suck my left nut, seriously this website is so lame now I can't even believe it

millennial, bitch

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Must suck to be in the west

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An Anarchist (((millennial))) shill, my apologies

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Its about to get a lot worse comrade. Never let them take route. Never. Don't repeat our mistake. Keep Russia pure.

Are you a fucking commie now as well? god almighty it gets worse by the minute

What a retarded fucking picture

Why do you think everyone deserves something?
Are all humans special and entitled to everything in life just because they are born?

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thats because our country is homogenous unlike Muttrica

yeah, you fucking retards, let's accelerate into a stalin era ussr. that'll be a lot better than dealing with the occasional tranny yt rage.


nice to see you don't care about your peoples future,
the Indians were worried whites would replace them
>whites replace them
whites were worried hispanics would replace them
>majority of immigrants in America are now hispanic, and whites have gone from 90% of the population to 60%
Europeans are worried sand niggers will replace them
>islamist immigration is having statistically obvious (negative) effects on Europe
>French women have about 1-2 children, whilst muslim women have around eight
>Germany itself has admitted it will eventually become an islamic republic
We are actively being replaced, much like people in the past have.
The data shows it
The people openly admit it
This is real, wake up to the reality that by 2050 you will be a minority in your own country.
If your cared about the future of your children you would be an accelerationist, tending to your garden and pretending everything is ok will get our culture, people, and nation nowhere. We must accelerate the decay of the Union in order to preserve its founding principles, most likely through extreme civil conflict. the people with one trillion bullets will win said conflict, the only question is whether we will have the demographics to pull it off.
Dread it,
run from it,
but destiny still arrives.
You will be there, whether you like it or not.

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People got married on a first date in 1988?!
What is this, a pooinloo meme?

LOL look at all these noobs taking my low-hanging bait!

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How would removing a corrupted state of monopolistic capitalism that's in the united states lead to a stalin era USSR?

One of the primary reasons that the USSR came into place was because that current government was to weackoned by the war effort that it didn't have the resources to stop in land spies and outside special interest donations, such as from Jacob Schiff of well's fargo who had donated millions into the Zionist/communist movement's in Russia at the time because of the Tsar's Anti-Zionist stances

To shift current America into a USSR state you need to

1. Start a world war to make America's militaristic at home defenses weak
2. Suppress all Media so that no one knows where the government is currently at or what they're actually doing
3. Have a large amount of funding in a particular interest group
4. Not have any other forces at the time competing for the same interest
5. Be able to withstand a white army of rebels

What a retarded post

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>low-hanging bait
sure thing retard, loose the meme flag then

>Hurr durr the liberals are the real racists!"
These neocon degenerates amiright

thanks for your (You)

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hehehehe boy i sure love bombs

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boy all these guys love the saudis

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who the hell is this guy

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thanks for keeping my thread alive ;-)

I don't get your point? how does this have to do with anything were talking about?

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Accelerationism is basically done by both sides. This needs to be made clear.

The idea needs to be better explained, so that people aren't so easily tricked by (((them))).
>Imagine frogs being boiled in a pot.
>Some of the frogs realize they are being boiled, but do nothing.
>Some of the frogs think the boiling is good.
>A few frogs jump out.
^This is how history normally flows.

Now to explain a true Accelerationist frog.
>One of the frogs wants to convince the others to jump out, so he turns up the heat and tells the ones still in that they are dumb if they don't notice the heat.
>Many frogs start realizing they are being cooked, so they too jump out, SLOWLY turning up the heat to not harm their fellow frogs but to awaken them to what is happening.

Then we have a falseflag "Tarrant" type anti-acceleration frog.
>One of the crazier frogs that use to think the boiling is good, now believes that they are indeed getting boiled.
>He wants to save the other frogs, but because he is a fucking idiot, he decides to turn the heat ALL THE WAY UP.
>Now all the frogs realize they are being cooked, but many of them now died.
>Many of the frogs now think the frog who claims that they were getting boiled just ruined their warm water bath. So now they punish any frogs who claim they are boiling, and proceed to turn down the heat so that they can get back in.

>What's true Accelerationism?
The idea is to slowly convince people to wake up.
>This means be pro-abortion, while making sure your family doesn't partake in abortions.
>This means be anti-2nd amendment for Leftists, while making sure your family is well armed.
>This means encouraging diverse communities in leftist areas, while making sure your community is ethnically pure.
>This means being pro-vaccine, and pro-5G, while making sure your family is reasonable with vaccines and radiowaves.
>This means be anti-birthrates, while making sure your wife(s) are always giving birth.

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>What actions can we take to accelerate the eventual decay,
Allow the population to openly and by their own decision elect those who will do the most damage by implementing the most degenerate and extreme agenda while making it clear you disagree with their decisions and why what they are doing it a terrible idea. Society is at a point that it will accelerate itself off the cliff and straight down to its death if given the chance. In the US the Democrats are on a path to full blown socialism as a party platform with LGBTQ degeneracy and mass 3rd world immigration is their driving issues. The Republicans can barely handle pushing their own agenda when they hold the House, Senate, and White House with their older voting base dying off more every year.

>and is it worth doing?
It is happening either way so might as well prepare yourself and position your opponents/enemies in such a way that when the time comes you can ensure they have no way to recover even to the point of their own deaths.

Live your life as you see fit doing what you think is right and do not stop those around you from hurting themselves.

Very well said, thoroughly enjoyed that read. A true anonymous scholar.

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Sauce on 5G?

Anything you want to know on it specifically?
It's just bad for you if you want a TLDR. (More concentrated radiowaves)
If you are at Camp Casey or are near any US Mil, go ask your unit 25S on why our portable Satellite antennas can cause cancer if you hang out too close to it.

It's similar to that of vaccines, less likely to effect you between the ages of 15-60, but more likely to harm you in the ages of 0-15/60-120+
Basically, the still growing, and the old are most susceptible.
(Bone density goes a fair way into protecting the brain at the least)

You kind of addressed it in the post. Unless you're fellating the antenna, you wouldn't be close enough to have a problem.

The US isn't the entire world, pal. The chinese are already moving their pieces to own the entire world economically. What else do you want