Fuck sandniggers

Is anybody else still viscerally disgusted and angry at the 9/11 attacks?

I know it's not a day-to-day thing that I'm reminded of, but any time 9/11 comes up outside of a joke (which doesn't bother me) I get really irrationally angry at the fact that we haven't massacred every fucking shitskin muslim faggot piece of garbage in retribution for the 3000+ innocent people who died as a result of the attacks

additionally, fuck Israel and the kikes for pushing the arabs to the point where they did this, but ultimately the arabs are the ones who need to answer for their crimes
the wars in the middle east were one thing, but It's disgusting how Islam is still treated as just another religion in our country even after 9/11

The way the left views Nazis (punch nazis, don't tolerate intolerance, all that faggotry) is exactly how I feel toward all muslims.
pre-emptive physical removal of all muslims in the west is the best option, and if they attack us from foreign soil, a genocide

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pretty sure you mean "training exercises."

yeah i get it, fuck sandniggers and all that, but does anyone outside of new york city really give a shit about their buildings getting blown up? that shit happened over a 1,000 miles away from me, in a city full of people who hate me. why should i give a shit?

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Israel, Saudi Arabia, Dick Cheney, Bush Sr.

>I get really irrationally angry at the fact that we haven't massacred every fucking shitskin muslim faggot piece of garbage in retribution for the 3000+ innocent people who died as a result of the attacks
>fuck Israel and the kikes for pushing the arabs to the point where they did this
>Arabs did this.
Fuck off kike shill.

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>why should i give a shit?
1. because you'll never have a nice life if your government is still fucking you.
2. you post fake tits.

cool it rabbi

Kikes are the ones to murder

3000 people, our countrymen
they probably didn't hate you 20 years ago

honestly now if LA or NY or Seattle got muzzie-bombed I'd laugh because it's their just desserts
2001 bothers me though

Fuck off back to Gehenna Schlomo

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?

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Look up Richard Perle

Underage the post, you couldn't possibly understand what that time was like unless you lived it. Everyone was just pissed off Americans by the end of that day, there wasn't the divides and in fighting back then like there is now. NYC was also a lot different in law and leadership plus all the fun shit wasn't fully priced out of the city yet at that point. For years after the right vs left shit was pretty mild until the whole truth of the Iraq war startled to unravel. Then everyone started picking sides even though we were all guilty of championing it. I still remember watching shock and awe on live tv. Pretty crazy shit watching an invasion unfold inside a burgerking. Truth is if someone hit New York again like that in 2019, I'm not so sure America would get collectively pissed off again like we did then. Honestly I'd probably just think good for those faggots over being angry and go on with my life.

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lol keep crying faggot mutt

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Kill your children and then kill yourself, goy

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theyre not my countrymen, theyve made their hatred plain for decades. and thats assuming they were actually white; look at the names on that memorial plaque, so many dead jews

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wikipedia says only 270 were jews, let them rot in hell

2000+ dead whites, as well as first responders and bystanders who developed cancer from debris

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Israel and American Jews did 9/11

>muh sandniggies did nein/11
Oh, so we are to forget about those "dancing israelis", fuckloads of thermite charges, and a building suspiciously collapsing even though it is has not been hit by any plane, now are we?

i still cant be bothered to care. not my people, not my problem

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I barely cared after it happened.
Sand niggers and their jew cousins are still vile.

hello Moishe

Bush and Jews did 9/11 u dumb nigger low life fat bald trash cunt fuck.

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he's a zoomer, stop replying to him

>Is anybody else still viscerally disgusted and angry at the 9/11 attacks?
Not really. The media delivered it as entertainment. Like a comfy LA police chase thread.

Most people don't know, Israel attacked the USA on 9/11? And I have proof: youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s

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riiiiightt. and when they outbreed us in the next 20 years our women will be begging for them to come and take their rights away, and 'liberate' them from the beta cucks who gave them voting rights to virtue signal to worthless slut cunts.

I may be on Jow Forums but I still have a heart.

Last year I went to Ground Zero and did the whole tour of it all. I cried several times. My wife thought I was crying about the horrendous and tragic things on display there, which I was, but I also felt a heavy sorrow for my country which I feel is beyond all salvation now. I wept for the world we lost that day. 9/11 was the death of America. We are a despicable farce of what we used to be. Tears come to my eyes now to remember that shredded and burnt flag recovered from the rubble. To physically be in that tremendous cavern of a space and feel what happened not two decades ago stirred something in my soul that I feel might have been some sort of dormant genetic memory; my distant ancestors may have felt it as they returned to a mass graveyard from a battle long forgotten to time.

I can't say for certain whether or not our government had a hand in the event or if it really was perpetrated by medieval sandpeople. Sometimes something so outrageous happens and the only way our minds can reconcile it to reality is to concoct a conspiracy about it. But I think realistically the government was aware of the attacks and did nothing to prevent them because mobilizing for permawar is immensely beneficial for them. Regardless, I know that feel, OP.

America nuked two cities in Japan and killed hundreds of thousands of people.
9/11 was bad but Americans are ridiculous for thinking they're the center of the world. You lost 3k citizens. Now move on like Japan did.

who cares, slants aren't human

Neither are mutts now shut the fuck up. We all saw the first plane bounce off tower 7 and the second one ricochet back into tower 7. It was a tragedy. RIP Tower 7.


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