Ocelot from Metal Gear Was A Based AnCap

>Hated the deep state and their controls
>Owned a private army
>Only attacked others when his NAP was violated
>Wanted to rid the world of both the deep state and government
>Wanted to free people from the deep state
>Was willing to die for his liberty


Attached: 51919859_764144460636204_2587947795655289052_n.jpg (350x438, 40K)

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what were his hobbies? was he really gay?

Wasn't he working the deep state (The Patriots) all along in those games?

How to you titilate an ocelot?

Big gun enthusiast. That's much I know

AnCap desont even mean anything of that
they are just destructive idiots wearing black thinking they are world changing ninjas when tehy are just weirdos wearing pajamas and their mommas underpants for a face mask

Nah he tricked the deep state by working for them to know their inner workings just to destroy them

He's a deep state shill. Straight from the wiki:

"Ocelot then forms part of the terrorist group "Sons of Liberty" with Solidus Snake but ends up betraying the former President as well after revealing his true allegiance to the Patriots, a group that controls the United States"

He did that so he could trick the Patriots tho and catch them off guard


Someone had to carry on with destroying the Patriots. Ocelot used both Liquid and Solidus as tools to keep the Patriots occupied with them and not him after Shadow Moses. He used Liquid's personality to trick the Patriots again to basically destroy themselves. Basically sent them on a wild goose chase


Attached: solidus.jpg (1192x683, 48K)

Attached: Memeball - Metal Gear Solid V.png (1017x1400, 825K)

The Metal Gear series was basically an attempt to set up an AnCap state against the deep state. It's a beautiful and tragic story

My life's dream is to pull off a 69-dimensional Thanatos gambit to destroy the NWO and then give a bad guy speech about it to my arch nemesis on top of a submarine as the bio-weapon he's been infected with and transferred to me by means of an epic fist fight is destroying my internal organs.

Attached: HULKHOGAN.gif (175x175, 3.96M)

He died doing what he believed in with a DAMN epic fight

He was ok

All you need to know.

>the (((philosphers))) controlled both the democratic west and the Soviet Union to destroy the Axis
Wake up, sheeple.

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The abridged version is that Big Boss (a central character) was at odds with Zero (another central character)/The Patriots (Zero founded TP) following their fallout (which happened due to ideological reasons, plus because Zero cloned him without his consent), and since Ocelot was friends (if not a not-so-secret admirer) of Big Boss, he was basically doing work on his behalf/benefit.
