How do I keep my daughter safe from feminist propaganda taught in schools and colleges? No matter how I raise her she will always get indoctrinated at school and become a feminist whore.
How to raise your daughter properly
>No matter how I raise her she will always get indoctrinated at school and become a feminist whore.
Precisely, which is why you already lost your genes and bloodline the moment a boy wasn't born. You created a womb for another bloodline to invade, this is your own doing. Abortion is the rightful tool of man to give flesh to a son.
Its clown world, what did you expect?
At least try to give her some virtues and try to get her to hang out with the kids of the most normal families.
And getting a son, who with a pretty high probability will turn into an incel is better how?
Send her to Saudi Arabia to study from K-12.
Raise her as a tomboy and see what happens.
A son can be educated by a strong father. A daughter is a liability in expectancy of an invader.
The "incel" is a weak excuse for a man, as he is shackled by women's desires and bodies.
The celibate is a son whose father offered light of truth; free from the jail of women.
Then you want your bloodline to end.
Oh she will rebel against you because you are an asshole control freak who posts multiple vaginas on a weirdo freak website
ps no one would breed you
You're not a charming geek who can't get laid
You're a pervert and potential rape case.
but I didnt even post any vaginas yet...
Just like the moderators of this website, who are clearly sadistic