> this is my life now

> maybe I should have listened to papa JF

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Lol, Papa JF called it.

you lads must have some serious daddy issues calling ecelebs papa very cringe and gaypilled


we hate nickers we hate nickers we hate nickers

He clearly had the last laugh

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lol altright fags implode on their own. i mean just look at all of them. they're always mentally unstable losers and social outcasts

what'd happen this time?

Andy told one of his retarded friends to pull a gun on someone while live streaming and the guy is currently in jail.

>Papa JF
the guy that doesn't believe in race realism anymore?

Nope, that would be alt hype. I still respect alt hype, but his autism has gotten out of control lately.

No. Pretty sure JF sided against Alt-Hype and sided with Talib over the race realism pilpul article.

>pulled a gun on someone
Where they fooling around?
Did he know him?



Article was about IQ. JF is still a race realist, while alt hype is against race realism but pro-IQ supremacy (Asians and Jews > Whites)

JF fucks retarded Jewish mongoloids. He’s a pudgy, French, narcissistic opportunist, almost to the point of caricature. I enjoy his streams but you’re retarded if you look up to or trust him to not backstab anyone for a few shekels. That warski guy is pure coked out kike. The only thing worth watching lately has been Vox Day and Owen has some painful moments of flat earth faggotry among otherwise glorious jew naming and sorcery revealing live-streams.

incompetent cops

I watch JF sometimes for the guests he brings on. Ecelebs are all fake and only doing it for the sheckels. The daily shoah still runs while the main guy was exposed as being married to a Jewish woman. People only care about entertainment.

Remember when that faggot was making fun of blacked alaska when he started doing his real life stream ?

How far retarded warski has fallen.

Stop disinforming faggots.
Alt-Hype still believe in race realism, he just abandoned the idea that an ethnostate is feasible and that maybe a multicultural state Roman style could work (protip it will not).
Two different things.

get this gay ass ecleb shit out of here.

Alt hype has been black pilled like the faggot he is. Yes, ethnostate will never exist. And i don't want one.

>The "stand your ground" law says "a person" is justified in using deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm, or to prevent a forcible felony.
Did the police not understand the drawing of the gun was an attempt at deescalation prior to having to result in use of the "stand your ground" law action? Nothing illegal about it if the possession of the firearm was legal as he was not a convicted felon.

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>ethnostate will never exist
The origin of each new state is an ethnostate.
The multicultural nation collapses and the ethic groups carve out their own land from the rotting corpse.
But yes Alt-Hype has blackpilled himself.

I like how he even has the JUST hair under that bandanna.

>pro-IQ supremacy (Asians and Jews > Whites)
IQ doesn't tell you everything about a people
While Asians and Jews score high on IQ, they score far lower on morality
hell the chinks eat dogs and beat each other in the streets, nigger-tier behavior.
And look at Yang trying to fearmonger asians into to voting him because whites are gonna shoot them up next.

>Vox Day and Owen

NPI / Radix
has been good.
I like Richard Spender the most unironically

Warski is a retarded faggot but let's not forget JF bangs retards and bragged about Jeffrey Epstein giving him a rediculous amount of money.

People who suck the cocks of faggy youtubers are unironically gay and also stupid

>He pulled a gun on three guys because he was afraid he was going to get his butt kicked.
How often do we see cops shooting unarmed people coming after them?

Yes, they collapse, but when it happened, they were constitued of white people, empire, nation, collapsed, or merged, but it was white people.

Now for the first time, we are being invaded by nignog who are slowly replacing us, in our own countries. Even if our countries collapsed and turned into smaller one, it will not change the fact that there would be a lot of nigs in our continent who will reproduce like rabbit and invade us again. We will lose a lot of lives, power and money in the process.

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Then why are you opposed to the ethnostate.
Surely it is the only solution.
Even if a great war has to be fought, it is worth the survival of the European peoples?

>Now for the first time, we are being invaded by nignog who are slowly replacing us, in our own countries. Even if our countries collapsed and turned into smaller one, it will not change the fact that there would be a lot of nigs in our continent who will reproduce like rabbit and invade us again. We will lose a lot of lives, power and money in the process.
ethnic cleansing

Except that they were not “standing their ground”. They were actively pursuing the other people aiming a loaded gun.

Ethnostate will erase our cultural diversity, our language, and therefore, our way of thinking.
And more importantly, an ethnostate will not be protected from invasion or break.
All of european countries were ethnostate, i don't see why we should abandon our millenia-old countries to roodypoo to flee in antartic or whatever this so called ethnostate could be

I wanna sniff Bratass

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>bragged about Jeffrey Epstein giving him a rediculous amount of money.

Warski is a total retard. I don't think he quite understands the severity of committing a crime in the US.. under a tourist VISA.

Hopefully he gets detained, fucked in the ass by tyreese and deported, never to return to the U.S.

>Ethnostate will erase our cultural diversity, our language, and therefore, our way of thinking.
1) your culture is shit. All the enlightment ideas were cancer
2) you are supposed to speak frankish. speaking english or german is closer to your native tongue.
3) you are correct that language effects your way of thinking

Situations are never hopeless, besides with their gibs and resources cut off after a collapse, there will be anarchy but this will slowly dissipate as they aren't going to be able to fend for themselves, let alone organize. There would be likely a lot of blood shed and heavy losses on our side however it would ultimately come down to not what we cannot do but what we are willing to do to secure Europe, that question is to be fought in each of us, if and when it happens, you should be more concerned with what the rest of the world would do or how they would react to the ensuing violence and if they would see fit to intervene in our state of anarchy.

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Ah, right.
You are thinking like the Americans.
I want my ethnostate.
My English ethnostate.
Same for the French.
Like it was.
The Americans can go do what they want.

you faggots are all mentally ill aren't you?

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>Alt-Hype has blackpilled himself
can you blame him? he's been at the race realism/alt-right/neoreactionary things since before anybody else. it was only a matter of time.

>Like it was.
never gonna happen
do you not notice how this entire movement is global?
how a conservative person in france, uk,, australlia and bergerland has more in common with each other than with liberals in their nations?
like it or not but the cultures are converging
and we need to unite together to fight the chinese menace.

>1) your culture is shit. All the enlightment ideas were cancer

Was talking about the multiple cultures from countries in europe, not just France.
And an amerifat telling others their culture is shit is like the pot calling the kettle black.

>2) you are supposed to speak frankish. speaking english or german is closer to your native tongue.
No. French struggle to speak german or english, even i am total shit when speaking and thinking in english (limited vocabulary). Italian and spanish is way more easy.

>3) you are correct that language effects your way of thinking
That we can agree on.

Yes i agree, but how we do it without violence ? After french invaded Algeria, do you know what algerian said to french living and even born in Algeria ? "La Valise ou le Cercueil " (The suitcase or the coffin).
They kicked french by being violent, killing a lot of "pieds-noirs"in the process.

It will never happen. Our women and daughter are being raped en masse, european are being killed, our countries invaded, our culture destroyed, And no one is reacting, or at least, half reacting by voting nationalist, but it's only temporary solution, who most of the time don't even work. Nothing is making white people react to what is happening. We are completely passive, preferring turning a blind eye to our problems than reacting.

We can cooperate with other Europeans, but once the war is over they will have to go back home.
Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders are British in origin and so can become part of a Federal nation if they want, but I'd rather England be left alone.
True, whites are being inactive, but one has to look at the conciseness of the west.
Whites are slow to provoke but impossible to placate when angry.
Whites in the west are becoming increasingly angry, and a time will come soon when it breaks.
Voting nationalist does nothing as it is putting a plaster on a gaping wound.
The time for violence will come soon.
But it will be a while yet.
Look at how bad it had to get in Wiemar Germany before the NSADP got into power.
We're getting there.
The next recession will herald a global shift.

dear us anons. is there a petition i can sign to prohibit canadians to travel to my country? thanks

That sucks. JF was a bad man. His court documents say stuff that could imply that he tried to get his kid aborted.

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This. Except I personally think Warski was addicted to meth.

it was just a prank officer bro
this cokehead needs to be locked up

3 things we can learn from this:
1) NEVER call the cops.
2) NEVER talk to the cops. NOTHING good comes from talking to cops.
3) NEVER try to use police as leverage against other people for petty shit. You start shit with people, don't get cops involved.
4) NEVER do stupid shit in public in a group. Group dynamics make things go too far.

I think we all know that the public livestreaming shit will be banned because of this. It could've gotten someone killed, it causes problems, and its not possible to use in a society full of White liberal faggots who start fights when offended for other people.

And let me say this again for people who are too stupid to just listen: you don't talk to the police because NOTHING you say to cops can be used for your benefit but EVERYTHING you say to them can and will be used against you. Failure was the dumbest person in the conflict because he caused it to actually escalate and he talked to the cops. I can't hate Failure or Andy but they both fucked up. However, Andy was the smarter one when the cops got involved because he knew to shut up. How big of a fuck up do you have to do to have to think back and say "damn, I should've listened to Andy Warsky"

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>5 things

Warski is incapible of self-reflection. He was probably thinking about how much attention this could bring in.

yep, I preditcted when he started the entire shit show with JF that he was one personal crisis away from begging for cigarettes at a train station.

Andy was never Alt-Right he was just alomg for the ride.

I like you Burger. We should be friends if I wasn't about to go into an internment camp for not sucking dick. Fuck this country.

>We should be friends if I wasn't about to go into an internment camp for not sucking dick. Fuck this country.
Did the dog get off the leash?

He has Borderline Personality Disorder

There's no more doggos. They were all shipped to Hongcouver and processed for food. The only way to fuck a dog is to heat up store bought ground beef and throw some fur on it. It doesn't push back against your dick nor does the smell of peanut butter permeate the room. It's just not the same. Tastes ok though.

>It will never happen
algerians probably said something similar at their lowest point, there's no reason to think it can never happen, no matter how impossible it looks right now things can only change.
europe may become 30% or 60% or 80% non-European but it won't change the fact that hundreds of millions of Europeans live there, and that those people will not remain faggots forever, but will eventually become angry enough and organised enough while their state becomes disorganised enough and weak enough that things can radically alter in surprisingly little time. momentum can shift on a dime, it's just right now it's all against us and has been for over half a century. it will change, we just have to be there when it does.


Switch to goats. I'm sure some foreigners will sell them to you.

Is this spic cope posting? Lmao

Can ayone unfortinate enough to watch the whole thing give me a quick rundown so I don't have to watch it. Why did it all start?

They got in a fight over a racist superchat on the speaker. Later the guys followed them, attacked failure and alex took out his gun. Then they called the cops and alex got arrested for pussying out and pulling a gun instead of fighting

Holy shit he might get 5 years.

whats the context?

The level of e-celeb gossip ITT is off the charts. I'm cringing so hard I can barely sage

Althype didn't "stop believing in race realism"

His video where he changes opinion is essentially "Whites aren't that great and they don't agree with us that much more".

What I think happened was a mix of blackpill and opticscuck. Althype has a history of opticscucking a lot, so this makes sense. He thinks a ethnostate is impossible and that a more 56% republican platform has a better chance to succeed.

You would have to be retarded to forget that there's a lot of leftists whites.We were all well aware of this, and somehow althype forgot this and it's now a revelation to him. He also forgot all the arguments that he himself gave before. For example, he says in the video that there are conservative hispanics that should be conservative enough to not regress towards the mean. He forgot that hispanics vote left even when they are conservative.

This is gay as fuck. Lots of chest puffing from jake paul tier edge fags. It was 3on3 and they shit theirself, pulled a gun and rang the police.

Pathetic and embarrasing

>along for the shekels

I personally have no idea why he would think that WN would somehow include what he calls "whites without the first world strain", in other words degenerates, race traitors, communists. Obviously those people are not liked and would never be allowed.

As for the broader masses that are kinda cucky, he forgets the environment. The people that are still conservative are the ones who have resisted massive ideological programming. The cucky masses are more agreeable and will come around even if it takes some time, without segregation. He also forgot intra-white birthrates. Conservatives breed more so without nonwhites the US will automatically grow conservative.

>leftists whites
At least here that accounts for at least 80% of whites. Also, AH's videos haven't really changed all that much since his about face on WN so it's whatever.

>Conservatives breed more
It's really only social conservatives that do & those are lower IQ whites who dick ride Israel & cucked Christianity more than any other group. They're a dead end at best.

noyou souldn't of been a leftist and an athiest in general insteal of idolizing others.

get good with god and many good things will come your way.
But knowing OP this post will be ignored and your life will contuine to be shit

So the subhumans who were trying to chase after him and assault him and his friends get off scott free but the dude pulling a gun to get them to finally fuck off gets felony. Makes sense.

They are both race realists you retards. It was about IQ, The nature of their arguemnt was that Alt hype believes IQ is a valuable metric, and JF does not. because JF is a french faggot who fucks jewish retards.

im 4 minutes in and i feel like its been over an hour, this shit is gay.

Well where do you draw the left-right border?

>only social
Where did you see this?`unz.com/anepigone/among-whites-conservative-libera/ This for example is political orientation.

And their IQ isn't bad. Religion is needed, but yeah israel sucks, but younger generations are moving away from israel. They aren't WN, but they are one hell of a lot closer to it than liberals. The change can happen quickly.

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JF is a jew you stupid cunt. It's so obvious he only wants shekels.

that cunt is so painful to watch with that quebecois accent he has god damn.

I mean, these retards pretty much provoked a situation like this by walking around with a gun and blasting racist music. What the fuck did they expect.

lol jf is crazy, ecelebs are all insane attention starved faggots who have serious mental hangups. and they always implode, when they do the payoff is typically epic. like chris chan livestreaming his dick cut off video.

weeeelll if it was a kid with that jewish retard he's been shagging i mean....

He stopped believing in IQ as an inheritable trait. So, yeah.

No I don't care about his accent especially quebecois cousins, he can be understood fine (although he makes no effort on "th" but who cares). The problem is he doesn't care about Europe or anything than others than shekels.

>JF fucks retarded Jewish mongoloids
Based and tardpilled

There is little on this earth that is gayer than IRL streaming. Maybe interracial gay porn, but not much else.

he doesn't make any effort on how he speaks, and he's an absolute cuck who censor his guests, yet cries about muh censorship.

>Now for the first time
Depends how long a view you have toward history. DNA testing on ancient corpses would suggest we've been falling back for thousands of years.


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If your ideology is the precursor to clown world you're leftist, I see no reason to make a distinction beyond that because those people will literally fight you to protect Tyrone.
On alt hypes website, on a study done by some college that looked at economic conservatives versus social conservatives, the study proving the flynn effect is bullshit & white IQ has been dropping since the 50s in the US & Edward Dutton, who I have no doubt is using those very same studies and more probably, that I just mentioned to come to that conclusion.
You can copy paste each one of my statements into google & find those studies, you can also search edward dutton on YouTube, he has a channel & some very good discussions with Richard Spencer & JF as well concerning this topic. He also has a book "At Our Wit's End" there's other books by other authors that detail this as well but I'm too lazy to look at my bookshelf to hunt them down but if you're interested look at related books on amazon.
>They aren't WN, but they are one hell of a lot closer to it than liberals. The change can happen quickly.
They hate WN & think white tribalism is the same as SJWs while we rapidly die off. I won't shit on anyone for having hope for them but I refuse to see these people as anything other than controlled opposition who will gladly see whites go extinct to virtue signal about muh liberals.

this is false

He said one time that he accepted the fact his english won't improve much because he had other things in priority. He should talk in quebecois, he's supposed to have voted for the separation of Quebec.
Now the problem with him is in his mind Europe is dead for x reasons but you actually hear him say later he doesn't care about Europe because they are poor (aka they don't give me enough money) and many weird things like that. The fact he's with a jewess is when I unsubbed. I don't care about turbo autism but I do mind greed and being false. Also somewhat unrelated but his chat is ultra cancer and he doesn't give a fuck.

i never watch his stuff, except when there's good guests, and he end up pissing me off even if the guest is saying interesting stuff.

Metokur covered it well.They got into a fight outside a bar with racist loudspeakers. They both walk away initially, then Andy follows the guys and they get into a second fight in front of the bar. Alex tazes one of them, but the guy doesn't even flinch. They break off and Andy and co walk around for an hour.

The guys they fought find them and it's a 3v3. Andy keeps saying stand your ground, falure tells Alex to pull out the gun and starts walking towards them, Alex was telling them both to just walk away.

Failure goes right up to them and starts saying "I feel threatened" so that the audio is clear for Andy, then the guys punch him and yells "shoot".

The cop sees all of this when looking at Andy's footage, and that's why he calls them pussies.

After the lauren rose saga I just couldn't take him anymore, I think that describes most people since his subscribers has barely moved up since then when it was rapidly growing up to that point.

In his own video Hyp acknowledges that he might just be blackpilled and cucking out, but can you really blame him? 90% of the right accepts the narrative of WhiteRacism™. Look at how anemic all of the populist votes of 2016 have been. Brexit was completely ignored, and Trump has done little to stop the flood of browns. Whether this is his fault, or just the limitations of democracy, the end result is the same.

How can you fight for a people who won't fight for themselves?

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I'm just surprised no one noticed. He keeps talking about wanting kids and loving to have as many children as possible. I think he's trying to deflect from his true intentions. Fucking hate sociopaths. Him and CRP are the scum of the earth.