Brendon Tarrant said, in his manifesto, that he had no problem with kikes or fags. He targetted the only group in this country that unashamedly hates kikes and fags. As a Bible reader, should I identify with Brendon, or the Muslims? Please cite verses
Brendon Tarrant said, in his manifesto, that he had no problem with kikes or fags...
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As someone whose race is about to be genocided and replaced, you don't give a shit about kikes and fags.
Buy a Quran and repent!
La Illaha il Allah!
Maybe you are illiterate, but he said that he had a problem with kikes in his country.
Kill yourself, you faggot imam. Its a tragedy your family didn't get thrown in the shooting corner.
>Literally WWJD
Did Jesus ever chimp out on women & children like this retarded manlet?
>ablublublu muh women n children so what if they are negroid invaders
>As a Bible reader,
Neither you fucking kike. Stop trying to make us choose sides, all of you deserve to be gassed.
>Assuming there were no valid, higher-priority target in Australia.
Neck yourself, faggot.
Never fails