
Marrying a qt Asian girl is the best redpill. Prove me wrong.

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there is no redpill
it's okay if you breed white, it's okay if you breed east asian, because those two are actual races, everything else in this word is subhuman wannabe and that's why satanist jews push word (((RACEMIXING))) in order to racemix you have to be race to begin with


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I feel bad for the white nationalist guys stuck with white women though.

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Based & Yellowpilled

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Because white woman are whores and basically animals.
>but muuuuh beautiful white woman
Yea until they hit 30 then they look like pic related
>but muuhhh white race
So you want to breed with whore who's taken a 100 dicks by the time shes 20? Lol ok she will cheat on
>but muhh wife was a virgin
Qrong kiddo. Women all lie. Also they dont count bjs as sex

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this. racemixing is degenerate and treason to your race.

>until they hit 30

Try 23. White roasties hit the wall really fast. I am 25 and see how all the roasties from high school look now

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holy fuck, how old is she now?

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Imagine combining the creativity of the white man with the cruelty and diligence of the yellow man

Hapas are the final race to end all other races

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>it's okay if you breed white, it's okay if you breed east asian, because those two are actual races

>this. racemixing is degenerate and treason to your race.

total kek

Korea just legalized abortion you nigger, and Chinese women have abortions like candy.

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Daily reminder that asians and hapas don't belong in the west.

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30 year old

Don't you have to prep your wifes bull?

Stay mad Swedish whore

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ok turk

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must be shopped, surely

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>white women are so ugly and age bad, wan wah wah.
But you’re right, the white race is going down the drain so I’m going to have kids with my Chinese boyfriend.

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why do amerifats think that they're ''white''
there is no such race as white

>there is no such race as white

Especially in the USA


Stop white knighting for white roasties you cuck

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literal granny tier at 32, the wall is real

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I know you’re being sarcastic, but race in America is a social construct to differentiate between caucasoids, negroids, and mongoloids on government documents, the census, old laws like Jim Crow, etc. google it dumbass.

You live in a homogeneous society, as you’re all Turkish rape babies so I don’t expect you to understand.

Imagine if you married her when she was young. I would have to bang prostitutes when she hit 28-30 shes still young

>32 years old
Remember how cute Mary kate and Ashley Olsen were?

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hey chink i fucked my model chinese wife just the other day

>31 year old Hillary Duff

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That girl there is the result of Tiger moms. Read about the Pan family. Hell, take a trip to the AsianParents subreddit and look at how many Asian kids are trying to off their parents.

Fukken hell mate. Is this pre of before that arab/russian dude marriage?

Maybe that's just american women, the girl in the pic looks at 18 like girls here look at 25-30

Your existence is social construct as in BEST CASE SCENARIO your fathers father came into US because he was laughingstock in Europe, but the reality is that you're creatura that you are and you identify as ''white'' so because your skin color is only thing you have left of white culture
later goy

I’m a white female. Why would I pretend to be an asian guy? At the end of the day, it’s white men who have been mixing with woc, so why can’t I be with an asian?

He’s tall and pale. Meanwhile when white guys get with Asian girls, you go for the 4’11 jungle gooks.

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How is this any different to nigger behavior?
Dont Japs have declining birthrates why would you deliberately tamper that but then ask for the exact opposite treatment from other races. Double minded men, hypocrites.

you can try sideway pussy, I'll take some European sex slaves and create Indo-European bulls who will R1ape the rest of the world.

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This.White men have turned into coward faggots which lack creativity. It's time for the white women to conquer the samurais and upgrade the race.
The knight swords have lost it's time for the katanas.

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I have no idea. It was taken 2 years ago when she was 30 years old

Dude just stop. Just start spamming amwf couples again this new thing your are trying is completely pathetic even by your standards

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You can't if your dick is longer than 5cm

Sorry my ancestors were adventurous and took risks while yours were deepthroating Turkish dick and selling your daughters for 5 goats, all while paying extra taxes just for not being Muslim lololol

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>Sorry my ancestors were adventurous and took risks
hahahah sweet jesus

This isn't happening..

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Asians are subhuman robots without male or female characteristics and hapas are disfunctional af

I see what you did there.

Most celebrities are addicted to hard drugs so this doesn't really represent white women.

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sauce on that gal pleeze?

>What are Native American Indians?

>ywn save Mayli

Why live

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Not too pale, not too nigger , and always having the fierce eyes.
The asian man is the epitome of masculine perfection and white men cannot compete.

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You sound too triggered over the fact that I’m getting dicked by an asian guy. Stay mad.

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Don't you have to beg for your foreskin bag from Moshe after having your legs blown off fighting for Israel only to come back and see your wife getting double teamed by Juan and Tyrone? Don't speak muttboi.

The sauce is all over her face


I remember when they kept saying that mixed races are healthier.

> already looks like shes 25 years old

Some asian dudes can look very classy and masculine. Too bad Koreans went the kpop faggy way.

Koreans and chinese are the poor desperate woman's choice in asians. The best ones are on top which are japanese men.

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someone post the comic

This. The jomon admixture of Japs make them more manly then other asians.

This user gets it

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yes srls

Muh hybrid vigor.

Mayli facial abuse.
Her dad's an investment banker on Wall Street.

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I doubt asians can grow full beard they even lack the typical patchy facial hair.
I know an asian that has only a thin moustache which he never trimmed and he is 22 yo.

If you want to believe asian woman are white man's last hope, then you must also have the ability to ignore what made white woman a lost cause to begin with.

Its bullshit. They are unironically straight up fucked. I know no mix that can produce viable offsprings where both sexes work. Ofc they push it because it means less White people. Additionally confused mixed people may act out against the population. East Asian also is bs since the woman had Asian genes and that means the child if male is basically castrated compared to European men.

Some still look good and manly without a beard, but the beards are always a + in manly men.

forgot pic

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thanks user

Betraying your race to marry ugly women who make terrible wives because you can’t get a white woman is in no way a good idea

The qualities valorized in the muh pure qt Asian gf idealization are absent in the subset of them that are racemixers

Why? East Asian women are incredibly ugly and only beta males go for them

Nah. White men were betraying white women ages before white women even stepped out of Europe.

>can’t get a white woman

Hi roastie

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>yeah until they hit 30
Completely retarded. If your IQ is so low you actually think that’s an argument or in any way accurate you might as well go live with niggers. The fact of the matter is that East Asians are ugly from birth till death and there are very few exceptions

Kill yourself.

I'm so tired of "you can't handle a real woman" argument.

>you can’t get a white woman
Well if I can get a white woman why fucking try in the first place? Her fucking loss not mine. I'll just get another woman. You shills are tiresome.

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But what do you do with your sickly weak kids?


that right one looks like michael jackson

>yeah until they hit 30
Completely retarded. If your IQ is so low you actually think that’s an argument or in any way accurate you might as well go live with niggers. The fact of the matter is that East Asians are ugly from birth till death and there are very few exceptions

>but muh white race
So you admit that you’re a kike trying to destroy the white race

>100 dicks by the time she’s twenty
Again if you’re genuinely that retarded you should subscribe to tariq nasheed and discuss thing with niggers

>woman all lie
So that means easy Asian women lie doesn’t it you fucking retard

Nice cope and roleplay, chang

Aren’t you supposed to cherry pick attractive chinks to make your disingenuous point kike?

Normally these memes are pretty stupid, but in the case of Asians this is not too untrue. I think their genes are even stronger than blacks. pic related 1/4 Korean

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T. Kike

Stop defending ugly foreign women because you’re a beta male

Say it with me, honorary aryan

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Take the japanese man pill. White men are a lost cause.

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T. Retarded chink who knows his women are ugly