I think problems stemming from racemixing are established on Jow Forums. If you’re white your offspring won’t identify themselves as white. Also, WMAF is a problem. Read this experience from an Asian dude about WMAF. I feel pretty bad form asian guys.
Don’t racemix
Other urls found in this thread:
>Listen, it's been like this in San Francisco since the 1960's. THE SIXTIES.
Try to imagine living in an environment where, when you visit an Asian restaurant, 80% of the couples there are WMAF. The AF waitress treats you like shit. Try to imagine going to a WMAF wedding that you had to go to, and seeing nearly ALL the AF's at the wedding in the arms of their white boyfriends. When you walk down the street, the AF's openly sneer and smirk at you. You would imagine the AF's would feel weird. But, no, they have no shame. NO. SHAME. Try to imagine working in SF, and you WM co-workers feel the need to tell you how many AF's they've dated in the past month. And don't forget the African-American male co-workers who also have you tell you how many AF's they've dated in the past month. Try to imagine having a beer with your WM friend and he asks you, "Hey man, how come Asian girls don't like hanging out with you guys". He's not being smart-ass, he's asking a sincere question. Now imagine that happening over the course of a lifetime with different friends.
>Try to imagine being with a white female in public (whether it's a girlfriend or just a friend) and having AF's stare DAGGERS at her and you. Try to imagine living across the street from a day care center, and nearly every time you see an AF pick up her child, the child is unmistakably hapa. Try to imagine being a student in San Francisco State University, and in every fucking class, there's two or three AF's who are saving an empty seat next to them for their WM boyfriends. Try to imagine during Prom week throughout the city, seeing carloads of WMAF high school students going to the Prom. In this city, even the gay Asian men are hooked up with WM's.
>But what hurts most of all, is when I'm at a public venue, whether it's bar, restaurant, movie theater, etc, seeing all the AM's sitting by themselves, or in small groups of AM's being quiet. That's what hurts. I don't even go to public venues in SF any more. I head out to the suburbs. I still see WMAF's in adjacent towns, but at least I'm not overwhelmed by them. I refuse to go to weddings these days. I simply cannot stand to see all the WMAF couples in the weddings, and see the groups of AM's standing by themselves.
>Everything I've written about are things I've personally witnessed and experienced. I'm not making this shit up. I haven't even scratched the fucking surface. I recently had a drink with a friend, an African-American woman. We were talking about the WMAF phenomena. It was surprising how much she understood and how much of the diaspora she herself saw in her company. She said all the young AF's in her company are hooked up with WM's. Anyways, she told me, "I feel sorry for you. You guys are the new n*****s". There was nothing I could find to say, because that pretty much summed up the Asian male experience in San Francisco.
Elliot is a literal kike, and OP is a bitter roastie that won't fuck her group of incel orbiters because they aren't Chad.
Asian-white is the only good mix. Your kids will be white in 2 generations at most. Who doesn’t consider Keanu white? You can find crazy people of every race and mix like Elliot.
>Another poster said that WM's don't have to hire hookers anymore. I think there's an element of truth to that. WM's don't need to hire hookers when they can get an AF for free. Do I have anything positive to say? Well, in the suburbs, I'm beginning to see a small trend. I'm beginning to see groups of younger, high-school age ASIAN kids beginning to hang out together. They seem to have better social skills and more Asian pride than the kids of my generation. The guys are shaking hands. The guys and girls are giving each other social hugs. They seem to be respectful of one another. I see them hanging out in the malls, at Starbucks, in front of the movie theaters. All Asian kids hanging out together, without any white boys around. It's a small trend. We can only hope.
kek you are a sperg or roastie confirmed. Get help
No matter how out of shape, uneducated, or fugly you are, if you're white, there is a line of black guys ready to impregnate you. They would step on Halle Berry herself to get at some overweight slobbering fat girl with buckteeth, a stinky pussy and bad breath, if she's white.
And the white girls aren't innocent, either. They don't care if the man is not going to be there to help raise the baby. They just want the attention, the chance to name their baby a novelty name (with apostrophes), and a tattoo of the baby daddy's name on one of their upper back/neck folds.
>Legit my life the past 2 years here man Its fucking weird. Like the other week i went to the asian art museum and i kid you not, like 30 wmaf hapa kids everywhere with their parents
And you know what irks me the most in this city? Every asian man or boy is treated the same resentment , as if we dont belong here or better, all asian males should be exiled. Tbats my vibe tho espicially when you have tech giants roaming our shoulders with their asian wives (zuck) as if we asian males are going to do something CRAZY...
hapas get the gas
>I don’t know about anyone else here but the WMAF scene in the SF Bay Area is just so emotionally tiring for me - it’s just a non stop barrage that’s can really make me depressed sometimes. It’s been decades since I realized it but I still find it hard to deal with sometimes. I can’t move out so it feels like I’m a permanent inferior citizen at times.
why don’t you just give us the link to said blog
I belive people should just marry whoever will provide them with a stable marriage, regardless of their race.
I’ not posting my experience, I’m not asian nor hapa. I’m posting experiences from asian guys from reddit. (inb4)
Thing is, same race couples are the most stable sooooo....
Not in todays society. Who the fuck wants a women who talks and acts like a man. Has gigantic roastie lips burps in public. Fucking wont stop stuffing her face. Has a giant nigger ass. And most importantly of all wont fuck. Oh and she looks like pic related at 25-30. Yep sounds like a very stable relationship.
Dont you have to prep your wifes bull ivan? Fuck off
Problems with identity stem from more than just race as individual clans within races may not hivemind into the same culture. In the broader sense, what have simplified and memed into being classic cultures is arbitrary but still instil a sense of belonging on a superficial level. Even in the contemporary politics, the idea of not living in the right place, not experiencing the right thing, coming from too much money or too little money are all used to alienate further. A mixed person has the problem where they belong to neither, something that they live with their whole lives, so in a way acclimate to contemporary life without the unique complaints of having a horse in the race of demographics unless they really wanted to play that game.
On average. Two people being the same race is no guarantee that the relationship will succeed, as there are always exceptions. What's really important is each individual in the relationship, not superficial aspects.
Of course, you need a relationship in the first place to understand this, so I can see why you're confused.
>Dont you have to prep your wifes bull ivan? Fuck off
Lol did I hit a nerv mutt?
>On average. Two people being the same race is no guarantee that the relationship will succeed, as there are always exceptions
You don't understand averages and exceptions do you? Having a wife of the same race doesnt mean it won't fail, 8 never said that. Mixed race couples tend to break up on bad terms far more often than same race couples
Neck fold Demetrius tattoos are sexxxyyy.
Looks better the more diluted it gets
Oh by all means. But here is the thing: relationships don't end because there is a magic timer in your genes saying "break up with white boi in 4 months", nor is there a check that says "chick is also white relationship will last". Statistics are cold numbers that superficially glimpses at results while ignoring any underlying causes.
In the end human interactions are complex and each should be approached as an individual case. Reducing them merely to "mixed race" and "same race" is brainlet and will only lead to disappointment and loss of oportunities.
I remember Lindsay Lohan being hot as fuck when I was a kid. It's almost sad to see how much she's aged like milk
Don't be like him
>If you’re white your offspring won’t identify themselves as white.
This is true, even generations later. They’ll always keep aligning with the other side even after the relevant cutoff
All right let me explain it shortly, different race means foreign person in my life this is subconscious, children like playing with same race children, people trust more others of same race, etc etc...
Different race usually means different customs traditions and sometimes even different religion, but just the biological part is huge when determening how long the relationship will last. Something tells me you are taking this personally and are either with a different race partner or race mixed yourself. I'm. Not saying mixed couples down work
The kids(assuming they are his) look 100%wtf maybe you see the European genes in their adulthood but holy shit, just trow your genes down a toilet I guess
These are literally 1/4 Koreans (3/4 white)
Well it beats fucking blacks or muslims
I race mixed already. I’m married to my ethnic wife though and we a good happy family. I’m white shes not. Our baby looks pure white. So that makes it ok.
Oh, fuck me, Emily Clarke is 1/8? No!
so the grandma was a self hating racist.
Would this girl, if she can, choose to look like an Indian woman instead? no?
SMELL THAT FUCKING ROAST, all that mileage has caught up with you huh you ovary's have dryied up and the white man wont touch you any more, too bad.
most Asian women are more traditional, men want women they don't want subhuman brain washed children sorry.
Read my other replies
Whoooaaaa, hold on just a minute, what kind of a racist is this guy!? I am shocked and disgusted.
>In this city, even the gay Asian men are hooked up with WM's.
What's funny is that the kids look more asian than the dad, he'd easily pass for white in America.
but user you don’t think it’s brave lmao?
You re telling me if I move to SF I can get an azn gf ezpz?
Fuck you ching Chang I'm taking one
He really doesn’t desu
Physical appearance is hardly the only reason kids are ostricized. It's really only a matter of how well a kid integrates with the others which is for the most part an individual case, and even then this has nothing to do with the subject at hand. It'd be realky idiotic of you to break a stable relationship up under the pretext that "if we have children they might get bullied".
Different cultures, religions, customs and traditions hardly mean they should clash completely as there is always a middle ground, and most people do not follow theirs completely. Hardly every catholic follows the bible perfectly, likewise you'll find Jewish, Buddhists and Taosists with more lax takes on their religion. There was even a time in the 40's where muslims and jews got along just fine in the middle east without war and had families together, so this is a lot less of a factor than what you'd belive.
It's hardly personal, and I am just enjoying the debate. In Mexico the concept of "race" is extremely diluted and social class is far more important.
You shouldn't live in an echo chamber where everything you say is regurgitated by people who agree with you, and shut off everyone who disagrees. Broaden your horizons and always consider "what if I am wrong and they're right"?
>I recently had a drink with a friend, an African-American woman.
"white people have got to go"
Those girls look underage. But props to Chang, he looks like he's having a blast.
Mixed race children almost always live their lives searching for a substitute for ethnic identity, and there will always be someone (mostly kikes atm) promising them this substitute with the intent of exploiting them. This desire for ethnic identity and being part of something on a biological level that lives on after the death of the individual is just part of the human condition.
The "individualist" (i mean the modern JBP types, classical individualists respected freedom of association and disassociation)
>All of society's problems are the result of our failure to eliminate group identity
antipattern fails for precisely the same reason that the communist
>All of society's problems are the result of our failure to eliminate greed
antipattern fails. It's literally the exact same argument in that it places ideology above human nature, and requires engineering of the human condition in a manner that is dysgenic if individuals choose to adopt it locally, or creates an unaccountable political entity if it is imposed globally.
It's locally dysgenic because kikes like pic-related who secretly maintain their ethnic identities while everyone else abandons them, can do this false flagging, and the result is an environment of chaos, in which their ethnic identity gives them the advantage of a common social context which does not depend on ideologies (which can be subverted). This advantage then translates into an incentive to cause chaos, and results in people who cause chaos rising to the top.
Same desu.
Is Kate fucking black guys yet
Your posts smell like rotting PMS blood and cat piss.
Why not?
That implies that your chink son will score with a white woman, much less any woman
kek based
Self-hating Asian women are so stupid that they thought by having kids with a white man, their kid will be white but forget you can only have white kids if both the mom and dad are white. Hapas look more Asian than white and most of the time, they look like mutts with down syndrome.
If being some sort of minority weren’t some sort of badge of honor nowadays, she wouldn’t be blatant about it nor “proud”.
>Those bodies
No need to sad feel for us, we don't even want westernized AFs either.
If you marry a Mexican your kids will identify as white
Sure they will Jeb.
Imagine diluting your own genes in an effort to spread them because you cant get with a WF so you settle for an AF.
1.3billion Indians
1.3Billion Chinese
>breeding yourself out of existence.
Literally creating more Asians.
We know this but it keeps happening.
Pretty much
But they should try