Kiwifemanon here, and no, I wont show you my tits incel. I only told you my gender as it is related to the story.
So how do you feel now that its clear your homophobic bigotry is not accepted? I keep reading about your "day of the rope" yet every day it tightens around your neck. More immigrants. More multiculturalism. More Islam. More girl power - in the office, in the workplace, government and academia. Day of the rope? It should be clear to all of you now living in Western Countries that there will be no revolution of straight white men. Instead, one night, a knock on your door and a black bag over your head. How does it feel to be on the losing end for once, white men?
tits and timestamp or else this is disinformation and demoralization, you know the rules ho
Adrian Allen
If his team wasn't a bunch of losers they would have all copy and pasted exactly what this guy wrote to their own social media accounts. What are they going to do, terminate the entire team?
Isaac Sanders
Show tits. Nobody cares about your stupid opinions. Tits or GTFO.
Ian Diaz
the future is either white or there is no future. if we lose, everyone will.
Chase King
>everything you said will be cancelled by what you said :
Just take a look at the CEO of Rugby Australia to see why this happened. Feminist subversion. Useful idiots to the Jews and too cocky and arrogant to even see the long term damage they're doing to stable society