Tfw all the relics in Notre Dame were apparently saved, including the Crown of Thorns and the pieces of the True Cross

>tfw all the relics in Notre Dame were apparently saved, including the Crown of Thorns and the pieces of the True Cross


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Some were removed about 2 weeks ago......
>for safe keeping.


Good,now the culture minister can melt it.


It's nothing goyim

Seems mighty suspect to me.

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It was planned

If this is true, what is the purpose of doing that. It implies that Christians, the only ones who would care about this stuff, burned the church down. For what purpose?

I demand beheading

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It's a miracle.

This has to be a fucking joke.

No shit. The ones displayed are mostly replicas.

its a jesuit symbol

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All this garbage is fake. But so is religion. Truly is for sheep.

>believing Jews have had a trademark on six pointed stars for the last 9,000 years

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No, it implies that there was prior knowledge and that whoever planned to remove these structures (in order to replace them) wanted to make sure that priceless artifacts were unharmed. Priceless artifacts fetch a worth a lot of money, obviously.

I wish American I wish
Its clown world
No its worse, its ablaze

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Macron needs to be taken by the Gilets Jaunes. He is a massive cuck and has failed the French people.

>tfw there's pieces of the true cross in my hometown in bumfuck PA

Should have saved that “miracle” and produced some rain.


For FUCKING safe keeping.
Do i hear 9/11, part 2?!

Honked and clownpilled.

Pist sauce. Cant find that tweet. Fake news

Rather the building were saved and this garbage burned up. Hey let's burn it up anyway for being evil bullshit that's poisoned people's minds for a thousand years.

It was an inside job.

Tax day was an inside job


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It's a damn shame

Yeshua was a jew you mutt

Would mean more if you weren't busy getting your shit pushed in by religious zealots. But sure, go on about how the future belongs to the rational level-headed thinkers.

Nah they burned down they're going to fake them

I used to think this timeline was a I realise it's a comedy...

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Watching comments on israrli news reports. All ordenary people say its very sad. Some say its inside job because a rock building cant burn like that.
Religious nutjobs are happy say its revenge for destruction of the temple by romans


The crown of thorns is one of the things they held down Jesus with so they need to keep it save for their rituals.
They kept it while only burning down the cross part of the cathedral.

I saw a no sauce post saying the crown piece burned.

Can't wait for the gargoyles to be changed to nude Transexual Niggers wearing hijabs and yamucles buttfucking Jesus.

well that would certainly make the gargoyles scarier.

>this post when seen

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The jews did with the star what we’ve done with the rainbow flag you worm

That's wEiRd.

>Swedes btfo.

(((safe keeping)))