What in the modern world could be destroyed that would be equivalent to the loss of Notre Dame? America doesn't really have any equivalents and I'd like to gain some perspective. I'm interested in your analogies.
Cultural Appraisal
If the Statue of liberty burned down that would be a big deal but I don't think it made of flammable things?
Our country is not as old theirs but we have things that are important to us still. I don't know how important this cathedral really is to the french people.
One of the monuments in DC would be an equivalent i think.
This is basically a French 9/11
I think it's worth about 10 Twin Towers, 5 Statues of Liberty, 2.5 White Houses, and/or Yellowstone National Park
Wall Street, the stock exchange in London, shit like that. It'd be great
In America, I reckon the most impactful structure to be damaged and no longer exist (with all sorts of symbolism regarding such an act) would probably be the statue of Liberty.
Ironically, technically a French gift.
Can't think of anything more modern than that. Maybe the Vehicle Assembly Building in NASA but I am somwhat of a space geek.
I suppose nationalists might care about burning the white house, but, err, it has been burned before, so I think if your building has a history of getting burned and rebuild it probably deminishes the impact a bit.
This tells a very sad thing about the vulgar, bestial nature of US culture
Or, one Reichstag.
There's nothing in the states as valuable as the Notre Dame Cathedral.
Some might argue things like the White House or the Capitol Building. Those are no where close.
most of our cultural landmarks in the US can't really be burned down. given the likelihood of notre dame not being an accident it would be fair to compare it to mount rushmore being blown up, but even that isn't quite as bad because mount rushmore isn't filled with holy relics.
statue of liberty is more comparable to the eiffel tower
What about the Great Wall of China? The pyramids? Christ the Redeemer? Would you say those of more less value as cultural landmarks?
I don't even think it should be limited to architecture. If the entire 20th century of film were somehow lost, would it be more or less of a catastrophe than what happened today?
feats of engineering such as the Burj Khalifa, cultural marvels such as the Statue of Liberty, symbols of historical pride such as Big Ben, etc.
That's tough to say. The US is a relatively young country all things considered, so we don't really have that much as far as landmarks or historic monuments are concerned. I was actually thinking about this recently. But I did think of a few things.
>the statue of liberty
>the manhattan and empire state building
>grand central station
>generally any of the buildings you hear about extensively in school that's in DC
>washington monument, lincoln memorial, etc
>churchill downs
>the alamo
>st louis arch
>seattle space needle
>disney world
That's about all I got
Can you elaborate?
I can think of plenty of things I'm not posting any of them though to give any dumbasses reading this any ideas. They're a little less obvious
Think smaller
Original declaration of independence or constitution. Countries with monuments as old as the Notre Dame can rarely pinpoint when their nation came to be. But you have that.
Independence Hall would be the only thing I can think of, but even then that doesn't come close to the amount of historical significance Notre Dame has
Frogs should be rioting in the streets
>Independence Hall
That place where our Government was created is not significant? It might not be 800+ years old but to think there isn't anything of significance is retarded.
Well the statue of liberty would be a big one for the US.
As for the rest of the world, for UK it would probably be Big Ben although it's nowhere near as old as Notre Dame. For Russia it would be Saint Basil's Cathedral, for Germany Brandenburg Gate, for Italy there's a lot of iconic sites that would be a shame to lose.
Other places in the world would be Pyramids, Forbidden Palace in china, and that's about it. Those are all the major places in the world comparable to Notre Dame in value.
Didn't Burj Khalifa catch fire like 3 years ago? It's not that important as it can be rebuilt and has little historical value
>It might not be 800+ years old
You're discrediting this way too much. Something with centuries worth of history and culture behind it has a much more significant loss than somewhere like Independence Hall. For the record I didn't even say it was insignificant, just not near as much as Notre Dame.
Also i'd be willing to believe at least half of the US population couldn't even tell you what Independence Hall is
If Trump was assassinated.
Nothing is comparable. This is truely a day of days.
Except 3200 French citizens weren’t killed
Blow up Mt. Rushmore. That’d have an impact upon a big chunk of The American psyche.
The Native American prairie-nigger would love that. Remember having to read an easy in college about how some Dakota prairie-nigger and his pals snuck into Rushmore, climbed up the back of the mountain, formed a human chain so someone could piss on George Washington’s nose.
This is literally one of the worst things that could happen. Most countries have no monuments of this cultural value. Think Hagia Sophia and the Vatican not some shitty commercial building in neoclassical style.
Should the liberty bell be destroyed, that would be a similarly painful incident for America.
Seoul and Pyongyang mutually destroying each other with nukes would be on par with the sheer symbolic... pain, in a racial sense.
If you mean for zionists then go do a bombing of the EU, IMF, or FED.
Yea this is like us losing Saint Basil's Cathedral, and even then Notre Dame is 300 years older than our Cathedral. I feel bad for France.
Federal Reserve? Kek
Los angeles. The church of satan. Set that on fire.
Not yet. But if this is the flame that ignites all-out civil war. How many lives then?
I know, I know. Nothing ever happens. Except it does. It's just not news anymore. I live in a country so quaint and quiet that if we was in the Tolkien tales, we'd be the shire. Even during world war two, the Germans called us 'the cream front' and when the America came they found a place that was only short on non-essential tropical imports, tobacco, coffee and chocolate mostly, everything else we had in abundance.
Yet, [pic] was taken this weekend, and constable cuck and his buddies gave up and withdrew from the area.
What? Every single one world wide at the same time? Now that would be one hell of a happening
Did you forget about this badboy?
I think the loss of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin would have a similar impact
For the US we don't really have anything that grand and old, full of history and beauty. Monuments or Statue of Liberty might work. Liberty would work really fucking well as a wake up call if it's actually known that the perpetrator is a shitskin, or even worse a durka durka. Having the jewish and left's sacred pet cow destroy the image that lefties throw around as a reason to invite fuckin errybody into US would be absolutely amazing. They would trip over themselves like you haven't seen before.
There is nothing in American architectural history that has the same impact as notre dam... and most American wouldn’t give a shit if they blew up the Statue of Liberty. Only boomers would
Nope, haven't forgot that.
What about American cultural history as a whole? I didn't say it had to be architectural.
Taco Bell headquarters.
Loss? What loss?
They saved all the contents and 90% of the structure. It's mostly stone. Not very flammable.
How is it 'lost'? Needs some renovation, but nothing impossible. The cost will probably be crowd-funded within a week. Small portion of the roof and a spire. Few years for a skilled team.
Compare/contrast the Buddhist statues blown to gravel by certain members of the Religion of Peace (TM). They weren't 3D laser-scanned, computer-mapped and probably recreatable from scratch from all the data we have on them. Gone.
This was covered by insurance.