Is there anything women excel at? Men are better in about everything.
>Literature, both prose and poetry
>Music, vocals, instrument, classical, opera
>even dancing
>movies, both directing and acting
Is there anything women excel at? Men are better in about everything
The only thing I disagree with is singing, they can sing just as good as a guy if they put forth the effort. It's pretty pathetic though, that's all they have. It's a stereotype that they belong in the kitchen but even so in every restaurant, where the quality of the food is actually important, it's a guy cooking.
My man right here.
Incels are funny
bleeding without dyeing...
they cant even grow children properly, they just carry them and give them milk
>women know nothing, get everything
obey to the pussy juice!
Well they make better care givers, which in turn may mean they'd make better doctors, more empathetic and that. If I was going to a doctor for some kind of mental health help I'd rather it be a female doctor, if it was any kind of surgery related thing I'd prefer a male doctor obviously.
I don't know. The average male jew could give them a run for their money.