I need to redpill my cousin, he thinks that black people have some sort of genetic difference that allows them to run and jump faster which can easily segue into thinking niggers are physically superior which we all know they aren’t (already showed him powerlifting records). Anyone can provide any non cucked redpills and studies?
I need to redpill my cousin...
Accept the BNWO, user. Learn to love your place as a cuck.
i have sex with my cousin a couple times a year
it's hot
Chimps are stronger than humans. That is a fact. I would never fly on an airplane designed by a chimp, or want to live next to a chimp, however.
Good ass titties on that white bitch
Isn't that usual in the state of Kansas?
sauce please
He's right.
Different races are better at different things.
Negroids have stronger physical skills but Caucasoids and Mongoloids have more developed brains
I recall hearing people here saying that niggers were faster than white people because they eat a lot of bananas and shit, so I pictured in my mind a pack of niggers climbing trees and collect bananas.
Fucking HOT