Fearless Leader Comrade Yang!
* Washington 4/15 youtube.com
* CNN 4/14 youtube.com
* Boston 4/10 youtube.com
* $10 today equals $1000 in two years
* What is the after-math of free money? Do the math, get the bag.
Fearless Leader Comrade Yang!
* Washington 4/15 youtube.com
* CNN 4/14 youtube.com
* Boston 4/10 youtube.com
* $10 today equals $1000 in two years
* What is the after-math of free money? Do the math, get the bag.
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Emerson Polling confirms: Yang is on the way up.
Apparently some Buttigieg butt-guy is unhappy with Comrade Yang's Glorious Socialist Awakening.
Ok Jow Forums, I've seen a lot of stuff about Yang that interests me. But why should I support Yang? Is he gonna keep the other chinks and sand niggers out? What about the spics and niggers we already have here?
He's the only candidate willing to make common-sense decisions.
For example: it costs more than 1c to make a penny. Why do we keep making them? Because nobody in DC wants to show leadership on a non-political issue.
Andrew Yang has it on his website: yang2020.com
None of the other candidates will think that hard. Make America Think Harder. MATH
Well YEAH, I mean that shit makes sense. But is he going to fucking cuck us for the (((greater good)))?
I do not know yet. I believe we will all find out before the end of the year.
In other words, I know what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden will do if elected. I'm willing to take my chances for now on an asian cat.
At his rally tonight in DC Yang said he'd be the first president to bring a powerpoint deck to the State of The Union, because as of now the address has devolved into something "so weird"
The guy is a boss.
I just hate it because a lot of what he says makes sense, but then he tacks on LGBTQ+ rights and support for DREAMERS or some shit.
The VAT I think is a great thing to be implemented, and so is the UBI.
But then he talks about Climate Change, and then brings up Ranked Choice Voting. I've been wanting Ranked Choice Voting for fucking ever.
>but then he tacks on LGBTQ+ rights
I hate that "LGBTQ" thing. Being gay is a biological thing - as long as they're quiet about it I don't care. Even the mormons are fine with it now.
Being transgender is a mental disorder. No sane man wants to cut their dick off. Yang has seen the light on circumcision, maybe he'll get the rest of the way.
I was at the DC event today. Ask me anything
How many Lefties versus Republicans did you see?
What the heck, I'll actually give him 10 bucks. America is screwed at this rate anyways. I might as well get paid in the process. Give me my YangBucks!
Also is he going to dress in a Hatsune Miku costume for his hologram presentations
yang will never win his policies are to smart
dems will vote between a commie jew and a old rapist
>tfw chinese american heading to Dubai for industrial infrastructure work
>tfw have the chance to go full genghis khan in the silk road until its crusty or just marry my way into an oil dynasty
g-guys, i think i made it.
What is the oil of the 21st century?
Kind of hard to tell. He started shouting out various political affiliations as people who were on his side now and started with "former trump voters" which got a a few cheers, then "republicans" which got more cheers, "libertarians" got significantly more than either of the two previous and of course "democrats" got the most (duh)
The handful of people who spoke before Yang were a bit cringe though. They all just talked about why they like Yang. The first one was this local artsy lesbian who had a sob story about how her parents disowned her but $1000 a month would give her security. Second dude was an asian guy who said he initially liked yang cause "he looks like me". And the third was a black chick who also had some sob story about how she faced discrimination in school. Yang was mostly on message though and stayed away from gay SJW stuff. The only somewhat cringy thing he said was that he supports womens equality and will make them more equal by giving them $1000
Peanut butter
lol he said this outloud and the crowd all yelled different things, mostly "AMAZON!" and he was like "yeah thats right TECHNOLOGY!". Was kind of a funny moment
Hey there. Did you know that the Yang 2020 shills coordinate on Discord? It's true! They even have a channel for "engineering" memes to use as propaganda. You can see for yourself. The ENTIRE Discord shill group can be downloaded here.
He says he wants to empower women. Thoughts?
Oh, also: only saw one guy with a pink vaporware hat, which was disappointing.
Oh oops I didn't see this post. Yeah so he says the Freedom Dividend will enpower women because they can walk away from their abusers.
>then he tacks on LGBTQ+ rights and support for DREAMERS or some shit.
He's just consolidating his inter-party appeal. He's a strange one though, doesn't act at all like a typical libtard.
But maybe that's why I'm tentatively rooting for him. He seems more moderate than Shillary was.
his plan to empower women and black people and other minorities is literally just give them all $1000 bucks a month just like everyone else.
Yang isn't about identitarian politics, which is why you see so much support for him from the right
nice pusy
>"Yeah, that's right, technology!"
I'm losing my shit
basically this. he pretty much doesn't give a fuck about identity politics, which is why he is the most based democrat.
dems giving lip service to SJWs is the same as republicans giving lip service to christcucks. remember all the times trump said all that lukewarm phony and pandering shit about how much he loves god and all that shit? yeah pretty much thats what yang does in regards to SJW shit
Shut the FUCK up boomer and give me fucking money!!!
yeah dude it was pretty hilarious.
Yang is legit a funny dude and he's got charisma in a way that makes him just seem like a regular dude, albeit a smart one
He's in tough spot right now because he has to win support from both sides. He is gaining some conservative followers but not nearly enough and on the left, if bernie gets shafted by the DNC, people will probably vote for Pete Buttigieg.
Some people want candidates to focus on their issues. I just want candidates that can help grow the meme economy. Last time the memes were dank but it'd be nice to see a solid show from both sides desu.
still early, I think he's got time to gain more steam. he's definitely gained a lot of steam since JRE and he's been on ton's of podcasts and shows on FOX/CNN etc. the dude is campaigning aggressively, and in markets no other dems are even trying to (because they don't need to). he's still a longshot, but he might be able to pull a bernie and be a solid darkhorse candidate. luckily theres no hillary around and the DNC has realized how much they fucked up by burying bernie.
honestly bernie is his main threat. biden will fizz out early and buttchug and cameltoe just won't get the same sort of support since the party is moving towards progressives like bernie and yang rather than establishment cucks
luckily Yangs got both. he actually has a clear stance on his issues and sticks to them and has got danker memes than any other dem at the moment. still not as dank as anything on the right but give it time
Thank you for admitting he is a communist.
Indy, Indy !!!!!
>danker memes
No all the memes that were "made" were just memes from back in 2016 during the trump campaign but you unoriginal fuckwits plastered this guys ugly chink face on trump.
Shut the FUCK up boomer, and give me my mother fucking MONEY!!!
>assuming i'm a trump supporter
Ah, back at this game again.
No nigger.
omg its my OC I feel so blessed
I dont want fiat, need the 1000 in crypto or Im voting for Beto
Niggers get your tax dollars.
Israel gets your tax dollars.
Someone suggest you get your own fucking tax dollars returned to you.
>cry like a fag and scream socialism
I'll say it again.
Shut the FUCK up boomer, and give me my mother fucking money!!!!!
>Gibs me dat
Holy fuck you really are a nigger. kek
NEETbux is the next crypto
And now you can get redpilled.
It's easy for the government to print $1000 American Dollars for every person.
It's impossible for them to print real Bitcoin.
Where do you want your money?
I came here to ask for a quick run down on Yang but as I suspected he needs a helicopter ride. Still looking forward to the election. Gonna be very entertaining.
Yang is suprisingly ahead in this Wordpress poll, any attention is good attention
Kek, alright.
He wants to give all Americans over 18 $1k a month funded by capturing the excess gains of big tech companies via a VAT of 10% (Alaska does this with their oil reserves - its called the Alaska Permanent Fund; and Alaska is a RED state). He calls this the Freedom Dividend and says it is inevitable.
yang2020.com/policies for more.
he's a chinks spy and has no chance of winning, that's all you need to know
>10$ today is worth $1000 in two years.
Holy shit Yang has become self aware!
Shut the FUCK up boomer, and give me my mother fucking money!!!
>Helicopter Ride
Is there where 4 guys fuck you in the ass?
We want our own fucking money back. If everyone got it it wouldn't be us vs. them so your nigger jokes just make you look retarded.
When the pro-yang memes are dank and yours are shit, I know he's onto something.
Swearing won't help things. Neither will the dead-Hitler memes.
He's pro-AWB, so he either supports laws without reading them first, or he lies on purpose just to get scared and stupid people to vote for him. Either way he's a fake.
Gas The Discord Trannies!
Sorry, NEETbux won't be enough to buy a Private Jet and a Mansion.
>Ok Jow Forums, I've seen a lot of stuff about Yang that interests me. But why should I support Yang?
said like a real person, in the real world.
I think you just need to look past that. He's trying to win votes from both the left AND the right. So of course he has to mention women, minorities etc.
It's not a big deal #humanityfirst
>I came here to attempt to educate myself, but as I suspected I enjoy sucking zionist cock too much
Every single person that donates to this guys vacation home aka (((campaign))) should be rounded up and shot for being retarded
This isn't /ptg/, user
a lot of Trump memes are older memes with Trump superimposed on them anyways
taking my $1000 and moving to a all white state with a couple 100k people.
>but then he tacks on LGBTQ+ rights and support for DREAMERS or some shit.
LGBT shit is now a non-factor. Trump saying he didnt give a shit quelled the GOP and nobody really touches it.
The dreamer shit he has to say to win the Dem party nom.
>But then he talks about Climate Change
literally nothing wrong with that. Climate Change IS happening.
>Give all citizens free money
>Let anyone become a citizen
You can only pick one of these. Yang has already chosen. You can draw your own conclusions from there.
>the address has devolved into something so weird
>Trump singing happy birthday to an old Jewish guy
I mean, he's not wrong
Very disappointing. I want the campaign to get behind the pink hats. They would be top sellers and bring in loads of funds for the campaign. They really pop and stand out against all the other candidates' visual identities. And not to mention they're fucking fun. Problem is they won't get behind the pink hats until the stigma is gone and they don't need to worry about Yang being smeared as a racist Nazi or whatever. We need folks out there wearing pink hats showing everyone else that they're good, decent people. One person at a rally in DC isn't anywhere close to enough.
>Yang being smeared as a racist Nazi
This really is a clown world
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
yellow man good :)
illegals would have to wait eighteen years to become citizens
during this time they would not receive the $1000, be required to pay taxes, and could not get a felony
the UBI directly affects immigration policy. want to bring in 1 million people? that's $1 billion a month
all Asians are racists
He has to pay lip service to gays and minorities if he wants to get anywhere on team blue. Whatever his real views are, it's a political necessity
Wow, an organized campaign? What will they think of next.
Anyone have that pick of his PR bitch saying to stop using the pink-hat in their shill discord?
any discord will inevitably get invaded by schizos who want to larp as yang supporters and "subvert" his message with white nationalism and nazi shit. any discord is probably more of these people than actual yang supporters.
Zimbabwe tier economics.
>It won't cause inflation though we'll just raise taxes by 50% and take away any encouragement to produce anything.
No one's told me why people are going to make these robots.
To trade away all the shit they produce for nothing?
How do they pay for energy, spare parts etc?
They don't.
>Amazon paid $0.
>Raise taxes by 50%,
>still $0
>>Trump singing happy birthday to an old Jewish guy
how do MIGApedes continually overlook Trump's numerous pro-Israel statements while accusing others of being Jew-influenced?
maybe the DNC and media did that on purpose to nip his grassroots movement in the bud before it could've exploded
We could make America the best nation in the world by all metrics, but the only thing stopping us is the White male.
Eradicate the White Male.
> $10 today equals $1000 in two years
I guess Bernouts have a new loser candidate to throw money at
>honestly bernie is his main threat
Bernie supporters keep trying to smear him as a libertarian Silicon Valley venture capitalist
no woman will ever vote for a weak ugly chink, just give up yang gang, woman only care about looks in politics and without their vote your ugly chink wont win.